au1929 wrote:Brown
I hope we can turn the corner in 2004
What will happen in 2004 to cause the corner to turn. I am assuming you are reflecting a democratic victory. Will that be if it happens a magic bullet?
I sure hope so. Let's see, the war on terrorism consists of the following
1) The now completed invasion of a sovereign nation against the will of most of the international community with the implied threat that we "may" invade other sovereign nations if they don't do what we want. This of course is a very costly threat considering the hundreds of billions of dollars that we are spending in Iraq (not to mention the lives).
2) Broad new powers by the government to spy on American citizens in secret without accountability or the victims knowledge. This includes phone taps and library records.
3) The ability of the government to jail American citizens without charge or legal counsel. The government only needs to say the magic words "Trust us, it's for the war on terrorism".
4) A groovy new color system that costs state and local government millions every time we go to "orange". This money is of course not reimbursed by a government who would rather cut taxes for those wealthy !@?$%'s who have yet to create me the job they promised.
5) The desparate attempts of a president to remain a "wartime president" since this is the only way to get Americans to ignore what a mess the country is getting into.
When I say turn the corner, I mean getting rid of it. If there is any good in this crazy world, the next administration will do this.
This "war on terrorism" damages the very core of America and does very little to minimize any real risk.