I see wholes in the hole process...punch operator
I haven't attacked you - engaged you, confronted you, challenged your assertions and position perhaps, but I've not attacked you. Anytime you figure you've been attacked, by me or by anyone else here, just go right ahead and click the "Report" button. Thats what its there for.
I consider this statement: "egregious bits of silliness." an attack on my intelligence. I would imagine that you'd have better sentences to write with your words than sentences like these. BTW, I have used the report button, but only once and not on you.
Infer what you wish, report as you see fit.
Can anyone give me logical reason to support the theory that Christianity is coming to an end? I agree that it has gone through revisions over the last couple of millenia, but the message is the same. The post I wrote on the fact that witchcraft is smaller than Christianity and yet has survived much longer than Christianity seems to be the most logical post in here. No one has bothered to refute it. I'd seriously like to hear why anyone who thinks Christianity is in danger of extinction thinks that.
Ref post: 1944528
Zoroastrianism likely is the oldest extant religion - it has its adherents today, and both the Abrahamic and Dharmic (essentially Indo-Asian) religions show unambiguous Zoroastrian influences. Judaism and several Asian/Oriental religions, Dharmic and other, such as Buddism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Shinto, Taoism, Jainism and more, all predate Christianity, and all have current-day adherents.
timberlandko wrote:Momma Angel wrote:Christians are aware however of the fact that Muslims do not recognize Jesus Christ as the Living Son of God and as the Messiah.
Actually, that is misinformation; in the Qur'an, the putative Christ, while not acknowledged to be one with or otherwise part of the godhead, is accorded the honorific "Messiah" not just once but several times, both referentially and implicationally. Most Christians, most particulary Fundamrentalist/Evangelical Christians, know very little of the actual traditions, texts and tenets of any religion, or of the origins and permutations thereof, their own not excluded.
Christianity is far from moribund, but its luddite offspring, Fundamentalist/Evangelical Christianity, is busilly and successfully marginalizing itself. As a significant theophilosophical influence, its days indeed are numbered, and by its own doing.
I think so..It is a cause that is worrying to so many bishops and anglican professors

of theology..
dalahow your childish glee at what you hope is the imminent demise of christianity will soon evaporate once the world understands the origin and development of islam.
Is quraan the gospel...
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:dalahow your childish glee at what you hope is the imminent demise of christianity will soon evaporate once the world understands the origin and development of islam.
why do u look worried of Islam anyway.....This is the last abrahamic religion and every christian and Jew knows about it..
All Jews prophets are in Quraan...Jesus in Quraan ...mary in Quraan...
No wonder everything was set correct and you are worried...
There is no ...Gospel according to...This or that...
The Real gospel is the Quraan........So better smile up..
Re: Is quraan the gospel...
why do u look worried of Islam anyway.....This is the last abrahamic religion and every christian and Jew knows about it..
I, as a Christian, also know of Colon Cancer. What's your point?
Sorry, that last one was a quote by someone. I thought I put it in as a quote. Sue me for plagiarism.
Proving Christinity wrong doesn't prove Islam right.
All religions are control devices for the clergy and crutches for the faithful.
Everybody leans on a crutch of some kind. For some it's their money, for others its men/women, and for others it might be something else. I won't deny that religion is a crutch, but I am sure you will deny that your ability to point out other peoples crutches while denying your crutches is a crutch. Yeah my religion is a crutch, and sure for some clergy it is a control device. The Apostle Paul even touched on that in the book of Phillipoans. He said that some preached the gospel out of selfish ambition and vain conceit. He also argued that people were being converted, and that mattered more than the fact that the messengers were slimeballs. Politicians use politics as control devices, rich people use money as control devices, people with guns use their guns as control devices. The fact that some people use religion as control devices or that some people use their respective religions as crutches doesn't invalidate thieir respective religions. The biggest control device of the elite over the masses is not religion as some people suspect; it is the education system--especially at the collegiate lever, but all of the way from kindergarten up. It is also a huge crutch which allows the upper crust throughout America to remain in the upper crust, as well as it continues to keep others down. It's not religion you should be attacking; it's our government you should be questioning.
detano inipo wrote:All religions are control devices for the clergy and crutches for the faithful.
Christianity is not a religion, per se. You have to do something for a god with a religion, whereas the Christian God only requires you to ask forgiveness.
Christianity is not a religion, per se.
Sounds like a not-so-funny April Fool joke to me.
chr42690 wrote:detano inipo wrote:All religions are control devices for the clergy and crutches for the faithful.
Christianity is not a religion, per se. You have to do something for a god with a religion, whereas the Christian God only requires you to ask forgiveness.
Still harping on this absurd argument huh.
As I pointed out last time you poured this bit of weak sauce, 'asking for forgiveness' IS 'doing something'
You have just defined christianity as a religion by your own standard.
TheUndonePoet wrote:
As far as my basic knowledge of the English language, if it was good enough to get my a degree in literature, I think it's good enough for me to post here. If you think my comma usage is a sign of my ignorance, please feel free to write to my alma mater and try to revoke my degree.
Congratulations on getting a useless degree. Luckily for you, the government provides foodstamps.
Finally, here is proof galore of God's existence.