talk72000 wrote:Could be stolen as in World War II the Nazis or even Communists stole a lot of stuff thus no documentation.
i think it came with the palace.... which was taken by the communists, yes. luckily, unlike in many other palaces, art in this one wasn't destroyed. even paintings and the ceiling and walls were reconstructed.
now if only i knew who the palace belonged to - i know the addres (Novi trg 2, ljubljana), but it doesn't say who's palace it was initially. besides, they do know that and yet they don't know the author.
i'd imagine it would be 19th century - though the palace itself is way older. the city in the distance will play some role... those would be habsburg times and as aristocrats they wouldn't be anti-habsburg even then.... roman past might have been referred to as well, Slovenia would be behind the Limes Romanum at one point in time...