cicerone imposter
Sun 6 Apr, 2008 10:45 am
teenyboone, I know where you're coming from, but the major issue for blacks,, Hispanics, Asians and poor whites are the bastardized educational system that has failed to solve the problems of their large drop out rates from school.

They are the future of this country, and without a good, competitive education, our economy will fail in the world marketplace.

Politicians and educators need to solve these problems soon, or our country will fail to compete in the future in not only economics, but in politics. Poor countries have no influence in this world.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Apr, 2008 10:46 am
Ticomaya wrote:
teenyboone wrote:
Yeah, I said it! Now make a liar out of me! Cool

I'm not sure what you said, other than it sounded like more of your "whitey is out to get the black man" BS you like to spew.

And she used WAY too many commas.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Apr, 2008 10:48 am
Ticomaya wrote:
teenyboone wrote:
Yeah, I said it! Now make a liar out of me! Cool

I'm not sure what you said, other than it sounded like more of your "whitey is out to get the black man" BS you like to spew.

You INCORRECT, as usual! Not Whitey, as you call it, it's the SYSTEM, stupid! :wink:
0 Replies
Sun 6 Apr, 2008 10:50 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
teenyboone, I know where you're coming from, but the major issue for blacks,, Hispanics, Asians and poor whites are the bastardized educational system that has failed to solve the problems of their large drop out rates from school.

They are the future of this country, and without a good, competitive education, our economy will fail in the world marketplace.

Politicians and educators need to solve these problems soon, or our country will fail to compete in the future in not only economics, but in politics. Poor countries have no influence in this world.

I knew the "Idiot" element, would submerged from the sewers! Some posters want to PAINT the economic system Black or White. It's NEITHER! It's a trick, politicians play, to keep BOTH groups at each other's neck!

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Sun 6 Apr, 2008 10:55 am
teenyboone wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
teenyboone, I know where you're coming from, but the major issue for blacks,, Hispanics, Asians and poor whites are the bastardized educational system that has failed to solve the problems of their large drop out rates from school.

They are the future of this country, and without a good, competitive education, our economy will fail in the world marketplace.

Politicians and educators need to solve these problems soon, or our country will fail to compete in the future in not only economics, but in politics. Poor countries have no influence in this world.

I knew the "Idiot" element, would submerged from the sewers! Some posters want to PAINT the economic system Black or White. It's NEITHER! It's a trick, politicians play, to keep BOTH groups at each other's neck!


Oh, is that what I said? According to this morning's San Jose Merc, the dropout rates for blacks and Hispanics are almost 50 percent. Sorry, you're so stuck on black and white.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Apr, 2008 11:19 am
teenyboone wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
teenyboone wrote:
Yeah, I said it! Now make a liar out of me! Cool

I'm not sure what you said, other than it sounded like more of your "whitey is out to get the black man" BS you like to spew.

You INCORRECT, as usual! Not Whitey, as you call it, it's the SYSTEM, stupid! :wink:

Ahh. It was probably your, "that believe in America for Whites only and everybody else are the 'schitt', under their soles!" line that confused me.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Apr, 2008 11:35 am
Want to make chauvinism, racism, prejudice and bigotry completely and truling extinct? Work on yourself, Baby. No amount of preaching, law-making, or naked force can change the inner heart of people. No elected politician, or tyrant can make people different from what they are. Change in attitudes, expectations and openess to others only occurs as each individual makes the effort to pull out stinking weeds. We not only have very limited control over the thoughts and attitudes hidden away behind the civilized masks of others, attempts at coercion only make the weed seem less noxious as it is our own.

That the United States has made such great progress toward a less chauvinistic society in a mere 60 years is a marvel. Prejudicial and unjust laws based on chauvinistic prejudice no longer exist with in the United States. The rise of political correctness and peer pressure, have greatly curbed overt racism and chauvinism throughout most of our society. Only within the Black community is it still acceptable, almost de rigor, to use the "N" word, to verbally debase women, and sneer at people trying to raise families.

