I'm kind of shy. I would hate too have a bomb thread. But what if we did a kind of trivia thread.
You come in, click in and ask or answer a trivia question about anything but ideally about anything about nature.....animals, Trees, geography, Ecology issues. But thyat might get boring.
If we do general trivia and we can sneak it into the "trivia" section but it will be something like the "Wild clickers trivia thread".
Then we will get all the traffic from people that like trivia and they will see our post that says something like;
"All clicked in fellow wildclickers

They might decide they want to be a part of it and thell always come back for the trivia. It could snow ball. It's a liitle sneaky, But we have a planet to save people!!
You could ask a question one day and come back and give the answer the next.
Q; Largest lizard on earth????