Hi, Jose: It sounds like you've already decided you're at fault here. Step back and ask yourself if that's true. My life has become wall-to-wall Post-It notes (an age thing, I think) which is now aggravated by the arrival of the most hectic time of the year at my workplace (and my private business.) Factor in springtime, with its obligations and temptations, and there aren't enough hours in the day. Stressed??
Plus, how much of the "burden" are you carrying at home? I know I'm currently doing well over my 50% (75% might be more like it right now) which is all well and good as long as your schedule and lifestyle permits, but when the going gets rough ... you tend to forget things -- sometimes selectively. Any chance you're harboring conscious or subconscious resentments and "forgetting" to even the score for the perceived slights?