Fri 4 Apr, 2008 01:03 pm
Actually he isn't - you are. The country was in its third consecutive quarter of reduced GDP when Bush was Inagurated - the dot com bubble had already burst; the stock market was plummeting and employment contracting.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 01:03 pm
If he is wealthy, he must have inherited it (or robbed a bank)
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Fri 4 Apr, 2008 01:10 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
Actually he isn't - you are. The country was in its third consecutive quarter of reduced GDP when Bush was Inagurated - the dot com bubble had already burst; the stock market was plummeting and employment contracting.

There was a downturn at the end of the Clinton administration but it didn't meet the definition of a recession. Cheney and Bush jawboned the economy into recession so they could try and blame it on Clinton.

After the greatest economic expansion in history, a correction was in order. Doncha think? A lot of greedy people who didn't see it coming lost their ass and deserved it.

Bush invented Clinton recession
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Fri 4 Apr, 2008 01:18 pm
You assert that your candidate understands the military, foreign affairs and the economy. Faith is great.

Now, can you give us any reason why you believe Obama understands;

The Military. He has never severed in any branch of the military, and in his single unfinished term in the Senate has had virtually no contact with any of the nation's leading Military leaders or thinkers. He never served with the DOD, the NSC, nor any other government post that has frequent dealings with the military. He has never been a part of any large highly disciplined organization of any sort so far as we know. He has never witnessed the power of modern machinery, but feels competent to criticize its use. He talks about redeployment as if it was no more difficult than chartering a few aircraft, and had no more risk attached than crossing the street. Not all Presidents have had military experience, but during a time of war it seems silly to elect a man to office whose pronouncements seem to suggest an unwillingness to engage.

McCain's understanding of the military, its uses and limitations is first hand, and John McCain is widely regarded as an American hero by serviing men and women in uniform. His desicions will be accepted as informed, and authoritative. Beyond his direct experience, McCain has served in the Senate on virtually every major committee dealing with military procurement, force size and deployment since Obama was in short pants.

Foreign Affairs. With no experience in the State Department, nor having even met many of the world's political, on what basis does Obama have the "understanding of foreign affairs" to qualify him as President? Has he served on any of the Senate's committees that deal with foreign affairs? Other than going to grade school abroad, or traveling as a tourist, what does Obama know about any place outside Illinois? What is it about him that convinces you that his understanding of China, Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, Israel, Europe or Africa is mature and deep enough to guide the United States through these difficult times?

Again, McCain has had extensive dealings with the State Department, and has known intimately many of the world's leaders for many years. McCain has served on numerous Senate committees dealing with Foreign Affairs, and has officially visited many of the world's hot spots... even while they were red hot.

The Economy. Alright, Obama has worked with the homeless and minorities without marketable skills. He managed some government grant programs. He's a career politician and has never run a business himself, managed a large budget corporate budget. Obama is too young to have lived through any of the major economic cycles, and so what he knows, or thinks he knows, is from reading books written by left-leaning economists.

McCain makes no excuses for his own imperfect understanding of economics, but he has been dealing with National Budget and economic problems for decades. He knows his limitations, and seeks out expert advise. His economics are conservative, and generally risk adverse. Rather than address the symptom with quick fixes to satisfy popular demand, McCain is far more likely to seek long-term and substantive policies to benefit the nation's economy as a whole.

"non compos mentis" is better applied to Obama's willing blindness to his association with a racially bigoted mentor and pastor for over 20 years.
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Fri 4 Apr, 2008 01:26 pm
The best proof yet! Asherman doesn't think Obama understands these things. That has got to be the clincher for me.

Of course, I would much prefer to have a PTSD-suffering Viet vet who believes we could have won in Vietnam as CIC.

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Fri 4 Apr, 2008 01:29 pm
In regard to foreign affairs and the military, Obama's advisor is already contradicting what Obama has been promising all along in regard to Iraq. All the while, Obama continues to mis-characterize what McCain meant when he said a 100 years in Iraq. Dishonesty is beginning to become a bit more plain to see.
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Fri 4 Apr, 2008 01:33 pm
Obama hasn't mis characterized anything. McCain incorrectly claimed he did.
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Fri 4 Apr, 2008 01:39 pm
Baloney. I could hear what he said and understand it, perhaps you and Obama can't. It isn't complicated.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 01:41 pm
Obama MAY understand the military, foreign affairs and economy, its just that there isn't the slightest evidence to support the idea. He gives nice speeches, that we all know for a fact. He sees nothing wrong with belonging to a racist organization, and that requires almost no presumption. He wrote a book filled with high ideals, and has never rocked the Partisan Democratic boat. So far as we can tell, he's never faced a real crisis or overcome major adversity in his life. He's a charismatic young man in a hurry to remake the entire world according to simplistic ideals, and whether that is the sort of candidate America is willing to entrust with the awesome powers of President remains to be seen.

