kelticwizard wrote:MM, you're not making a whole lot of sense on this Clinton impeachment question.
You said that as long as they followed the Consititution, you were all right with even though it was a big waste of time and effort.
MM, that position would only make sense if the House were Constitutionally compelled to impeach Clinton. If there was no way to follow the Constitution and NOT impeach Clinton whether they wanted to or not, then I could see your point.
But that is not the case. The House had the choice to impeach or not to impeach-both would have been following the Constitution.
Since you made clear you felt that the impeachment was a big waste of time, it stands to reason that the House did their jobs badly. Because they consititutionally could have chosen NOT to undertake a big waste of time, and instead they did so.
So how can you be all right that?
I am NOT alright with the waste of time and money,let me say that right up front.
But,the house did exactly what the constitution requires.
They looked at the evidence and they had to make a choice.
Personally,I think it was the wrong choice,but under the constitution it was a choice.
They did exactly what the constitution allows them to do.
Fortunately,the Senate wasnt that gullible,and they corrected the mistake.
Again,thats exactly how the Constitution says things should be.
Now,IF Bush is impeached,then the same process will apply.
The house will have to look at the evidence and make a choice.
I am not going to presume to say what they will do,because I dont know.
But again,the choice they make will be according to the constitution.
The choice they make will be either to impeach,or not to.
The constitution does not say that they must make the right choice,it only lays out WHEN the choice must be made,and for what reasons.
Yes,the house did their jobs badly.
If they had done it right,there would have been no impeachment of Clinton.
But,that does not negate the fact that what they did was constitutional,and that they did exactly what the constitution says they can do.
Thats why I said earlier,and will say again that as long as they stay within the limits of the constitution,then I cant complain to much.
I may disagree with what they are doing,or the decision they make,but as long as its Constitutionally correct I will accept their actions.
Of Course,that does not mean that I wont try to get them to reverse themselves.
Thats within my rights according to the Constitution also.