Thank you for replying. Here's the thing... Please before I say this try to put aside the fact that I believe in God, because honestly speaking this whole subject matter is beyond spiritual beliefs. I do understand what you are saying. I think that philosophy is a valid part of life. Everyone wants answers and most everyone would like to see the logic behind something. My whole point with all of this is that sometimes logic doesn't come in the form we expect it to.
Quote:Actually its more like asking for a yes/no to the question "Have you stopped beating your wife"...either answer implying that I accept your premises.
This right here is a stumbling block to seeing things from a different angle. The reason is because you can say more than yes or no without going into the philosophy of the situation. You could say, "Yes, I realized I was wrong." implying that you agree with the premise. Or, "No, I don't beat my wife. I never did." implying you don't agree. However your answers are more like, "Well, that depends what you mean by beating my wife." No clarity either way because you don't want to commit to a premise. But you are mistaken as to what my premise really is. This conversation is about truth not God. I wasn't trying to bring God into this. Dok did.
So what was my premise then? Simply this. Dok says he believes when he looks in the mirror he sees the face of God. That is his truth. To Dok himself he is a god. That is the truth he lives by. Is Dok God to me? Ummm... (sorry dok) no. My concept of God is much different than his. My concept is of a God that created everything. (Somehow I have a hard time imagining Dok sitting up on some throne in heaven with these bright red eyes (yeah, still got a picture of that avatar in my head dok... thanks...
) Saying, "Let there be light" Every time I think of that I see these superman beams coming out of his eyes like lasers... LOL) Anyway, seeing God as the one who created everything is my truth. The truth I live by. Two separate truths from two separate people. Truth is a concept not limited to one persons ideal or perspectives.