If Obama, why not Zacharia Quintilus Mruphy?
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 01:43 pm
Colin Kahl is an assistant professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University, and that püaper was published quite some time ago. (Online here)

I wonder, why the Sun ...

... came up today with this story.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 01:53 pm
The NY Sun is a rag.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 01:56 pm
Asherman wrote:
Obama MAY understand the military, foreign affairs and economy, its just that there isn't the slightest evidence to support the idea. He gives nice speeches, that we all know for a fact. He sees nothing wrong with belonging to a racist organization, and that requires almost no presumption. He wrote a book filled with high ideals, and has never rocked the Partisan Democratic boat. So far as we can tell, he's never faced a real crisis or overcome major adversity in his life. He's a charismatic young man in a hurry to remake the entire world according to simplistic ideals, and whether that is the sort of candidate America is willing to entrust with the awesome powers of President remains to be seen.

If Obama, why not Zacharia Quintilus Mruphy?

I guess you don't understand Asherman Syndrome. If Asherman opines something, the exact opposite is closer to the truth.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 01:59 pm
okie wrote:
Baloney. I could hear what he said and understand it, perhaps you and Obama can't. It isn't complicated.

Who said that Obama or myself didn't understand what McCain said.It is very clear that he would be content to stay in Iraq for a hundred years. The problem is that neither you nor McCain understand why that would be a problem.

Those running for President need the ability to avoid phrases that will cost them elections like "I voted for it before I voted against it"

It sucks when your candidate is the one whose words are going to cost him though, doesn't it?
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 02:06 pm
blueflame1 wrote:
Ashcroft booed for Obama-Osama gaffe by David Edwards and Muriel Kane
Published: Friday April 4, 2008

Former Attorney General John Ashcroft drew the ire of students at liberal Skidmore College this week when he confused the name of Barack Obama with that of Osama bin Laden.

"All I'm saying about the Patriot Act," Ashcroft began, "is that the elected representatives of this country, including Osama ..."

His words were met with a roar of disbelief and disapproval, as he continued stammering, "uh ... you know ... not ... Obama."

Ashcroft attempted to say "I'm sorry" but was drowned out by prolonged boos. "I did not mean to ... I'm sorry about that ... I apologize publicly," Ashcroft went on as the boos gradually subsided.

Ashcroft's appearance at the highly liberal college, which was arranged by a small group of conservative students, had proved highly controversial even before his arrival.

Liberal blogs have been particularly skeptical of Ashcroft's characterization of his mistake as accidental. One suggested, "Hint to reporters: it's not an accident, it's a strategy." Another explained, "This is a purposeful mistake being done by conservatives to subliminally make the connections with not only the terrorist but with the notion that Obama is somehow 'foreign'."

This video is from, broadcast April 3, 2008.

Right, and this wasn't a mistake either!

Obama Bin Laden
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Fri 4 Apr, 2008 02:12 pm
Feel good capitalizing and coloring that Finn buzz?
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Fri 4 Apr, 2008 02:12 pm
Of course, it was a mistake.I kinda feel bad for the guy. He seemed really embarrassed and apologetic. Must be karma though. Smile
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 02:25 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
okie wrote:
Baloney. I could hear what he said and understand it, perhaps you and Obama can't. It isn't complicated.

Who said that Obama or myself didn't understand what McCain said.It is very clear that he would be content to stay in Iraq for a hundred years. The problem is that neither you nor McCain understand why that would be a problem.

Then why dont you see it as a problem that we have had troops stationed in Europe since the end of WW2 (1945 till ???)
Why dont you see it as a problem that we have had troops stationed in Korea for 50 years?

And we have had a US Navy base at Gitmo since 1903, making it the oldest US military base overseas.
Why havent you ever complained about that?
I know you dont like us holding prisoners there, but you have never complained about the base itself.
Why is that?

Those running for President need the ability to avoid phrases that will cost them elections like "I voted for it before I voted against it"

You mean, like John Kerry, that paragon of democrat and liberal power?

It sucks when your candidate is the one whose words are going to cost him though, doesn't it?

I dont know, because my candidate isnt running for President.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 02:30 pm
You are defending McCain, MM. Don't even go there.

Of course, a lot of people like you aren't exactly enthusiastic about the old geezer but that's understandable.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 02:32 pm
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 02:41 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
You are defending McCain, MM. Don't even go there.

Of course, a lot of people like you aren't exactly enthusiastic about the old geezer but that's understandable.

Im neither defending him or attacking him.
He isnt my first choice for President, but I am not rejecting him either.

FYI, my first choice for President was a liberal democrat.
0 Replies

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