let me try and clarify some of the exerpts of Elst's own writting that the "indologists" of wisconsin have cited -
"But the point is, while one cannot blame the Muslim propagandists for painting a rosy picture of the religion they try to sell, we now see eminent historians spreading this untruthful item of propaganda, in books which are required in many universities. They even lecture others and call them communalists if they don't swallow these Islamic-cum-Nehruvian lies." (p. 111-112)
spot on. nehru was the last englishman to rule india, and a complete confused retard who ass licked (the ass in question being gandhi's) to the throne. as for muslims, their crimes in india for 800+ years makes the holocaust seem like a joke and even the carnage in latin america by iberian european christians. this is corroborated by the writtings or the chroniclers of various muslim rulers in india, by indian sources who recorded the barbarity and also external visitors who came to india during the islamic period like tiffenthaler. read what will durant - and now dont call him a jingoistic pro hindu extremist - had to say about the islamic misrule in india or even what francois gautier, ex-india corrospondent of le figaro, france's leading newspaper, has to say. the reason the christian west has chosen to ignore muslim attrocities in all parts of the world, including zorastrian iran - from where zorastrianism has been uprooted, tho zorastrianism survives in "extremist, jingoistic" hindu india, is because westerners only wail whan a 9/11 happens or a madrid bombing but conveniently ignore everything else as long as its not a westerner getting the stick. and also because christianity and islam are the same damn religion, equally "bastard" in their judiaic origins, equally bloodthirsty, retarded and intolerant.
"To sum up, the "communal problem" in India is largely the"muslim problem", or rather, the "Islam problem". Islam is communal through and through, preaching a total abyss between its own community members and the rest of humanity. So, very generally, the cause of communal riots is Islam. The cure is Sanatana Dharma." (p. 194)
again spo on. greater western observers than elst even, like Annie Besant have pointed out the same and thats about a 100 years ago. of late bojil kolarov has again substantiated the same points. islam is a pain in the ass of any society it goes to. you wont agree just yet. wait for the next bombing tho.
"...Islam has to be put ideologically on the defensive....in the public arena, and within non- Muslim communities, there Islam should definitely be put on the defensive." (p. 243)
again spot on. the need of the hour in india and well as the whole world is to expose islam and its heinious agenda. again the west will agree only when the gates of vienna are challenged and not when zorastrianism is wiped off the iranian horizon or when bamian buddhas are broken etc. a more spineless ilk than westerners never walked the earth. btw, the aesop's fables are stolen directly from buddhist jataka tales, as i am sure you were all taught in your colonial schools.
"Pride in being Indian means, for 99%, pride in Hinduism (unless you are a secularist distorter and consider the Islamic invaders' avowed objective of destroying Hindu culture also as "culture" and as "Indian"). So, this legitimate pride has to be nourished with broad and in-depth knowledge of Hindu culture. the two enemies of this effort are the secularist morbidity that glorifies the destroyers of Hindu culture, and discourages its study altogether..." (p. 356)
again correct. india is oneof the few countries which is still a living civilization, despite the 800 year old islamic barbarity. even iran couldnt survive. islam sees india as "unfinished business" and has a one point agenda - to destroy this pagan religion and country. and yes all thats distinctly indian - from our music, to dance, to literature, to cultural norms, to stress on academics, to our values and traditions, to yoga et al, are all identically of hindu construct. even buddhism.
Elst titles a section "Islam and Nazism" to make the preposterous and unfounded claim of ideological similarity between Islam and Nazism.
few movements are more similar. firstly both are cults. both are intolerant of anything that comes in their path. the ideologies may be very different but the ruthlessness and lack of tolerance shown towards others by these 2 are remarkably similar.
"It may sound shocking to some people that I have compared the Hindu-Muslim relations with the Jewish-German relations of the Nazi period. While in Israel you get to hear more comparisons of Muslims with Nazis, in India it may still be unfashionable... Now, I don't have to distort history in order to make my comparison of Islam with Nazism. In very essential characteristics, the role of Islam in Indian history is the same as the role of Nazism in German-Jewish history." (p. 224)
a truer word was never spoken. nazis wanted to uproot jewery from germany and europe even. islam wanted and still tries to uproot and wipe out hinduism from the country of its birth.
The following quote targets Ashgar Ali Engineer, a well-known liberal Indian Muslim intellectual. Engineer has worked tirelessly towards eliminating communalism and intolerance from South Asian society and has published numerous books towards that end. The quote is particularly significant for its last sentence: "Defeat him." In the current climate of terror against Muslim artists, intellectuals, and others by the Hindu right-wing, this intentionally vague imperative has a dangerous and threatening ring.
muslims have not produced intellectuals in india !! funny how pseudo secular muslims who pretend that they dont know of their religions true agenda are called intellectuals while the same sorts in england would be described as a clergy inciting jihad. and before pointing out fingers at the hindu right wing, who have every right to defend whats always been theirs for 5000 years, ty to sort out your own don blacks and ian stuart donaldsons and david dukes and format 18s (as also combat 18s)
"By no manipulation can Ashgar Ali Engineer recognize [Hindus] as 'people of the Book'.
nor can any selfrespecting muslim aka jihadi terrorist
So they are unmitigated Kafirs, and have to be given a choice between Islam and death.
which is precisely the choice indians had durring 800 yeas of camel jockey rule
That is the true tradition of Islam...
yes. "jihad is life, life jihad. thats all you know on earth, all you need to know." in the dna of every camel jockey, starting from the demented paedophille caveman er.. PBUH
Until mr.[sic] Engineer rejects the Islamic division of mankind into Muslims and Kafirs... he is exactly as guilty of communal strife as the worst fundamentalist. Defeat him." (p. 232)
spot on. and we will defea him and all other muslims who pretend to be "liberal". now thats an oxymoron if ever thee was one, a "liberal muslim" - with the possible exception of maybe a "spine-ful westerner"
Koenraad Elst, Negationism in India: Concealing the Record of Islam, Voice of India, New Delhi, 1992.