One thing about Obama and Rev. Wright, is that they've rewakened America to how far we, as a species, have to go to overcome chauvinism and prejudices. In the White community it has been perhaps too easy to over look the racism that still exists among Blacks. In the White community, we virtually never hear anyone use Politically Incorrect speech. We have minority neighbors next door, and may work for a Black Woman at our job. We attend the theater with, and play golf on Saturday with Black Folk. Our children play together without problems on the playground, in school or during sleep-overs. We are accustomed to seeing and admiring Black performers, athletes, police officers, and government bureaucrats. I doubt that it even occurs to most Whites to think that their friends, neighbors, and co-workers might, deep in their hearts, hate all Whites and wish them ill. Shucks, I doubt it still.

If we believe what we are told here by the Left, real and raw racism is alive and well in Black Churches. We are told that hatred for America and Whites is so widespread, that it is regarded as "Truth" rather than the racial prejudice it is. The hatred for authority and women that is so typical of Rap Stars apparently isn't just retro-grade "art" designed for its appeal to pre-adolescent boys, but reflects a broader disaffection in the Black Community.

It would seem that there are two Black Communities. One has seized the many opportunities offered over the past 60 years, and managed to pull itself out of the extremes of poverty and exclusion. The other has spent the past 60 years blaming their conditions on the rest of the world. Education is the key to material success, regardless of what your demographic status is, and Blacks who have gotten an education have tended to do well. Those who whine, drop out of school at an early age and spend the rest of their lives complaining about their marginal lives. Successful Blacks, like successful Whites, take control over their own destiny. They set goals, and patiently work toward them overcoming each obstacle as well as they are able. Unsuccessful Whites and Blacks have a zillion excuses why they are entitled to great jobs, new cars, plenty of top-grade intoxicants, and the world's respect. One group works and strives, and the other loafs along from party to party in an attempt to dull their hatred for a world that is beyond their grasp.

How can society fix this problem? Pass more laws? Redistribute the wealth on a continuous basis, because ultimately wealth always finds its way into the hands of those most skillful and prudent? More police, more prisons, more entitlement money distributed in slums to dissuade the inhabitants from burning down their own neighborhoods? None of that has worked in the past, and it won't work in the future either.

To eliminate chauvinism, each person has to bring light into the darkness of their own hearts. Churches can help in the effort by preaching sermons that condemn chauvinism of all sorts. Parents can help by teaching their children that prejudice is a foul weed that poisons everyone and everything it comes into contact with. We can all help by banishing from our vocabularies and thoughts terms that demean, and debase other people.

Though Mr. Obama's faux pas of binding himself closely for twenty years to a racist preacher, friend, adviser and mentor, raises questions about his suitability for the Presidency, it has also provided us an opportunity to revisit the state of race in America. We've come a long way, and for the ambitious, responsible, and upwardly mobile great strides toward full equality has been made in unbelievably short time. The more difficult problem is how to transform those at the bottom of society, since much of their difficulties come from their own failings. The answer is, of course, as long as human beings aren't perfect, there will be imperfect human beings.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Apr, 2008 11:49 am
I see that Asherman is still promoting the white racist view of Obama's association with a mainstream church.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Apr, 2008 11:54 am

Since you so obviously hate the American "system", what system or solution to you propose?

Is your problem one of economic systems. Are you a Marxist? An Anarchist? What economic system do you believe is better than a competitive market place where supply and demand rules within some constraints designed to prevent monopolies and grossly unfair trade practices? Our economic system recognizes that individuals want to own property, become more wealthy than they are, and to secure a better future for their families. In our economic system, individuals dispose of their wealth and property pretty much as the wish, so long as they don't violate the laws. So what's your alternative to nasty old Capitalism?

Our Constitutionally mandated Federal Government is tightly bound to our economic system. Change one and the other will be profoundly affected. So do you want to replace representational government, and dump the Constitution? Again, what alternative do you propose? Where in the world is there now, or ever has been a system able to govern a vast and mighty nation so well? Would you prefer Kim Jong-Il's philosophy of government, or what is practiced in the PRC? Perhaps you believe that the government should be dominated by religion? Would you prefer government rule by the Talban, or the Mullahs of Iran or Saudi Arabia? How much progress towards racial harmony do you think we would have if Rev. Wright and the Trinity Church was THE State Religion?

