Asherman wrote:Given a choice between living in the United States (or any of the Western nations, if you must), or living in Iran, Syria, Palestine, or any of those countries where radical Islam is the idea, which would you choose?
That's not the issue. I'm happy living in Canada.
There are other ways of running a country, and being forced to choose
either the US or an Islamic State of your specification sidesteps the issues we have here been discussing.
Asherman wrote:Which system holds and practices humanistic values, and which preaches the submission of all persons to a particular religious doctrine?
To be honest, at least there is a certain level of transparecy that I admire about the states that you are indirectly criticizing. In the US, there is a false sense of democracy, of equality, "humanistic" values, and tolerance. The right so frequently champion the Iraq war, and the liberation of Iraqis, yet they are generally the staunchest critics of multiculturalism back home. Ironically, they cherish the freedom of overseas Arabs in a way that they would never do so at home. They preach democracy in Iraq, yet defend the 2000 Supreme Court partisan decision to halt vote counting in Florida, or the disenfranchisement of minorities. They support an American written constitution in Iraq, yet don't mind seeing theirs trampled by a power hungry warmongering PNAC imperialist. They preach, as you do, humanistic values and equality, but don't bat an eye to the ghettoized slums of their own nation, and the root causes of such poverty, or the blatent and very deliberate maintenence of inequality of women and blacks, or other visible minorities, or the relative impunity by which the WASP male goes about his ways.
Yeah, you may think that the
obvious choice is America. But at least I know what I'm getting in your designated Arab states.
As John Dewey said, in the US, the government is the shadow cast by business over society. The United States is a kleptocratic, business run society with about as much
real concern for the individiual American as it does for the average Afghan, Iraqi, Panamanian, Nicaraguan, Kurd, or Vietnamese that they indiscriminantly blow up as "collateral damage". So insignificant are the deaths
by the US, that rarely are death tolls calculated.
Asherman wrote:Would you rather support the terrorist strategy of specifically targeting innocent people for murder and mayhem, or the military constraint that typifies British and United States military doctrine?
Military constraint?
What, in the United States glorious history leads you to think that there is any level or degree of constraint?
Would that be Hiroshima?
Would that be Nagasaki?
Would that be Abu Ghraib?
Would that be Camp X-Ray?
Would that be Vietnam?
Would that be White Phosphrous?
Would that be Operation Just Cause?
Would that be Operation Northwoods, or it's much weaker version as played out the Bay of Pigs....
Or would it be the unconditional support for Israel's terrorist activities....
...I mean, this is an incomplete, but
very distinguished list of examples of
Surely you're not serious.
Asherman wrote:If you became aware of a terrorist plot to plant a bomb in your national legislature, would you cheer them? Or would you report the threat to your government, even if you disagree personally with its policies? If you believe that your government is in the wrong trying to eliminate those who are plotting YOUR destruction, are you willing to lay down YOUR life to frustrate YOUR government and way of life? Do you believe in cutting off your nose to spite your face? Do you really hate your way of life so much that you would give comfort and aid to your country's enemies?
Well, I guess the issue is whether or not I see escalating the level of violence as the only resolve. Clearly, the American way is to respond as they are the Giant who has been rudely waken, and continue down the path that is familiar.
If you continue to try to make people like you, agree with you, appreciate your way of life, like each other more, get along etc. then , IMO, you don't starve them through sanctions, criticize their religion and "their way of life", then bomb the f*ck out of them, kill innocent families and tell them they should be grateful for Soda pop, movie stars and Levis....
But I expect nothing more from the American right at this point. I have been told by many of the Coulterean Republicans that I'm lucky the US has allowed Canada to exist.
Somehow, when Iran says it about Isreal, it's threatening and dangerous, but when the frothing at the mouth neocons say it about Canada, it has validity.
I sincerely wonder how and why why Americans can honestly ask why they are hated so much....