najmelliw wrote:Frank apisa wrote :
This is a joke, right?
Naj quotes :
Genesis 3 : 15
And I will put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
he will crush your head,
and you will strike his heel."
The he in 'he will crush your head' has always been taught to me as being Jesus.
As for the barbarism of the act of sacrifice. Yes. It is a barbaricc act. On so far that such a thing is unimaginable in our present day society. But in those days, the act, while uncommon, was by no means unheard of. Just another way of pleasing a hard to please deity.
Especially in the society of today, people know that unbelievers are not killed on the spot. Many of those, like you, are quite open about their own believes. So why should those people that believe in God be afraid of him?
C'mon, Naj....stay focused!
When I wrote the words, "This is a joke, right?"... was in response to your comment:
Quote:Besides, the prediction of Jesus stems from the moment God punishes Adam and Eve. There had not really been all that many sins before that time, I think.
Look at the posting up above...and you will see that my comment follows my quote of that comment of yours...and obviously, it applies to that comment.
I are joking there, right??????????????????
I really do not understand your point in the rest of your commentary, but as to your question, "So why should those people that believe in God be afraid of him? "... response is: If you are talking about the god described in the Bible, how could any sane person not be in abject terror of that pathetic excuse for a god?
Anyone who tells me that they "believe in GOD"...and that they "believe" the god described in the Bible (the god Jesus worshipped) is THAT GOD...
...and who then tells me that they "love" the god and are not afraid of it...
...are, in my opinion, either insane...or lying.
I suspect mostly that they are lying....not necessarily to me, but to themselves.
I suspect they are terrified of the god.
And for damned good reason.