Perhaps you'd clarify.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Apr, 2008 11:59 am
Ah yes, just as I can see that you're still the objective, rational commentator who eschews personal invective and attack. Nothing emotional or partisan in your tireless pursuit of truth, justice and the American Way. The brilliance of your thought and clarity of your written argument is a lesson to us all. You have the capacity for listening, and seeing beyond the obvious to insights hidden within any point of view. Your personal lack of prejudice and chauvinism is the goal toward we all aspire. Ah, how great the world would be if only there were more patriotic heros such as yourself.

Hats off to you Roxxy... hows tricks?
0 Replies
Sun 6 Apr, 2008 12:33 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
teenyboone wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
teenyboone, I know where you're coming from, but the major issue for blacks,, Hispanics, Asians and poor whites are the bastardized educational system that has failed to solve the problems of their large drop out rates from school.

They are the future of this country, and without a good, competitive education, our economy will fail in the world marketplace.

Politicians and educators need to solve these problems soon, or our country will fail to compete in the future in not only economics, but in politics. Poor countries have no influence in this world.

I knew the "Idiot" element, would submerged from the sewers! Some posters want to PAINT the economic system Black or White. It's NEITHER! It's a trick, politicians play, to keep BOTH groups at each other's neck!


Oh, is that what I said? According to this morning's San Jose Merc, the dropout rates for blacks and Hispanics are almost 50 percent. Sorry, you're so stuck on black and white.[/quote

I have no idea, now, what you're talking about! I wasn't referring to you as an idiot, just commenting on your economic statement. If you gave 2 people 100 and 1000 dollars to shop with you'd get 2 different conclusions.
One would have an advantage over the other, no doubt. Just as you fund one school system with less money than another. 2 different systems would emerge. One advantaged, because of better resources and the other cutting corners to make the lesser amount stretch. Neither one wins because it just shows the disparity, is all.

I don't know what you're reading into my post, but I'll say this. Some will read one thing and others will conclude whatever they wish, as usual. There's a lot of hate here. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Sun 6 Apr, 2008 12:39 pm
Asherman wrote:

Since you so obviously hate the American "system", what system or solution to you propose?

Is your problem one of economic systems. Are you a Marxist? An Anarchist? What economic system do you believe is better than a competitive market place where supply and demand rules within some constraints designed to prevent monopolies and grossly unfair trade practices? Our economic system recognizes that individuals want to own property, become more wealthy than they are, and to secure a better future for their families. In our economic system, individuals dispose of their wealth and property pretty much as the wish, so long as they don't violate the laws. So what's your alternative to nasty old Capitalism?

Our Constitutionally mandated Federal Government is tightly bound to our economic system. Change one and the other will be profoundly affected. So do you want to replace representational government, and dump the Constitution? Again, what alternative do you propose? Where in the world is there now, or ever has been a system able to govern a vast and mighty nation so well? Would you prefer Kim Jong-Il's philosophy of government, or what is practiced in the PRC? Perhaps you believe that the government should be dominated by religion? Would you prefer government rule by the Talban, or the Mullahs of Iran or Saudi Arabia? How much progress towards racial harmony do you think we would have if Rev. Wright and the Trinity Church was THE State Religion?

Perhaps you'd clarify.

No, you tell me, since you've concluded in YOUR mind, what I think. You've already made your mind up about a brilliant man, who happens to be Black and make stupid judgments based on your own prejudices then twist it to make it look like the person who believes in freedom for all, me for one, is wrong!
Why should I believe that you would paint me anything other than what's in your own twisted, racist, mind?
0 Replies
Sun 6 Apr, 2008 12:42 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
I see that Asherman is still promoting the white racist view of Obama's association with a mainstream church.

