Finn d'Abuzz wrote:Considering the fact that the majority of Americans voted in the bastard, you must argue that they were somehow duped. In reality you are all too quick to argue that they were stupid. Brilliant marketing.
Leaving aside that you have no basis for alleging that the Bear considers the majority of the electorate to be stupid (typical horseshit there), you are incorrect in your initial statement.
According to the Federal Election Commission, in the 2000 election:
Bush--50,456,002 votes, 47.87%
Gore--50,999,897 votes, 48.38%
According to Wikipedia, in the 2004 election:
Bush--62,040,610 votes, 50.7%
Kerry--59,028,111 votes, 48.3%
I was unable to find such results at the Federal Election Commission for the 2004 election. However, you have said that "the majority of Americans voted for the bastard." Also leaving aside the legitimacy of the Shrub's parentage, it is worth pointing out that in 2000, he did not even poll as many votes as his opponent. In 2004, as a sitting President in time of war (and before his approval ratings plunged into the toilet), he polled more votes than his opponent. However,
in neither election did all Americans vote, and in neither election did a majority of all Americans vote for any candidate. When Presidential elections never attract more than, and usually fail to attract as much as, even 60% of all registered voters, one can never say of any candidate that a majority of Americans voted for the winner. This kind of "mandate" propaganda is, of course, useful for partisan ranters, though.