Stradee - did you see this someplace? I can't believe that any arm of Bushco would do the right thing.
"River May Flow Again, Full of Salmon
Decisions Limiting Irrigation and Damming on Klamath Could Lead to Revival
By Blaine Harden
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, April 2, 2006; Page A03
SEATTLE -- Big rivers in the West are reliable sources of bad news. Dammed for electricity and drained for irrigation, they have pushed salmon into extinction, fishermen into bankruptcy and Indians into despair.
This dismal pattern, though, may be ending on the Klamath, which straddles the Oregon-California border and has long been one of the nation's most thoroughly fouled-up rivers. Its woes include massive fish kills, blooms of poisonous algae, diabetic Indians, fuming irrigators, litigious environmentalists and aging dams that produce little power while squatting stolidly in the way of reviving the river."