Finally! A journalist who is writing what we have been thinking for the past 5 years!
Will the Real Traitors Please Stand Up?
WHEN America panics, it goes hunting for scapegoats. But from Salem onward, we've more often than not ended up pillorying the innocent. Abe Rosenthal, the legendary Times editor who died last week, and his publisher, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, were denounced as treasonous in 1971 when they defied the Nixon administration to publish the Pentagon Papers, the secret government history of the Vietnam War. Today we know who the real traitors were: the officials who squandered American blood and treasure on an ill-considered war and then tried to cover up their lies and mistakes. It was precisely those lies and mistakes, of course, that were laid bare by the thousands of pages of classified Pentagon documents leaked to both The Times and The Washington Post.
This history is predictably repeating itself now that the public has turned on the war in Iraq. The administration's die-hard defenders are desperate to deflect blame for the fiasco, and, guess what, the traitors once again are The Times and The Post. This time the newspapers committed the crime of exposing warrantless spying on Americans by the National Security Agency (The Times) and the C.I.A.'s secret "black site" Eastern European prisons (The Post). Aping the Nixon template, the current White House tried to stop both papers from publishing and when that failed impugned their patriotism. .......
Journalists and whistle-blowers who relay such government blunders are easily defended against the charge of treason. It's often those who make the accusations we should be most worried about. Mr. Goss, a particularly vivid example, should not escape into retirement unexamined. He was so inept that an overzealous witch hunter might mistake him for a Qaeda double agent.
full article at:
NEW YORK, May 12 -- Robert W. Ray, the former independent counsel who investigated President Bill Clinton's affair with Monica S. Lewinsky, turned himself in to police Thursday on charges of stalking a former girlfriend, according to the Manhattan district attorney's office.
"Keeping taxes low helps Americans find and keep work, supports families and communities with good job bases, and
makes America a great place to do business for companies both here at home and those overseas looking for a place to invest," Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) said in a statement.
"The point is the preponderance of these revenues will go to upper-income people, people who make a million dollars or more," Sen. Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine) said yesterday. "It's a question of priorities."
How Much Would You SaveUnder the Plan?
Income, in 2005 dollars Average tax saving
$10,000-20,000 $2
$20,000-30,000 9
$30,000-40,000 16
$40,000-50,000 46
$50,000-75,000 110
$75,000-100,000 403
$100,000-200,000 1,388
$200,000-500,000 4,499
$500,000-1 million 5,562
More than $1 million 41,977
SOURCE: Tax Policy Center
Even though the dividend and capital gains tax cuts are not set to expire until 2008, Republicans say extending them now through 2010 is
vital to preserve economic stability and maintain a robust investment climate that has pushed the Dow Jones industrial average to near-record heights.
Critics maintain that those tax cuts have overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy, while budget cuts target programs for the poor to close a deficit created largely by tax cuts totaling nearly $2 trillion since Bush took office.
Enjoy your McDonald's Happy Meal, Paul, 'cos that's all you are going to get!