najmelliw wrote:Mr. Apisa,
Take a look at Greek mythology, and the way Prometheus was treated by Zeus for helping mankind...
Gods were depicted as capricious or callous beings, since that most closely resembled the adverseties and misfortunes that beset men during their struggle for survival.
Hunger, sickness, violent storms, floods... Where is the good and benevolent God when those things happen?
I suspect the reason most gods are depicted as capricious and because humans invented them and humans need to depict them as capricious, callous gods in order to make sense of this world with all its chaos and carnage.
In any case, it does appear as though the people who invented the god of the Bible needed a murderous, vindictive, vengeful, petty, jealous, quick-to-anger, slow-to-forgive, laughably tyrannical, savage, cruel, disgusting barbarian....because the invented a murderous, vindictive, vengeful, petty, jealous, quick-to-anger, slow-to-forgive, laughably tyrannical, savage, cruel, disgusting barbaric god.
If the god of the Bible were a would be barred up in an institution for the criminally insane under conditions that would make Hannibal Lecter's incarceration seem like relative freedom.
By the way, don't have to call me Mr. Apisa. Call me Frank. You will, in any case, find that I tend to be frank.