Tue 3 Jun, 2008 08:46 pm
Beatiful. Impressive.

One of those rare unique moments in history that you later remember with pride.
0 Replies
Tue 3 Jun, 2008 08:46 pm
Man, I'm glad I saw it live. :-D

And sounds like what I missed was effusive praise of Clinton. And "Our primary season has finally come to an end." Sure would have liked to have seen that, but I'm sure I can find it somewhere later.
0 Replies
Tue 3 Jun, 2008 08:47 pm
Butrflynet wrote:
Soz, he spent the first few minutes taking positive inventory of Hilary Clinton in very flattering and gracious language.

Extremely fulsome praise. Very gracious.
0 Replies
Tue 3 Jun, 2008 08:49 pm
Found a transcript here:

Really cool.
0 Replies
Tue 3 Jun, 2008 08:50 pm
Before the effusive praise he did say that he's going to be the nominee. Unless I remember the sequence wrong -- I'm now reaching the age where my short-term memory fails -- you must have missed that too, Sozobe.

The apotheosis of Obama's speech came out a bit long. His editor should have cut the last 10 minutes into 5. But apart from that: great speech.
0 Replies
Tue 3 Jun, 2008 09:11 pm
Yep, saw that in the transcript.

If only I'd made it a little earlier!

Need to get to bed.

But have to say....

sozobe wrote:
Obama '08?

Obama '08!


What a long, strange couple of years it's been. Couldn't be happier about the outcome of the primaries -- sure looking forward to the general election.
0 Replies
Tue 3 Jun, 2008 09:16 pm
sozobe wrote:
Yep, saw that in the transcript.

If only I'd made it a little earlier!

Need to get to bed.

But have to say....

sozobe wrote:
Obama '08?

Obama '08!


What a long, strange couple of years it's been. Couldn't be happier about the outcome of the primaries -- sure looking forward to the general election.

I'm transcribing the entire speech for captioning as I write. Will be posting the captioned video to You Tube later this evening. Will post a link to it here for you when done.
0 Replies
Tue 3 Jun, 2008 09:17 pm
He gets my congratulations and my vote. On to November.
0 Replies
Tue 3 Jun, 2008 09:25 pm
A truly great speech.

Even the other side thinks so:

Obama's Speech vs. McCain's [Jonah Goldberg]

Substance aside, Obama crushed McCain in all other ways that matter. Aesthetically, politically, rhetorically etc, it boiled down to Godzilla versus Bambi. And, amazingly enough, McCain was Bambi.

0 Replies
Tue 3 Jun, 2008 09:52 pm
God ******* dammit, I missed it because I went to the Yankees game, which they LOST 9-3! I did get to see Jeter tie Mickey Mantle for third on the Yankees' career list with his 2415th hit, but damn...

I missed HISTORY!
0 Replies
Region Philbis
Wed 4 Jun, 2008 04:01 am
the real history shall be made on 11/4/08...
0 Replies
Wed 4 Jun, 2008 05:29 am
Butrflynet wrote:
I'm transcribing the entire speech for captioning as I write. Will be posting the captioned video to You Tube later this evening. Will post a link to it here for you when done.

Wow, Butrflynet, I hope you haven't done that just on my account (I know it's a ton of work!) Looking forward to it!

For example, the stuff about his grandmother was apparently extemporaneous -- nothing in the prepared remarks, that I saw.

My mom was generally blown away -- as I said to her, of all possible Obama rallies to attend...!
0 Replies
Wed 4 Jun, 2008 05:41 am
sozobe wrote:
Butrflynet wrote:
I'm transcribing the entire speech for captioning as I write. Will be posting the captioned video to You Tube later this evening. Will post a link to it here for you when done.

Wow, Butrflynet, I hope you haven't done that just on my account (I know it's a ton of work!) Looking forward to it!

For example, the stuff about his grandmother was apparently extemporaneous -- nothing in the prepared remarks, that I saw.

My mom was generally blown away -- as I said to her, of all possible Obama rallies to attend...!

Did it for the Captioning For Obama group. We're still waiting for YouTube to post the video so we can start linking to it. As soon as it's available, I'll post it here. Been waiting for about 2 hours now.

If I forget to post it here before I head off to sleep, check this page for it later today.
0 Replies
Wed 4 Jun, 2008 06:02 am
kickycan wrote:
God **** dammit, I missed it because I went to the Yankees game, which they LOST 9-3! I did get to see Jeter tie Mickey Mantle for third on the Yankees' career list with his 2415th hit, but damn...

