Now, Jespah. This here is just a friendly little exercise Dale Carnegie would have endorsed or taken for his own if he thought of it first.
edgarblythe wrote:Now, Jespah. This here is just a friendly little exercise Dale Carnegie would have endorsed or taken for his own if he thought of it first.
Build it and they will come.
Hey, I'm just tryin' to be helpful.
jespah wrote:Hey, I'm just tryin' to be helpful.
But you look nothing like a troll.
I allus thought that thing was a cute li'l doggie.
I know, and you people do one heckuva good job. However, there is no real crisis here, just me having a bit fun.
You know, trolls are bad, but they're nothing compared to the struggles of the Iraqi people. Fortunately, thanks to President Bush, victory in Iraq is just around the corner!
Of course it is. Why else would he have an embassy the size of the Vatican built in Baghdad?
That embassy, EB, will be a landmark for the future, as the people of Iraq move resolutely into the sunny uplands of democracy, thanks to the clear vision and resolve of President Shrub . . . er, Bush.
You know, a big vision-- like the President's for victory in Iraq-- REQUIRES a big embassy.
Just a comment, edgar, about "Trickster Tales"
In the jungle, the monkey was always a signifier, i.e. one who would start trouble between the other animals, then stand off and watch them fight. Still a lot of signifiers in today's world.
But not our President--he only wants what's best for the people of Iraq--thank Dog he has the clear-sighted goal always before him . . . er somethin' like that . . .
He rebuilt Iraq's infrastructure in three solid weeks.
Gort, klaatu barada nikto. those magic words will tame the trolls and make the earth stand still. Might even be a dog in there somewhere.
We don't need alien interference, as our President has the clear vision and the resolve necessary to lead us to victory in Iraq.
See? A feel good thread always brings our community closer together.
I think yer all on drugs, the buncha ya.
Even were that so, with the firm hand of President Bush at the helm, we will be safely led to the tranquil harbor of victory in Iraq.
Yer DEFinitely on somethin....
all trolls come from Norway......don't they.
Setanta - I'm so glad to hear that your beloved president has a plan, any plan.................
or something!