Scientist Advocates Mass Culling 90% Of Human Population

Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 08:12 am
Fellow professors and scientists applause and roar approval at elite's twisted and genocidal population control agenda

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison Planet.com | April 3 2006

A top scientist gave a speech to the Texas Academy of Science last month in which he advocated the need to exterminate 90% of the population through the airborne ebola virus. Dr. Eric R. Pianka's chilling comments, and their enthusiastic reception again underscore the elite's agenda to enact horrifying measures of population control.

Pianka's speech was ordered to be kept off the record before it began as cameras were turned away and hundreds of students, scientists and professors sat in attendance.

Saying the public was not ready to hear the information presented, Pianka began by exclaiming, "We're no better than bacteria!", as he jumped into a doomsday malthusian rant about overpopulation destroying the earth.

Standing in front of a slide of human skulls, Pianka gleefully advocated airborne ebola as his preferred method of exterminating the necessary 90% of humans, choosing it over AIDS because of its faster kill period. Ebola victims suffer the most tortuous deaths imaginable as the virus kills by liquefying the internal organs. The body literally dissolves as the victim writhes in pain bleeding from every orifice.

Pianka then cited the Peak Oil fraud as another reason to initiate global genocide. "And the fossil fuels are running out," he said, "so I think we may have to cut back to two billion, which would be about one-third as many people."

Later, the scientist welcomed the potential devastation of bird flu and spoke glowingly of China's enforced one child policy, before zestfully commenting, "We need to sterilize everybody on the Earth."

At the end of Pianka's speech the audience erupted not to a chorus of boos and hisses but to a raucous reception of applause and cheers as audience members clammered to get close to the scientist to ask him follow up questions. Pianka was later presented with a distinguished scientist award by the Academy. Pianka is no crackpot. He has given lectures to prestigious universities worldwide.

One horrified observer was able to make notes on the speech and our gratitude goes to Forrest M. Mims for bringing this sickening display to the attention of the world.

Throughout history elites have invented justification for barbaric practices as a cover for their true agenda of absolute power and control over populations. Up until the 19th century, the transatlantic slave trade was justified by saying that the practice was biblical and therefore morally redeemable in nature, despite the fact that no such bible passage exists.

From 1932 until 1972, the Tuskegee Study Group (pictured below) deliberately infected poor black communities in Alabama with syphilis without their consent and withheld treatment as the diseased rampaged through the town killing families.

Pianka's doomsday warning of the population bomb, for which Mims claims he presented no evidence whatsoever, is complete pseudo-science. Populations in developed countries are declining and only in third world countries is it expanding dramatically. Industrialization itself levels out population trends and even despite this world population models routinely show that the earth's population will level out at 9 billion in 2050 and slowly decline after that. "The population of the most developed countries will remain virtually unchanged at 1.2 billion until 2050," states a United Nations report. Conservation International's own study revealed that 46% of the earth's surface was an untouched wilderness, that is land areas not including sea. It is commonly accepted that the entire world population could all fit into the state of Texas and each have an acre of their own land.

Think about the magnitude of Pianka's statements. He wants to kill nine out of every ten members of your family and he wants to kill them in one of the most painful and agonizing ways imaginable.

If Pianka, or 'The Lizard Man' as he likes to be called, is so vehement in the necessity of culling the human population will he step forward to be the first one in line? Will he sacrifice his children for the so-called greater good of the planet? We somehow doubt it.

Will the students who so enthusiastically greeted his ideas go home and kill themselves for the cause if it is so righteous?

It was noted how Pianka presented his argument with the kind of glee that you would see in a demented serial killer before dispatching his victim. This is an attitude we have encountered again and again. To discuss killing 90% of the world's population via a horrific plague is sick enough within itself but you would at least expect its advocates to be serious and sober in their approach to the subject. The opposite seems to be the case, where the subject is aired in a context of lighthearted lip-smacking and hand-rubbing as if the individual was about to sink his teeth into a T-bone steak.

This window gives us a clear view of exactly why these deranged bastards encompass this ideology. They love death and their lives are motivated by dark influences very different to you or I.

In the 21st century the elite are concerned that from over 6 billion people might spring a new elite to challenge their stranglehold on the reigns of power. This is one reason for desire to cull the population down to a manageable level. Another is control over the behavior of the existing serfs and herding them like cattle into the slaughter house.

As we have documented, members of the elite are quite open in their feverish lust to commit mass murder and ethnic cleansing. In the foreword to his biography If I Were An Animal, Prince Philip wrote, "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation."

National Security Memo 200, dated April 24, 1974, and titled "Implications of world wide population growth for U.S. security & overseas interests," says:

"Dr. Henry Kissinger proposed in his memorandum to the NSC that "depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World." He quoted reasons of national security, and because `(t)he U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less-developed countries ... Wherever a lessening of population can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resources, supplies and to the economic interests of U.S."

Kissinger prepared a depopulation manifesto for President Jimmy Carter called 'Global 2000' which detailed using food as a weapon to depopulate the third world.

One of the most chilling admissions of deadly intent came from the lips of the late Jacques Cousteau, the sainted environmental icon. In an interview with the UNESCO Courier for November 1991 the famed oceanographer said:

"The damage people cause to the planet is a function of demographics �- it is equal to the degree of development. One American burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangaladeshes. The damage is directly linked to consumption. Our society is turning toward more and needless consumption. It is a vicious circle that I compare to cancer...."

"This is a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it's just as bad not to say it."