It's ALL that some in this group are capable of. His avatar reveals something else! Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Sun 6 Apr, 2008 01:01 pm
Ah, Come on Teeny,

You said a little earlier, "You INCORRECT, as usual! Not Whitey, as you call it, it's the SYSTEM, stupid!"

This was just one of the many comments you've made here to the effect that all the problems in the Black Community are the result of an American system run entirely by Whites. Even though that is false, You believe it and obviously don't love and cherish that system, so ...

At least try to clarify what the system is that you hate so much, and what solution/system you propose to make things better.

BTW, these questions would still be pertinent, even vital, whether or not there was a Black candidate for the Presidency. As many of us (pick your own invectives) conservative Republicans have said many times, we have NO PROBLEM with electing a President from ANY minority. Our support has everything to do with political philosophy, character, and record of experience. It is you who whine that our problems with ONE candidate extends to all candidates and that THE Problem is the candidate's "race". You have consistently argued for a racially prejudiced point of view here; get over it.

Then you say, "There's a lot of hate here. Rolling Eyes" Got that right, and it's all dripping off the nib of your pen.

Re. My avatar... What! You have a problem with Santa Clause too?
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Sun 6 Apr, 2008 02:46 pm
Asherman wrote:
Want to make chauvinism, racism, prejudice and bigotry completely and truling extinct? Work on yourself, Baby.

And Liberals are too idealistic and disconnected from reality... Rolling Eyes Laughing
Asherman wrote:

Only within the Black community is it still acceptable, almost de rigor, to use the "N" word, to verbally debase women, and sneer at people trying to raise families.

BS. The "n-word" is alive and well in many communities that aren't black. Also, are you going to claim that blacks are the only people to verbally debase women? If not, you make no distinction to let us know you aren't a piece of trash racist.
Asherman wrote:

In the White community it has been perhaps too easy to over look the racism that still exists among Blacks. In the White community, we virtually never hear anyone use Politically Incorrect speech.

BS. Go to any highschool in any white community, and listen to the popular kids rattle off how others are...

"stupid faggots"
"punk ass bitches"
"dumb sluts"
"nigger rich"
"nigger broke"

Asherman, you don't seem to know much about what our youth are being taught. You don't seem to know what is going on in the communities.
Asherman wrote:

The hatred for authority and women that is so typical of Rap Stars apparently isn't just retro-grade "art" designed for its appeal to pre-adolescent boys, but reflects a broader disaffection in the Black Community.

produced by, packeged by, marketed by mostly white executives. What you fail to see is that from the black community forms of art and expression arose. You fail to look past the surface to see that the community and the art has been exploited in the name of capitolism. Not all hip-hop is about violence or sexual exploitation.

Try marketing a song like Mos Def's "new world water" to a corp like Clearchannel. It's a great song to raise awareness about the world's shortage of clean water in 3rd world countries.
Asherman wrote:

It would seem that there are two Black Communities. One has seized the many opportunities offered over the past 60 years, and managed to pull itself out of the extremes of poverty and exclusion. The other has spent the past 60 years blaming their conditions on the rest of the world.

You fail to understand either community. Further, what is the difference between those two communities, and the two white communities? Asian communites? Hispanic communities?

You offer a meaningless distinction. The balck community isn't the only group with successful people and complainers.
Asherman wrote:

Education is the key to material success, regardless of what your demographic status is, and Blacks who have gotten an education have tended to do well.

And in the USA, material success is all that matters. The vision of our country was never any greater than being richer than the next guy.
Asherman wrote:

Successful Blacks, like successful Whites, take control over their own destiny.

Sure. However that's not all. There are plenty of hard working people who can't overcome their situation.
Asherman wrote:

How can society fix this problem? Pass more laws? Redistribute the wealth on a continuous basis, because ultimately wealth always finds its way into the hands of those most skillful and prudent?

That trickle-down effect is working great too. All of the mone is top heavy.
Asherman wrote:

More police, more prisons, more entitlement money distributed in slums to dissuade the inhabitants from burning down their own neighborhoods? None of that has worked in the past, and it won't work in the future either.

