Thu 8 May, 2003 12:49 am
Hi everyone
I'm looking for some sites on line that will tell me the miles from point A to point B. I'm bringing my son somewhere in Maine the last week of August to visit with his father and I will need to find a place for myself to hang my hat for a week near by. It's hard for me to search for places since it's hard for me to determine distances just by looking at my Maine map. With my luck I'd get a place that will end up being 3 hours away, lol. Can any of you help me out with sites that have the features I'm looking for?
I think Yahoo has such a thing - but I'll check with my mate tonight.
C'mon - Maine's only a teeny-weeny state - nothing could hbe 3 hours away - could it?
Mind you - my knowledge of Maine is drawn, iN it's entirety, from MASH!
LOL. Maine isn't that small. I know coming from Mass going through Maine just to get to New Brunswick, Canada it takes a good 5 and a half hours of driving just to get through Maine. My son wants to go to a part of Maine that has absolutely nothing as far as lodging goes except for 4 tiny motels and my son and his father may be comfortable in those places, but I need to find a place for myself that atleast has a kitchenette. I have found all kinds of great places all over Maine, but nothing close to Blah Houlton Maine.
Montana, try this link:
Auto Pilot
You can choose a direct route, a scenic route. We used it to plan the most shortest route from Winnipeg to Miami. It will also list attractions, restaurants and lodging along the route.
Maine is huge. It takes 6 hours from Boston to Bar Harbor, and that's only 3/4 of the way up.
Mapquest, that's the other one!
Montana, if you belong to CAA/AAA, you can get a trip planner from them. They'll plot the route for you. Their tour books are also great for hotel, restaurant and attraction info.
I've always just looked at the road maps and planned a route myself. For the last trip I mapped it on Auto Pilot and Mapquest. They came up with the same results, and it was 200 - 300 miles shorter than the route I'd planned.
Montana, How far are you willing to be from Houlton? I'm guessing you've noticed but that area is a bit ummm.. Sparse??? lol Presque Isle would be about 45 minutes north. Bangor would be about 2 hours to the southwest. In between then is.. well.. Houlton! lol
I don't recall there being any place in Maine that is of the suite type that offers kitchettes until you get down to around Portland and a 5 hour drive probably isn't going to cut it.
There may be something in either Grand Falls or St. Johns NB. I don't remember any but...
Patio is right. Try mapquest.
By the way where are you?
i use these for Maine, you can't beat them for the price. you should be able to get one in any truck stop in NB or at the border. ask around.
Thanks for the site and the info. I put it in my favorites.
Thank you as well for the mapquest site which I also added to my favorites.
Sugar is right. Maine is huge. A lot of people may not know that because there isn't a heck of a lot going on over there. Tons of wilderness and quiet, just the way I like it.
I was thinking about 30 miles. I found a few places in and around Presque Isle, but they're just motel rooms. I found some great little cottages along the coast in eastport and lubec which is what got me thinking about the distance. There are actually lots of places in those parts of Maine that have cottages and cabins with full kitchen, little livingroom area, etc... but for August a lot of places are already booked. I tried telling my ex that we need to make reservations very early to book for August, but as usual, he didn't listen and we're all going to lose out.
Next spring will be the easy trip we take down that way, since the rates are half or a third of the summer rates and getting a place is no problem. That's when we are heading to my favorite place in Maine at Bar Harbor.
New Haven
I'm in New Brunswick, Canada.
Thank you as well. It looks like my kind of map. Throwing it in my favorites with the rest :-)
Thanks a million everyone. I truly appreciate your help.
Montana, take a look at this site:
Cyber Rentals Maine
If you scroll down to the Sunrise Coast, you'll find listings in Eastport and Lubec. Some of them have availability calendars, and the couple that I looked at showed availability (at least some) in August.
Thanks very much for your help :-D
I should have checked this thread earlier. I know a site named "How Far Is It" which could serve your purpose.
Thanks a bunch Satt. I've added that site to my favorites :-D