Brandon9000 wrote:ebrown_p wrote:I agree with Asherman. The word "acceptable" that is at the core of your second question is not defined.
I asked to what degree you consider it acceptable. That is perfectly well defined. It means acceptable to you based on your own criteria.
I don't want to get into a meaningless semantic argument (a meaningful semantic argument might be interesting, but I don't know if they exist.)
Let me point out that acceptable is a function of the situation. It is unacceptable for someone to cut open my scalp and remove a piece of my brain. However, in some circumstances (i.e. I have a tumor and need it removed to save my life) the consequences of not doing what would normally be unacceptable would make it acceptable.
If all of the alternatives are "more unacceptable" then the normally unacceptable becomes acceptable. Acceptability is a relative thing.
Saying a nuclear Iran is "unacceptable" is an easy call.
Until you look at what it would take to prevent this. Given the current mess in Iraq and the volatility of the region-- it may be acceptable by default.