Bad neighborhoods don't need more police. Got it. People who can't aford the inflated housing market should have to be homeless. Afordable housing is a lame idea.

You know what? Maybe it sucks. But maybe the alternative is worse.
Asherman wrote:

To eliminate chauvinism, each person has to bring light into the darkness of their own hearts.

You should have been a poet, however I think differently. I think to eliminate chauvinism, we need to stop offering social validation to the chauvinists.

I thought republicans were all about accountability?
Asherman wrote:

We've come a long way, and for the ambitious, responsible, and upwardly mobile great strides toward full equality has been made in unbelievably short time.

Yeah... "WE'VE." Say what you like Asherman, but the skinny of it is that racism is alive and well in America. We may have abolished the jim crowe laws, but we replace that with contorting our school districts. We may not hear as many people say "nigger" but it's been replaced with "them" or some other more socially acceptable code.
Asherman wrote:

The more difficult problem is how to transform those at the bottom of society, since much of their difficulties come from their own failings.

And tell me asherman. Whis is at the bottom of society?

0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Sun 6 Apr, 2008 03:09 pm
Diest TKO wrote:
Asherman wrote:
Want to make chauvinism, racism, prejudice and bigotry completely and truling extinct? Work on yourself, Baby.

And Liberals are too idealistic and disconnected from reality... Rolling Eyes Laughing
Asherman wrote:

Only within the Black community is it still acceptable, almost de rigor, to use the "N" word, to verbally debase women, and sneer at people trying to raise families.

BS. The "n-word" is alive and well in many communities that aren't black. Also, are you going to claim that blacks are the only people to verbally debase women? If not, you make no distinction to let us know you aren't a piece of trash racist.
Asherman wrote:

In the White community it has been perhaps too easy to over look the racism that still exists among Blacks. In the White community, we virtually never hear anyone use Politically Incorrect speech.

BS. Go to any highschool in any white community, and listen to the popular kids rattle off how others are...

"stupid faggots"
"punk ass bitches"
"dumb sluts"
"nigger rich"
"nigger broke"

Asherman, you don't seem to know much about what our youth are being taught. You don't seem to know what is going on in the communities.
Asherman wrote:

The hatred for authority and women that is so typical of Rap Stars apparently isn't just retro-grade "art" designed for its appeal to pre-adolescent boys, but reflects a broader disaffection in the Black Community.

produced by, packeged by, marketed by mostly white executives. What you fail to see is that from the black community forms of art and expression arose. You fail to look past the surface to see that the community and the art has been exploited in the name of capitolism. Not all hip-hop is about violence or sexual exploitation.

Try marketing a song like Mos Def's "new world water" to a corp like Clearchannel. It's a great song to raise awareness about the world's shortage of clean water in 3rd world countries.
Asherman wrote:

It would seem that there are two Black Communities. One has seized the many opportunities offered over the past 60 years, and managed to pull itself out of the extremes of poverty and exclusion. The other has spent the past 60 years blaming their conditions on the rest of the world.

You fail to understand either community. Further, what is the difference between those two communities, and the two white communities? Asian communites? Hispanic communities?

You offer a meaningless distinction. The balck community isn't the only group with successful people and complainers.
Asherman wrote:

Education is the key to material success, regardless of what your demographic status is, and Blacks who have gotten an education have tended to do well.

And in the USA, material success is all that matters. The vision of our country was never any greater than being richer than the next guy.
Asherman wrote:

Successful Blacks, like successful Whites, take control over their own destiny.

Sure. However that's not all. There are plenty of hard working people who can't overcome their situation.
Asherman wrote:

How can society fix this problem? Pass more laws? Redistribute the wealth on a continuous basis, because ultimately wealth always finds its way into the hands of those most skillful and prudent?

That trickle-down effect is working great too. All of the mone is top heavy.
Asherman wrote:

More police, more prisons, more entitlement money distributed in slums to dissuade the inhabitants from burning down their own neighborhoods? None of that has worked in the past, and it won't work in the future either.

