Steve (as 41oo) wrote:What infuriates me about religionists, and frankly muslims seem to be the worst example of this, is that you dont enquire. You dont search or question or think.
Well, the openly Islamic Muslims that visit this board anyway. I used to know a Muslim that enquired about his beliefs. Why was it wrong to drink alcohol? He drunk alcohol and found out for himself firsthand, then stopped, to never drink it again. Of course, he drew the line when it came to sexuality and the more condemnable sins like murder.
Raheel, how can you, without turning to the Koran and without turning to any religious text, prove that God exists eternally? Come now. Religious texts are only one source of evidence. You need to find more sources of evidence in order to backup the first source.
Frankly, I think all of this "What is truth?" malarkey should be in the Philosophy section, rather than the Spiritual. There, we can at least get some intelligent discussion instead of spiritual nonsense (and when I say spiritual nonsense, I refer to gobbledy-gook that hasn't been thought out properly and in the end doesn't mean anything).