Sat 12 Apr, 2008 07:01 am
I doubt Obama's remarks are going to affect anybody one way or another. Those who really do cling to things like guns and religious dogma never were going to vote for him anyway and for those who have been frustrated by those types these last few years, it will give them some food for thought. Guns and religion don't put food on the table as we found out with Bush. As for Hillary jumping on the band wagon over this; it just makes her look like a republican wanna be. I think folks have been making to much of this "blue collar worker stuff." I come from that sort of environment and I know folks who are going to vote for Obama and I know folks who never was going to vote for him because they were going to vote for Hillary or republican.
0 Replies
Sat 12 Apr, 2008 07:03 am
real life wrote:
holier than thou attitude
0 Replies
Sat 12 Apr, 2008 07:43 am
Progressives at DU are painting Obama's remarks as a stroke of genius. I really don't understand the brouhaha over the remarks except that they appear to have ruffled the feathers of the Obama haters.

And here Obama kicks Hillary's and MCain's asses pointng out who REALLY is out of touch.
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real life
Sat 12 Apr, 2008 07:51 am
Roxxxanne wrote:
Progressives at DU are painting Obama's remarks as a stroke of genius.

Yeah, genius.

'you guys are bitter and you hold onto your religion. my pastor thinks whitey invented AIDS to clear out the 'hood, but he ain't bitter'

Obama should keep listening to the folks at DUH. Good advice. Laughing
0 Replies
Sat 12 Apr, 2008 07:54 am
full piece here
0 Replies
Sat 12 Apr, 2008 08:09 am
real life wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
Progressives at DU are painting Obama's remarks as a stroke of genius.

Yeah, genius.

'you guys are bitter and you hold onto your religion. my pastor thinks whitey invented AIDS to clear out the 'hood, but he ain't bitter'

Obama should keep listening to the folks at DUH. Good advice. Laughing

Obama is not listening to DU memebers. How come you get EVERYTHING backwards.

Obama absolutely kicked McCain's ass in that video. I guess you didn't even bother to watch it. You are so OUT OF TOUCH. You are going to be one miserable camper the next four years (probably eight)

BTW I am not a genius, I am a sub-genius.

And Here is Obama kicking ass again.

Watch it and weep.
0 Replies
real life
Sat 12 Apr, 2008 08:54 am
Roxxxanne wrote:
real life wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
Progressives at DU are painting Obama's remarks as a stroke of genius.

Yeah, genius.

'you guys are bitter and you hold onto your religion. my pastor thinks whitey invented AIDS to clear out the 'hood, but he ain't bitter'

Obama should keep listening to the folks at DUH. Good advice. Laughing

Obama is not listening to DU memebers. How come you get EVERYTHING backwards.

Obama absolutely kicked McCain's ass in that video. I guess you didn't even bother to watch it. You are so OUT OF TOUCH. You are going to be one miserable camper the next four years (probably eight)

BTW I am not a genius, I am a sub-genius.

And Here is Obama kicking ass again.

Watch it and weep.

hey sub,

I was not referring to you as a genius. I was chuckling that DUH members thought 'Present' Obama to be a genius.

Obama, with his own bigoted remarks, opened a subject that had nearly closed, his association with religious bigots such as Wright and James Meeks.

Yep, he's a genius alright.
0 Replies
Sat 12 Apr, 2008 08:57 am
Roxxxanne wrote:
real life wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
Progressives at DU are painting Obama's remarks as a stroke of genius.

Yeah, genius.

'you guys are bitter and you hold onto your religion. my pastor thinks whitey invented AIDS to clear out the 'hood, but he ain't bitter'

Obama should keep listening to the folks at DUH. Good advice. Laughing

Obama is not listening to DU memebers. How come you get EVERYTHING backwards.

Obama absolutely kicked McCain's ass in that video. I guess you didn't even bother to watch it. You are so OUT OF TOUCH. You are going to be one miserable camper the next four years (probably eight)

BTW I am not a genius, I am a sub-genius.

And Here is Obama kicking ass again.

Watch it and weep.

Watch the video, RL
0 Replies
Sat 12 Apr, 2008 10:17 am
(I figure I may as well get out in front of this one, since the usual suspects are sure to jump on this one and beat it to death, too.)

Whoa. Unbelievable. Obama says the working folks in PA. are bitter about the economy, and that their bitterness makes them latch on to distracting side-issues, and this is getting media play as if Obama told them to kiss his rich black ass, or something. Un-be-frikkin-lievable.

Catherine Crier says it well here:

Here are the controversial comments Barack Obama uttered in San Francisco. "You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them...And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Inartful. That is the only fair criticism of this analysis. Let's ask the voters in Pennsylvania these questions. If the 'distracting' issues of guns, gay marriage and abortion were all resolved to their liking, would their economic lives change? How about immigration? If all illegal aliens were to disappear, would those rust belt jobs return?

For so many years, such issues have been used to corral blue collar workers into a party and political philosophy that serves the elites in this country. When someone speaks the truth and acknowledges that this sector of our society has been royally deceived, that issues they rally around have little to do with their ultimate welfare, it is time to banish such a person from the campaign trail.

