georgeob1 wrote:Those of you who are frustrated and perplexed by the organizational ineptitude of the Democrat National Committee and its evident inability to craft primary election rules and a delegate structure that its local groups would tolerate, or to forsee the adverse side effects they would create should reflect on the fact that these habitual defects also infest the complex government-run systems and structures they would enact to "cure" all our problems. Right now the comedy is being played out in the Democrat Party. We should all dread the prospect of expanding it to include the whole government.
Agreed, george. The efficiencies of a more dictatorial style of administration and governance are indeed compelling.
For this exact reason, it is my firm believe that the Dems, given a presidential win and majority status in both houses come November, ought to follow the inspiring lead set by Republicans over the last few decades. To wit:
- broad redistricting to advantage their party, and hence, it's abilities to push through policies with minimal interference.
- filling judicial posts from the SC on down with judges who are ideologically aligned with Dem/liberal policies and values.
- likewise, using broad and deep Justice Department appointments as a means of forwarding prosecutions of Republican politicians and thus, further increase electoral gains for the Dem party.
- co-ordination, through the WH political arm, of message solidarity by bringing teams of Liberal Movement ideologues in the media into the WH regularly for briefings and goal-alignment. This should also be done on a weekly basis with all major Dem coalition partners in all spheres so as to hammer out who to crush and who to support and how to go about doing those things. This would be lobbyists, media, hollywood people, the religious left, etc.
- working behind the scenes, organize the purchase of a large media conglomerate which owns papers and cable tv and radio and bring them online as a propaganda mechanism. You'll want them to advertise as something like "above the partisan only to inform you, the citizens" but they'll be really nothing like that at all.
- increase secrecy of all internal operations. Put up roadblocks on every and any sort of investigation that might be directed towards operations, whether congressional or from unfriendly press.
- strengthen the weakened power of the Presidency by bringing in the most radical legal minds around and have them draw up the arguments and legal strategies for giving the Dem president the unique and absolute powers which ought to devolve from the C in C situation under which the presidency now operates. Along with this, and in support of it, the new Dem administration must extend the active militarism presently in effect, along with enormous PR campaigns to convince the american people that this militarism (with its consequences for Presidential power) is entirely necessary for the defence of american citizens from evils that lurk outside of the borders (and inside too).
- immediately attack, via WH and via all the friendly media outlets now effectively under WH control, any and all attacks upon the President or his policies or against the military as traitorous and anti-American. Do not let up. Do this every day from multiple sources and outlets.
- form up a committee to survey all government departments and detail who within them is a party loyalist and remove all others. Where this is not feasible or where it might be noticed, move to re-organize so as to disempower the non-loyal through putting the loyal above them on the organizational charts
- in tandem with the above, ensure that ALL government reports, from statisticians or science bodies or whatever, are not released until they have been vetted by the loyalists you've put up at the top. Rewrite where necessary to match message solidarity or simply shelf reports if their conclusions are unaligned.
That's a short list, but covers a few of the essential moves the Dems ought to make in order to to be "ept" as the Republicans you admire have been.