Bad neighborhoods don't need more police. Got it. People who can't aford the inflated housing market should have to be homeless. Afordable housing is a lame idea.

You know what? Maybe it sucks. But maybe the alternative is worse.
Asherman wrote:

To eliminate chauvinism, each person has to bring light into the darkness of their own hearts.

You should have been a poet, however I think differently. I think to eliminate chauvinism, we need to stop offering social validation to the chauvinists.

I thought republicans were all about accountability?
Asherman wrote:

We've come a long way, and for the ambitious, responsible, and upwardly mobile great strides toward full equality has been made in unbelievably short time.

Yeah... "WE'VE." Say what you like Asherman, but the skinny of it is that racism is alive and well in America. We may have abolished the jim crowe laws, but we replace that with contorting our school districts. We may not hear as many people say "nigger" but it's been replaced with "them" or some other more socially acceptable code.
Asherman wrote:

The more difficult problem is how to transform those at the bottom of society, since much of their difficulties come from their own failings.

And tell me asherman. Whis is at the bottom of society?


My son is in a predominately white school in the "privileged" part of town and i can tell you that

"stupid faggots"
"punk ass bitches"
"dumb sluts"
"nigger rich"
"nigger broke"

are not terms bandied about by many and in fact are considered redneck and bigoted by most. I've been in your neighborhood in central Missouri however and heard those kind of terms used commonly and in every day speech, no offense to you personally. Maybe it's a regional thing.
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Sun 6 Apr, 2008 03:18 pm
No offense taken.

Perhaps some of it has to do with the region.

However, back to Asherman's claims, I hardly think that many parts of MO are excluded from the "white community."

I'm also (for my age) fairly well travelled, and I honestl don't think that this kind of language is contained by any boundry I know of.

As for you son's school, while it may seem comforting that the individuals are considered to be an insular biggot group, it still means that it has a presence there. I'm glad to hear that you feel confident about your son's school, out of curiousity, have you ever directly asked him about this kind of thing? Or is your observation based on an exterior point of view. I could be wrong, but I suspect that more than half of those terms I threw out from the cuff are more previlant than you might think.

0 Replies
Sun 6 Apr, 2008 03:22 pm
Who is at the bottom of the socio-economic order?

Those who choose not to get a good education.
Those who believe that working for a living is for saps.
Those who choose to deal and use addictive drugs and intoxicants.
Those who believe that the world owes them not just a living, but luxury.
Those who aren't disciplined enough to hold down regular jobs.
Those who are sexually irresponsible.
Those who believe that their problems are all caused by the "system".
Those who have no initiative, are impatient and little imagination.
Those who are comfortable "just getting along".

The there are others:

Those who were born with, or developed major mental or health disorders. Those folks need and generally get the needed care from public and private sources. Medical costs are ruinous, but some of the problem is created by having the taxpayer pickup tabs submitted by Doctors and the Health Care Industry designed to maximize profit. Health care can reduce a middle-class family (whatever that is) to poverty in very short order.

There are those who, after a lifetime of honest work find themselves and their skill set obsolete. A temporary dole exists to help the suddenly unemployed. There are retraining programs available, but for some adaptation is too difficult. The Rust Belt isn't going to suddenly recover jobs that left long ago. The people there have to understand that and adjust their expectations to something more realistic. Some who once made high wages were improvident, they didn't save, they chose to go into debt and now the chickens have come home to roost. People boubht real estate on decidedly poor terms (bad judgment), thinking that they would hold on a little while and sell for huge profits... whoops, the bubble burst and innocent people now have to pay the price.

There are those who chose to "follow their Bliss", and turned their backs on material success. That is a great thing about this country, individuals can choose whatever life path they please in the pursuit of happiness. If a person chooses a path that is highly risky, or that holds little in the way of economic reward or security, how is that Society's problem? If you run away and join the circus, don't later complain that all you are fit for is cleaning up after elephants. Some out of sense of patriotism or duty choose to enter the military, and frankly they don't get enough compensation for what we as a nation expect from them. Teachers don't make a lot of money, and perhaps educational system ought to pay more.