The basic argument made by Elst in this book is that Muslims' relationship to Hindus over the past 1000 or so years is closely comparable to the Nazi's attempted genocide against the Jews.
yes. confirmed by historical, archeological, literrary sources of victors, victims and 3rd party observers. maybe you and the botanist indologists of wisconsin need to brush up your history instead of betraying your inorance. or read up Will Durant.
Elst attempts to claim that just like pro-Nazi "revisionists" or "negationists" who try to deny the factual history of the Holocaust, pro-Muslim "negationists" (read secular intellectuals) systematically try to conceal what he sees as Muslims' attempts to annihilate the Hindus.
yes again true. i have never heard or seen any muslim admit or express any regret for their crimes in india or elsewhere. have seen many trying to brush the crimes under the carpet though, a la the westerners who prefer to call the jewish holocaust, variously the "hollow-cause" or the "holo-hoax".
This argument is not only a profound misrepresentation of the history of India,
aha, really??? so did the muslims court chroniclers cook up fairy tales about the carnages?? did tiffenthaler?? did 1000's of hindu temples get replaced by mosques (in the same way maya temples in mexico and viking temples in scandinavia got replaced by churches) on their own sweet own??
it also serves to radically divest the particular horror that was the Nazi-perpetrated Holocaust of its significance for human history.
the nazi holocaust dont hold a candle to what happened in latin american natives and to the aborigines of australia and america. or even, compared to sheer numbers, to the number of hindus put to the sword in 800+ years. no less brutal were the communist genecides on their own people. the only thing is that the nazi terror may have been the most systamatic and overt attempt ever to wipe out a people, even more so than what happened in latin america
Some quotes from the book:
"It would be a bit harsh to say it before a Jewish audience, but it is nonetheless an incontrovertible fact: one of the earliest genocides has been described and ideologically motivated in their own [the Jewish] sacred Scripture..." (p. 7)
yes. no jew would deny that
"... Muslims are the most likely carriers of the Islamic disease called communalism..." (p. 43)
yes and thats where evr in the planet they have gone, ever since their illegitimate birth and continue to do so to this day. dont believe me?? wait for the next bomb!!
"It is mathematically certain that Islam will disappear." (p. 119)
well i dont agree. if anything given the way the islamic screw like rabbits - the average german family has about 1.2 kids while the average muslim family in germany has over 3.5 - islam is set to become the dominant religion in countries like holland in 20 years time
"It is fashionable to bracket the Hindu awakening with Hitler..., but if any religio-political movement deserves comparison with Nazism, it is definitely Islam." (p. 143)
teue. the hindu awakeninng can only be compared to the way the jews started redicovering themselves ever since israel was formed. and islam can give the nazis a run for their money when it comes to ruthlessnessness. dont believe me?? wait for the next nick berg style beheading live on al jazeera tv
The ideas expressed by Elst are no mere bombast without any real consequences. To take only the most recent example: according to news reports, the famed Indian artist M.F. Husain has been singled out for attack by elements of the Hindu right-wing. Husain is an acclaimed artist of international repute. In some of his paintings he has depicted Hindu goddesses as partially nude. Claiming that this is somehow an attack on Hindu society (notwithstanding the fact of the temples of Khajurauo), Hindu right-wing spokespeople have called for a ban on Husain's art. These proclamations have been followed by a well-organized attack by their supporters on a state museum in the city of Ahmedabad, where over two dozen of Husain's most treasured works were destroyed. Ironically, there is a striking resemblance of this destruction of artworks to fascist attacks on Jewish art during the Nazi period.
yes. hussian has been mucking around with hindu sentiments for a long time. the essential difference is that while the khajuraho sculptures show the gods and goddess of love and sex (god of love - krishna, godess of love = radha.... indian parallel of Cupid and Psyche, and god of lust = Madan and godess = rati.. indian equivalent of adonis and venus) in sexual positions, McBull Fidayeen Hussain portays the hindu godess of knowledge (Swaraswati) or mother godess (Bharat mata) in obscene positions. and that from a muslim who's religion forbids him to paint or carve any human or animal form (since thts a pagan thing to do). why doesnt he show muhammed PBUH humping around in his many orgies with friends, family and neighbouring widows??
and now a question - i quoted Koenraad Elst while discussing hindu-zorastrian connections and related stuff - how do you refute Seidenberg's arguement or the astronomical observations of the rig veda, or even the literature of the iranians themselves - with quotations about koenraad elst's views on islam??? how do his view on pornography or the pope or papayas help to prove or disprove the relative chronology of hinduism and zorastrianism??
cant help but give the "illogical stand of the year" award to you again.