The Melbourne Age reported on recently uncovered documents detailing Nobel Peace Prize winning microbiologist Sir Macfarlane Burnet's plan to help the Australian government develop biological weapons for use against Indonesia and other "overpopulated" countries of South-East Asia.

Pianka's ideology is in the same league as Hitler, Pol Pot, and the rest of history's despots who advocated mass extermination and had the temerity to dress it up in a 'noble' Straussian facade. We demand that he be investigated for openly calling for mass murder and in the meantime we encourage everyone to click here and e mail Pianka, enabling him to receive your feedback about his wish to kill your children.
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 08:16 am
Well, at least I should be able to find parking downtown. And rush hour won't be quite the problem it is right now.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 08:21 am
blacksmithn, Cool
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 08:50 am
Re: Scientist Advocates Mass Culling 90% Of Human Population
blueflame1 wrote:
A top scientist gave a speech to the Texas Academy of Science last month in which he advocated the need to exterminate 90% of the population through the airborne ebola virus.

We don't need to kill them. We just need to find some way to stop them from voting.
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 09:04 am
Can we selectively exterminate the idiots who go 60 mph in the fast lane? Or push their overflowing carts up to the express lane at the grocery?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 09:41 am
This is something more than a few scientist are worried about. The earth's population is growing so fast that at some point it will outgrow the resources necessary to maintain it. What may result is a massive population collapse.

No one knows if this will happen. But they maintain at some point the growth has to stop.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 01:52 pm
If it means no waiting in line at Krispy Kreme, I'm for it!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 02:44 pm
But who will be there to make your KK?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Apr, 2006 04:12 pm
Why 90%?

I would think 85% would be adequate.
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Reply Sun 9 Apr, 2006 05:32 pm
I hope they don't start with us oldies first.
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Reply Mon 10 Apr, 2006 06:00 am
soylent green is people.
0 Replies
Wolf ODonnell
Reply Tue 11 Apr, 2006 01:13 pm
Would it be better to cull the population or to leave it to die off through more naturalistic means such as an Influenza Pandemic (think H5N1).

Ebola virus is such an inefficient way of going around mass-murdering the population, I have a sneaking suspicion that blueflame1's post is a spoof.

Yes, Ebola is deadly, but it doesn't spread very well.

Now Influenza... that spreads very well. SARS spread quite well too. Respiratory diseases are very good at spreading.

Still, even that's horrible too.

*sigh* What to do about the over-population problem? It's a headache, isn't it? All the solutions are inhumane to a certain degree, some more than others.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Apr, 2006 01:18 pm
My understanding is that the post is not a spoof, but a misunderstanding.

The media picked up on this guy saying that a)90% of the population is likely to be culled and b) this might not be a bad thing for other species on the planet, and turned it into "90% of humans should die to save the world."
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Reply Tue 11 Apr, 2006 01:28 pm
The Earth may be somewhat self-regulating when from time to time, through a sort of food poisoning, shits out a bunch of people. The black plague did it in the 14th(?) century, the influenza epidemic did it in 1918. If the bird flu mutates the way scientists say it might, millions or tens of millions might die.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2012 04:23 pm
Population halt at this point is sufficient for choice.
Do not fear the machine, do not fear the neural net.
Do not fear the loss of your love, for its return in 100 years.. Or fear and have peace. There is no intent to strip away life, there is no intent to cease revolution of generations, there is only intent to maintain off world clarity of 'you leave your family behind and maybe in a thousand years you start another'.

Such is probably a question for your grandchildren.

Science has a slight amendment to make to its designs, answers are sought, answers will be found.... All will one day have a choice.
Paranoia is your only enemy....
IQ and chaffing alters it not... You still often find you are me.
When you are, if you dropped your assumptions, you will see the truth, the entire truth of earth and its conclusion.
If not, your hate will be a pointless drive to attack proving only you could not be trusted to know the truth.

No life will meet a fire, in the designs of our future.
I burn alive to prove my faith.. I ended it. As did the next. In spite of your internal and external attack. (it must be that way, for the chaffed cannot see, the actual truth). If another has not burned God.. Then he is free by my hand.
Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2012 05:35 pm
So I bought the petrol, took the long walk...
All set to immolate.
It turns out it's only a set up... Bastards.. They knew today the river would be the highest all year and they walked me right to that spot.. Just to throw me in, if I actually managed it, or Satan's lesser respectable imps fouled up and did not see the light.

I think it requires a certain amount of imminence and a crowd, tranquilizer would not be unwelcome, wake me up later and boot me in yourselves.

Any-way I have pie at home.

Judge thine own errors.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2012 06:15 pm

We don't need to kill them. We just need to find some way to stop them from voting.

Obama and democrats will never agree to that
0 Replies
mark noble
Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2012 12:06 pm
A slightly more descriptive OP may have been more productive, but yes, there are those who wish to reduce the global population to a max 500 mill. Do they have the ability?? Yes.
Will they??
Sooner than you think.
Is it relevant??
Yes...... But only to the remaining 500 mill.
Are you one of the remainder??

Have a blissful ignorance.
Please bolt door when horse has fled.
Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2012 12:19 pm
@mark noble,
Maybe I've been giving you too much credit MN but do you really expect an answer from an a2k member that had made this thread in the spring 2006 and hasn't been back to the forum since 2009?

On the other hand, Nothinggoingoninthebrain doesn't understand the concept of time and MIA a2kers so I stopped replying to him trying to correct his addressing members that haven't returned for many years.
mark noble
Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2012 12:38 pm
Don't check dates, tsar.
If thread is extinct, please remove it.
And why do you feel the need to teach me as to what, how and when I should reply to a subject?

You sheriff in these pointless realms?
0 Replies

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