Heaven forbid we should suggest that bitterness might exist in this country of such optimism or that this emotion might be an appropriate and effective reaction to current circumstances.

Hillary Clinton countered with this statement. "Well, that is not my experience," she said. "As I travel around Pennsylvania I meet people who are resilient, optimistic, positive...If we start acting like Americans," she said, "and role up our sleeves, we can make sure that America's best years are ahead of us." McCain's spokesman chimed in. "It shows an elitism and condescension towards hardworking Americans that is nothing short of breathtaking...It is hard to imagine someone running for president who is more out of touch with average Americans."

Are you kidding me? Pulling the curtain back on a very effective political trick, the old bait and switch, is far from elitist. Americans are working harder than ever. Two job families are the norm. Yet the poor and middle class are falling further behind. What is breathtakingly condescending is watching two candidates stroke this group with platitudes about their being tough and resilient.

What exactly has that gotten them? Nada. The real stereotype Clinton and McCain are playing on is that blue collar workers are easily manipulated and will 'stay down' if you just tell them they are hardworking, patriotic, value-driven Americans.

It is time for these people to get mad. Illusion may make us feel better, but it simply serves to keep us tilting at the wrong windmills. It is time to embrace the truth and turn that anger, yes bitterness, on those who created such conditions. The alternative is to pat ourselves on the back for our optimism and 'can-do' attitudes while politicians in Washington laugh at such naivite and continue on their destructive course.
0 Replies
Sat 12 Apr, 2008 10:29 am
Thanks Snood.
0 Replies
Sat 12 Apr, 2008 10:31 am
Nice catch, snood!

Incredibly, Pat Buchanan is trying to paint this as a huge gaffe. Obama is telling the truth and showing astounding leadership abilities. You can't watch that video and not understand that Obama will literally obliterate anything McCain and the white supremacists come up with in the summer and fall.

The only possible downside is that he is now pissing off the white bigots that comprise at least 30% of the Republican Party who they may actually go out and vote for McCain (rather than stay home) out of fear of the "black man."

Damn! I can't wait for the head to head campaign to begin.
0 Replies
Sat 12 Apr, 2008 10:36 am
Whoa. Unbelievable. Obama says the working folks in PA. are bitter about the economy, and that their bitterness makes them latch on to distracting side-issues, and this is getting media play as if Obama told them to kiss his rich black ass, or something. Un-be-frikkin-lievable.

Not so unbelievable, snood. You should know better than I that there are a lot of white folk who are put off by an "uppity nigra." This is so obviously blatantly racist. But Obama will rise above all of this.
0 Replies
Sat 12 Apr, 2008 10:40 am
Arrogant. That's the buzzword. Arrogant=uppity nigra.
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Sat 12 Apr, 2008 10:42 am
snood wrote:
(I figure I may as well get out in front of this one, since the usual suspects are sure to jump on this one and beat it to death, too.)

Whoa. Unbelievable. Obama says the working folks in PA. are bitter about the economy, and that their bitterness makes them latch on to distracting side-issues, and this is getting media play as if Obama told them to kiss his rich black ass, or something. Un-be-frikkin-lievable.

So I guess Obama is one of the black people you DON'T speak for?
0 Replies
Sat 12 Apr, 2008 10:44 am
eoe wrote:
Arrogant. That's the buzzword. Arrogant=uppity nigra.

We (white folk) have to have a REAL discussion on race sometime like the discussion on MSNBC last night. An eye opener even for me. (Someone who is more comfortable around blacks than whites.)

Too bad that the people who needed to watch it probably didn't.
0 Replies
Sat 12 Apr, 2008 10:54 am
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
snood wrote:
(I figure I may as well get out in front of this one, since the usual suspects are sure to jump on this one and beat it to death, too.)

Whoa. Unbelievable. Obama says the working folks in PA. are bitter about the economy, and that their bitterness makes them latch on to distracting side-issues, and this is getting media play as if Obama told them to kiss his rich black ass, or something. Un-be-frikkin-lievable.

So I guess Obama is one of the black people you DON'T speak for?

You are really pitiful, you poor thing. Is this the best sniping you can do now? this is below even you.
0 Replies
Sat 12 Apr, 2008 12:56 pm
Well, it's unlocked now.
0 Replies
Sat 12 Apr, 2008 01:00 pm
Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:07 am Post: 3191252 -
A humble request to the administrator or moderator.
If a thread is blocked for offensive post it should be removed.
Under politics two threads were blocked but not removed .
I had checked the above statment but got ignored.
0 Replies
Sat 12 Apr, 2008 01:21 pm
Obama just gave all of us a peak at who he really is and what he really thinks of main stream Americans.
The Clinton machine will use this against him... Obama's days are numbered.
0 Replies
Sat 12 Apr, 2008 01:35 pm
maporsche wrote:
Yeah, she's arrogant.

Two wrongs do make right.

Fo sure.

Roxxxanne wrote:
I want the President of the US to be a little bit arrogant.


Well, I dont.. I think you've had enough arrogance in your Presidency the past 8 years to last you for a while.

Like, a century. Maybe.
0 Replies

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