Tue 21 Mar, 2006 09:56 am
I have been seeing bipartisan calls the removal of Bush.
1. What are the chances of an early dismissal?
2. What is the actual process involved in such a dismissal?
3. What would be the grounds for such a dismissal?
I do not understand the Amercan system well enough to understand the basis of these calls for removal.
won't happen.... and we don't need it to...cheney or hastert would be even worse, and I never thought I would say someone could be worse than bush....the important thing right now is to get congress and the senate back under the control of reasonable people.....
I doubt there will be an early dismissal unless some new and very damaging information comes out.
Besides if you get Bush out look what replaces him.
Wasnt Bush voted back in a while back?
I remember getting the general vibe that his contender was worse than him so there really wasnt much of a choice.
Maybe that was planned so he would stay in power.
The people of the USA need a better choice.
Well, I think he was "chosen" in '04 both out of a successful fearmongering campaign and so that he could clean up the mess he made. Kerry was a bad opponent, but for different reasons, but not a "bad" alternative like Cheney would be.
So if the cals for impeachment ever materialize, Cheney would be his successor?
At this point, Bush would have to sh*t on a nun while molesting a child and doing lines of coke on camera for anything to happen to him.
I thought he did that at Yale with the Skull and Bones boys?
But really, in Canada, if the Prime Minister has lost the confidence of the House (his constituents), then he can possibly be outed in a vote of non-confidence.
If there are no mechanisms in place to have Bush removed (because he has clearly lost the support of the vast majority of Americans), and Cheney is the successor, then why are there bipartisan crys for impeachment?
I guess what my real question is, is if Bush continues to do what he wants, when he wants, and his convictions are in conflict with several hundred million people who he is supposed to represent, what can "the people" do to avoid this tyranny?
No, there is no such mechanism. The only way to remove a sitting President is by impeachment and that requires that they commit a felony.
If he is outed, he will definitely lose his base. They could never support a gay president.
Felony isn't a requirement. I think it reads High Crimes and Misdemeanors. Nevertheless, unless he's caught with a live boy or a dead girl, it looks like 2008
So, theoretically, he could lose the support of nearly everyone, possibly continue doing favors for big business, yet remain in the WH so long as he is not a felon?
Wow, that's a pretty high standard to hold of the highest position in the land.
You don't need to have anyone support you, in fact you can piss the vast majority off, but as long as you're not a felon, you can retain the Presidency.
Shucks, no wonder he does as he pleases. He can.
...and so long as everyone is more concerned about their SUV and their plasma screen, and afraid of "the Arabs", then the Shrub has a cake-walk.
I want Bush, Cheney, and all their criminal cohorts led out of the white house in handcuffs . . . .
...and the odds of that are apparently (and sadly) very slim.
Very slim indeed. I'm looking forward to the 2006 elections to see how the new Congress will turn out. I think the Democrats have a good chance of winning the Senate but I don't hold much hope for the House.
I would love to see a special prosecutor set up to investigate the Bush administration in the same manner that the Republicans investigated Clinton.
But I don't hold much hope for that either.
From an outside perspective, it does seem odd that Bushco can get away with all that he has, and Clinton got crucified for a little hummer.
I too woudl like to have the lid blown off of this administration, if for nothing else, just for some kicks.
That's what happens when you lose your checks and balances.
FreeDuck wrote:If he is outed, he will definitely lose his base. They could never support a gay president.
Aw shucks, you beat me to it!
Ousted maybe?
Thank god somebody acknowledged my lame humor. I can hold my head up now.