"If god is a perfect being why did he create the universe and everything in it? A perfect being would have need of nothing and want nothing because it would be complete in everyway.... it would not need our "companionship" or love. If anyone can give me a good reason why god created us please do."
Who says God is perfect or that God is a "being". God could simply be something like a Force. Perfection is an attribute of mankind. Is electricity perfect?
God isn't perfect. Perfection is a trait bestowed by man upon a "Super King" that man can't comprehend.
God is a Creative Entity, Energy or Force outside time and the universe. i perceive of God as a "Force" in Its own realm that by Its nature creates in order to gain experience and knowledge. It has no choice, it is just part of Its being.
Its minuscule fractions or particles created the universe and all that's in it. The purpose is the gaining of knowledge and experience and eventual gravitation back into the Oneness of God adding to the fullness thereof.
God exists/Is outside of the universe. Maybe God needed to create the universe in order to gain knowledge/experience that is not obtainable outside of the universal experience.
"Do we need God or does God need us?"
Consider the possibility that:
1. There is a God!
2. That this God Inspired/Created the Reality that allows for the existence of the universe(s), and the relevant "laws" necessary thereto.
3. That this God Inspired/Caused the individual Spirits that exist and that those Spirits continue the effects of Creation just as a child continues to create after its parents have created it.
4. That the Reality of existence is really in a non-physical realm.
5. That the Spirits, while in the non-physical realm, devised/caused the existence of physical reality to come about and caused it to be advanced through the principles of evolution (simply a tool). And that evolution governs the progress of both animate and inanimate things.
6. That the Spirits Created the ability for themselves to "descend" into their physical creation from the non-physical realm (Incarnation and Reincarnation).
7. That Spirits, while in the non-physical realm, are able to know the problems, hurdles and potential outcomes that are going to befall the particular entity that they are going to inhabit, prior to inhabiting it, yet choose to inhabit anyway because of their own "growth" desires/needs.
8. That the events of the physical world (death, pain, suffering and "evil") are not significant to the Reality, which is the non-physical realm, wherein our Spirit's true existence is, and therefore requires no intervention by God.
9. Spirits in the Non-physical realm may, at times, offer suggestive guidance to entities in the physical realm in order to assist them along their chosen path or purpose but such guidance is usually through inspiration (hunches) and dreams.
10. That the purpose of it all is for the experience of God and that eventually all Spirits will gravitate back into the Oneness of God.
My rationale of and for God is explained in the document at the link below which i wrote several years ago:
A Search For Truth
(If it's not an "active" link then simply copy and paste it into your browser's Address box.)
God needs us but not as creatures of worship! God needs us because we, in returning to the Oneness of God, make God Whole.