sue, thunder and lightening storms, brings new meaning to April showers. The wall still stands though, and even with days of continuous rain, Spring blooms survive. Amazing.
Dan, have you begun the book yet? <taptaptap>
Amigo, a very cool topic for Rainforest Thread #70. If i may make a suggestion? The following is ehBeths intro ~ just copy/paste to your posting window. You can add the topic you've chosen and voila! The new Rainforest thread #70!
Your Topic: Whatever you choose to call Rainforest thread #70 <be sure and add "#70" to the topic of the thread>
We have been taking a few minutes each day to click FREE to save a Rain Forest tree. So far, we have saved over 52 Acres of rain forest and contributed to many other very worthwhile causes. All free.
We are currently the Number One team in the world, among thousands of teams and over a million people participating.
Please join us and help preserve rain forest!
To join, go to the Race for the Rain Forest at Just click on a button and somewhere in the world, you'll save a lot of square feet of rain forest, prairie, or wetlands, -- you choose! Corporate sponsors show their logos when you click, and in return, they pay for the habitat saved.
Just click:
To register for the first time, create your own Distinct Log-in name
and Password. Then each time you visit the site to click you simply
Log-in and click on the Rainforest button. It's that simple. The
site is FREE. If you have a question, we have plenty of answers. FREE.
After clicking, feel free to post on this thread. We have the most
wonderful and helpful group of people clicking here. Any time you can't
click, we can arrange for a substitute to click for you.
<followed by your topic discussion>
I felt very much as you do right now when i began a rainforest thread, but as the intro says, wildclickers are a wonderful bunch of people, you'll receive lots of encouragement and support. Good luck, Amigo!