There are those who apparently are just plain unlucky. If they found the winning Lotto Ticket in the trash, they'd misplace in on the way to collect. That's the way the cookie crumbles, and society can't make everyone equally lucky, or unlucky. Actually, the attempt to "fixf" these sort of inequities almost invariably makes things worse for more folks than are ever "helped".
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Sun 6 Apr, 2008 03:23 pm
Diest TKO wrote:
No offense taken.

Perhaps some of it has to do with the region.

However, back to Asherman's claims, I hardly think that many parts of MO are excluded from the "white community."

I'm also (for my age) fairly well travelled, and I honestl don't think that this kind of language is contained by any boundry I know of.

As for you son's school, while it may seem comforting that the individuals are considered to be an insular biggot group, it still means that it has a presence there. I'm glad to hear that you feel confident about your son's school, out of curiousity, have you ever directly asked him about this kind of thing? Or is your observation based on an exterior point of view. I could be wrong, but I suspect that more than half of those terms I threw out from the cuff are more previlant than you might think.


I didn't deny they exist... this is the South after all.... but it is not prevalent... and I work with a lot of high school kids....I know my boy and I make it my business to know his friends it is theri opinion that that kind fo thing is dying out in their generation and they walk the walk as well as talking the talk... and I'm speaking for MY son's school only... head 20 miles down the road to Johnston County and set the wayback machine for 1960...
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Sun 6 Apr, 2008 03:29 pm
Asherman wrote:
Who is at the bottom of the socio-economic order?

Those who choose not to get a good education.
Those who believe that working for a living is for saps.
Those who choose to deal and use addictive drugs and intoxicants.
Those who believe that the world owes them not just a living, but luxury.
Those who aren't disciplined enough to hold down regular jobs.
Those who are sexually irresponsible.
Those who believe that their problems are all caused by the "system".
Those who have no initiative, are impatient and little imagination.
Those who are comfortable "just getting along".

The there are others:

Those who were born with, or developed major mental or health disorders. Those folks need and generally get the needed care from public and private sources. Medical costs are ruinous, but some of the problem is created by having the taxpayer pickup tabs submitted by Doctors and the Health Care Industry designed to maximize profit. Health care can reduce a middle-class family (whatever that is) to poverty in very short order.

There are those who, after a lifetime of honest work find themselves and their skill set obsolete. A temporary dole exists to help the suddenly unemployed. There are retraining programs available, but for some adaptation is too difficult. The Rust Belt isn't going to suddenly recover jobs that left long ago. The people there have to understand that and adjust their expectations to something more realistic. Some who once made high wages were improvident, they didn't save, they chose to go into debt and now the chickens have come home to roost. People boubht real estate on decidedly poor terms (bad judgment), thinking that they would hold on a little while and sell for huge profits... whoops, the bubble burst and innocent people now have to pay the price.

There are those who chose to "follow their Bliss", and turned their backs on material success. That is a great thing about this country, individuals can choose whatever life path they please in the pursuit of happiness. If a person chooses a path that is highly risky, or that holds little in the way of economic reward or security, how is that Society's problem? If you run away and join the circus, don't later complain that all you are fit for is cleaning up after elephants. Some out of sense of patriotism or duty choose to enter the military, and frankly they don't get enough compensation for what we as a nation expect from them. Teachers don't make a lot of money, and perhaps educational system ought to pay more.

There are those who apparently are just plain unlucky. If they found the winning Lotto Ticket in the trash, they'd misplace in on the way to collect. That's the way the cookie crumbles, and society can't make everyone equally lucky, or unlucky. Actually, the attempt to "fixf" these sort of inequities almost invariably makes things worse for more folks than are ever "helped".

Cowardly responce.
So bold a moment ago, what happened? Your poorly veiled words say it all. You're a racist. You're back pedaling now. You're words were the "bottom of society" not the "bottom of the socio-economic order."

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