SierraSong wrote:Why do you think he was booed? Could it be that the audience recognized that the questioner wasn't interested in any answers, but was a lame attempt to show his anti-war, anti-Israel ass?
He was booed when he repeated, more or less word for word, Rumsfeld's statement from before the war. Rumsfeld was applauded simply for saying "I haven't lied". That indicates to me that the audience didn't feel the need to be told
why Rumsfeld thought he hadn't lied. They were quite content with him saying "I haven't lied".
Now, to me, personally, that one specific Rumsfeld quote (you know, the bit where he actually said about the WMD "We know where they are.") seemed to be a bit dubious. Now somebody, it doesn't really matter who (I don't know the guy, and frankly, I don't care), tells Rumsfeld "You said you knew where they were". Which is the truth. What is Rumsfeld's answer? "I did not."
The point is that the audience doesn't even care what Rumsfeld has to say. He doesn't need to defend himself, because he did nothing wrong. There are recorded statements, which contradict each other, but the audience doesn't even think that there should be some clarification on that. It's absolutely okay if Rumsfeld says "I haven't lied".
Nevermind. Back to the questions
you avoided to answer. Whom would you rather prefer having asked the question? Do you think it was an illegitimate question? Do you think Rumsfeld's answer was satisfying?