cicerone imposter wrote:Strurgis, Go take a flying leap; I can say anything I wish about this despicable president. He's responsible for the killing of thousands of innocent Iraqis, the unnecessary deaths of over 2,400 of our soldiers, and the cost of this war that is only increasing at astronomical levels that continues to threaten our economy.
A)Learn to spell my name.
B)I would rather not take a leap...flying or otherwise; but, feel free to do so yourself since you seem so thrilled by the thought.
C)I have never said you cannot say something. What I have asked you to do...and you failed to outline the ideas which the Democrats wish to use for their platform.
D)Do not make me remind you of the DEMOCRAT run administration which created many (I said many, not all) of the events which led us into the military confrontations we are currently in or the number of Democrats who supported President Bush at the time and now pretend they never did (although voting records tell the truth).
E)The economy is not that bad, as can be evidenced by the Whackadoodles driving their gas guzzling SUVs to the Sierra Club and Nature Preserves and Earth Day Society meetings and Cindy Sheehan rallies (1 whackadoodle per car).
F)I look forward to seeing your sullen face in 2008 when Jeb is elected...