Whether she/he be Black, White or other, truly understands, what's going on as far as race in America, the impact it has on the economy, perceived American Dream, since it hasn't reached the masses of Blacks/Whites/Women or other minority, while politicians pretend it doesn't exist, until a Rev. Wright, places a bug up a few a$$es, then "guilt-ridden or "guilty" parties, beat their breasts about who is and who isn't racist, bigoted, etc., making sure the light isn't trained on them! Those that say, hey, I'm not responsible, doesn't mean it doesn't STILL exist, etc. It was people like Richard Milhous Nixon and his followers, pissed off because of Water Gate, that has produced the "gotcha" society we have, led to an impeachment of an immoral perhaps individual, but didn't predicate an impeachment for high crimes and misdeameanors; only in personal judgment, which isn't any of our business, to quote Chelsea, who couldn't have said it better; "it isn't ANY of your business", Mr. Gingrich, Vitter, Guiliani, and others who set a high standard for Clinton, while behind closed doors committed HIGH HYPOCRISY, THOSE upstanding hypocrites!
Yeah, that's why we have an idiot sitting in the white house and his cabinet of crooks, that send YOUR kids to fight a war, that shouldn't have been started in the first place, now, have wasted so much of our treasury in human life, blew the surplus, Bill Clinton amassed, but the poor catching hell, because of it. So while I applaud Clinton for closing the deficit, he did it at the expense of those helpless to prevent it. The Clintons, 2 "in the closet", far right moderates, if not conservatives, that believe in America for Whites only and everybody else are the "schitt", under their soles!
Yeah, I said it! Now make a liar out of me!