I missed HISTORY!

How ironic. Obama and Jeter have something in common. Mixed breed's both!
0 Replies
Wed 4 Jun, 2008 06:19 am
Region Philbis wrote:
the real history shall be made on 11/4/08...

that will be the end to a historic race that for me, began last night
0 Replies
Robert Gentel
Wed 4 Jun, 2008 06:20 am
sozobe wrote:

I don't think it's possible to advance in politics while being absolutely above the fray..

Neither do I. That's why I wish he'd tone down the above the fray posturing. It can box him into a corner and it opens up a nice attack on him that's already been used by McCain to portray him as being fond of the cheap shot (despite the perception he cultivates) in several statements.


Look how little dark-blue is on that chart! And note he's using the same metric you are -- stuff coming out of the campaign, not just what Obama is saying/ doing, himself.

He's definitely not using the metric I am. Both because I'm not counting and I don't think statistical analysis of opponent mentions in press releases does much to quantify the nature or even quantity of political attacks.

Conference calls and email blasts to journalists close to you is the method I suspect (but again haven't counted) is most often used by the Obama campaign when coaxing a controversy.

In any case, I do think there's a difference. But I don't think it's reflected in those stats and I don't think it's enough to use the higher road posturing. With Hillary it had small strategic benefit because he had to pull his punches anyway when campaigning against a woman (and more importantly a popular Democrat whose voters you need) but it opens up attacks on his strength if he fights political attacks weakly and his duplicity if he doesn't.

Hillary couldn't exploit that too much, even though she tried to portray herself as tougher than Obama but the "wimp" and "duplicitous/untrustworthy" attacks are some of the only ones I think could work in a general election swiftboating. He's going to have to cede some higher ground with McCain, which he will. And I expect him to increase his attacks in the general election.
0 Replies
Wed 4 Jun, 2008 06:48 am
I don't agree that he's been "posturing" in an unrealistic way. He's said throughout that he's not perfect, that he makes mistakes and that he'll continue to make mistakes. But there are some core things he wants to do, and I think he's done them well overall.

If he's "coaxing controversy" out of something actually policy-based, or something Hillary actually said or did that his campaign thinks should get more scrutiny, I think that's justified and even necessary. (This report indicates that while Hillary got more media scrutiny and criticism when she was the front-runner, that balance shifted in the other direction starting in about February.)

He stayed well away from many, many Rovian lines of attack that could have been used and would have been used against Hillary had she become the Democratic nominee. Had he used them, he may well have wrapped this up much earlier. But he didn't, because it's not the kind of politics he wants to engage in.

If you broaden the definition of "gotcha" politics too much it becomes meaningless. If Hillary says that she supports driver's licenses for illegal immigrants and then says well not exactly, is pointing out that contradiction "gotcha" politics? That's not what I think Obama means.

I'm trying to think of what you have in mind re: McCain's lines of attack. Public financing? I have mixed feelings about that. I think it's a nice idea, but I don't know if Obama can afford to turn up his nose at the unprecedented fund-raising apparatus he's assembled. And if it's 1.5 million donors, 90% of them [I think, haven't found a source in a quick search though] contributing less than $200 each, it serves the same basic purpose -- severing the strings, not being beholden to big-money contributors.

Examples would help.
0 Replies
Wed 4 Jun, 2008 06:56 am

Thank goodness....even from way away the last few months have been excruciating.

I wish him well.

I guess some of the unusual insanity around here returns to the normal insanity?
0 Replies
Wed 4 Jun, 2008 06:57 am
Oh and "wimp" is going to get nowhere fast. I've mentioned that I think Obama was campaigning against Hillary through a filter -- for one thing, she was very good at crying "bully!" and getting mileage out of that, and for another I think he genuinely didn't want to unduly damage a fellow Democrat and possible nominee.

That filter won't be there vs. McCain, and I think the backdrop of "Obambi" will actually be good in that context, so he has room to flex his muscles without slipping going all the way into the "angry black man" category. Obama/ McCain debates are gonna be way different from Obama/ Clinton debates and I'm really looking forward to 'em.
0 Replies
Wed 4 Jun, 2008 06:59 am
dlowan wrote:
I guess some of the unusual insanity around here returns to the normal insanity?

Nah... we've got a general election to gear up for!!! :-D

I think unusual insanity will last through, hmmm, December 4th? Takes about a month after the election for things to calm down I think.
0 Replies

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