dlowan..as per usual the levelheaded questions which, of course I have asked myself and tings I have tried for years just seem to have gotten me nowhere.
You would think an only child/daughter would be pretty special to a mom however, so shouldnt 5 siblings, girl friends, co workers, etc to some point at least. It would also make you think that as an only child, some sort of respect, comunication, etc would be there however, that as well isnt. Because I know her so well yes, I beleive my fear is founded that she would sever the relationship rather than realize the conflict is two sided and important.
Yes, she usually does not speak to me when I set limits, speak my mind, let her know in whatever small and insignificant way over something perhaps trivial even. Irks me to no end. I am however used to it. Do I give in or does she..both. Usually I end up asking her if she is still alive, or her me..thats the pattern of behavior we have had recent years at least. It certainly isnt a making up, it certainly isnt an excusing of the behavior but, it is a way of keeping the relationship going. I also usually repeat the situation of which she decided to ignore and she continues to ignore it, changing the subject, droning on about her this and that.
Have I ever told her my feelings when she irks me? nah, I pretty much get it across without flat out telling her it iks me, and to the best of my abilities without being hurtful to her or irate, etc. More of a fact person than a feeling person when it comes to dealing with her because thats what has worked.
What is the importance of me wanting to have the relationship? Well, wanting to have the relationship. If she wasnt my mother, Im sure my feelings would be different however, since she is, I continue to try for that reason only and since I am her only child, I dont believe she realizes how what she does is hurtful to me and how it could hurt her someday, or like tomorrow even.

I try subtle behavior mods all the freakin time. In one ear out the other, or ignorance....bliss on her part really. Im thinking now that agressive is the only way to make a point and I find that hard to do.
Regarding email techniques...been there done that...continue. And in no way shape or form has phone conversation done anything but strengthen my thoughts of her negative personality traits. There have been times when I have put the phone down and come back after getting a cup of coffee only to still hear her droning on about herself. When I interupt, or perhaps find a small breather in the conversation to say...this is whats going on here or something of not her life...all of a sudden she doesnt have time and must go. I have found however its a great way to get that behavior of hers to stop and instead of listening, or pretending to listen, I go right for the heart. She calls now maybe once or twice a year at most.
Im thinking of the non reward base as the way to go with her really, and sticking to my guns. Instead of contacting her first well, Ill just let her do her thing and continue where we left off...you know on the ignoring issue Ill just bring it up when she does contact me and perhaps tell her how it made me feel after she had time to go mumble and feels better. At this point it really feels like my only option.
Other than venting which feels good at least
Soz..refreshers, gosh...you would think once you have that like big confrontation refreshing wouldnt be needed...however...yeah, I guess its a constant thing.
Perhaps your mother and my father should have therapy together?

Nice not to be alone at least, that its something we all seem to deal with at some level and some point.