Maybe they were raised by people like my mother in law, may she rest in peace, and met each other and were thus comfortable, re money questions between themselves.
I didn't like her much at the time, but, as with many things and people, I'm moderating my views re my mother in law and I hope to stop mentioning her lime jello salad with mustard soon. She was a good woman.
Didn't like me, but dealt with me.
When the brothers and I and a small child went through their abode after their deaths, I worked to not be a decider..
but sometimes I had to step in, in favor of not tossing some stuff.
The parents did have brown bags full of napkins and ketchup and salt packets from restaurants.
But.. those parents lived through the depression and scraped all their lives, even after they didn't have to so much.
Their father was one of the better story tellers I've ever been around, and made a good sunday dinner. (In self defense, from my view, but never mind.)