Fri 4 Apr, 2008 11:04 am
Ashcroft booed for Obama-Osama gaffe by David Edwards and Muriel Kane
Published: Friday April 4, 2008

Former Attorney General John Ashcroft drew the ire of students at liberal Skidmore College this week when he confused the name of Barack Obama with that of Osama bin Laden.

"All I'm saying about the Patriot Act," Ashcroft began, "is that the elected representatives of this country, including Osama ..."

His words were met with a roar of disbelief and disapproval, as he continued stammering, "uh ... you know ... not ... Obama."

Ashcroft attempted to say "I'm sorry" but was drowned out by prolonged boos. "I did not mean to ... I'm sorry about that ... I apologize publicly," Ashcroft went on as the boos gradually subsided.

Ashcroft's appearance at the highly liberal college, which was arranged by a small group of conservative students, had proved highly controversial even before his arrival.

Liberal blogs have been particularly skeptical of Ashcroft's characterization of his mistake as accidental. One suggested, "Hint to reporters: it's not an accident, it's a strategy." Another explained, "This is a purposeful mistake being done by conservatives to subliminally make the connections with not only the terrorist but with the notion that Obama is somehow 'foreign'."

This video is from, broadcast April 3, 2008.
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cicerone imposter
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 11:05 am
It's interesting to see how the right tries to find fault with everything their imagination takes them on Hillary and Obama; wonder if they do the same for McCain.

They try to make mountains out of mole hills when there isn't even any moles.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 11:17 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
It's interesting to see how the right tries to find fault with everything their imagination takes them on Hillary and Obama; wonder if they do the same for McCain.

They try to make mountains out of mole hills when there isn't even any moles.

After reading your posts for the last 5+ years I find quite a bit of humor in this post. Coming from you, the irony is unmistakable...
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 11:23 am
blueflame1 wrote:
Ashcroft booed for Obama-Osama gaffe by David Edwards and Muriel Kane
Published: Friday April 4, 2008

Former Attorney General John Ashcroft drew the ire of students at liberal Skidmore College this week when he confused the name of Barack Obama with that of Osama bin Laden.

"All I'm saying about the Patriot Act," Ashcroft began, "is that the elected representatives of this country, including Osama ..."

His words were met with a roar of disbelief and disapproval, as he continued stammering, "uh ... you know ... not ... Obama."

Ashcroft attempted to say "I'm sorry" but was drowned out by prolonged boos. "I did not mean to ... I'm sorry about that ... I apologize publicly," Ashcroft went on as the boos gradually subsided.

Ashcroft's appearance at the highly liberal college, which was arranged by a small group of conservative students, had proved highly controversial even before his arrival.

Liberal blogs have been particularly skeptical of Ashcroft's characterization of his mistake as accidental. One suggested, "Hint to reporters: it's not an accident, it's a strategy." Another explained, "This is a purposeful mistake being done by conservatives to subliminally make the connections with not only the terrorist but with the notion that Obama is somehow 'foreign'."

This video is from, broadcast April 3, 2008.

I wonder if Ted Kennedy got booed? YouTube has become a insititutional revelation in this campaign:
0 Replies
real life
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 11:28 am
mysteryman wrote:
Is it legal for Obama to do this, and does this explain (at least partly) why he seems to have such big crowds?

As former President Bill Clinton was extolling his wife's credentials, Obama's campaign office in Bloomington began giving away tickets to Sunday's Dave Matthews concert at Assembly Hall.

Jason Schechtman, 19, Deerfield, Ill., a student at IU, got his tickets about 8 p.m. after waiting more than three hours. He met folks in line who said they'd left the Clinton rally to wait for tickets.

"I was leaning toward Obama, but this sealed the deal for sure," he said. "The Obama campaign announced this right as (Bill Clinton) was about to speak, and it brought everyone from over there to over here."

Isnt this like buying votes?

yeah it is

and it shows the shallowness of his supporters that they will allow their minds to be purchased

the country sure will change if 'Present' is elected, but I don't think it'll be for the better if this is any indication of Obama's methods for getting folks to go along with him
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real life
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 11:33 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Shrug. It's like having Elton John give a concert for ya, which Hill did last month.

No biggie


Elton's in-kind campaign contribution is illegal since he's not a US citizen.

Does it bother you that Hilly/Billy so flagrantly violates campaign finance law?

Her Senate campaign is STILL in hot water for falsifying campaign contribution records to cover up the cost of the Peter Paul fundraiser.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 11:48 am
Re: Obama's economic advisers are brainy academics
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:

And thats OK with you?
When McCain said he didnt understand the economy and had no economic experience, he was loudly decried by the left.

Whats the difference?
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 12:10 pm
BBB is a Hillary supporter.

Obama is a bright guy and he understands the economy and most things better than most people and most assuredly better than non compos mentis McCain.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 12:17 pm
blueflame1 wrote:
Ashcroft booed for Obama-Osama gaffe by David Edwards and Muriel Kane
Published: Friday April 4, 2008

Former Attorney General John Ashcroft drew the ire of students at liberal Skidmore College this week when he confused the name of Barack Obama with that of Osama bin Laden.

"All I'm saying about the Patriot Act," Ashcroft began, "is that the elected representatives of this country, including Osama ..."

His words were met with a roar of disbelief and disapproval, as he continued stammering, "uh ... you know ... not ... Obama."

Ashcroft attempted to say "I'm sorry" but was drowned out by prolonged boos. "I did not mean to ... I'm sorry about that ... I apologize publicly," Ashcroft went on as the boos gradually subsided.

Ashcroft's appearance at the highly liberal college, which was arranged by a small group of conservative students, had proved highly controversial even before his arrival.

Liberal blogs have been particularly skeptical of Ashcroft's characterization of his mistake as accidental. One suggested, "Hint to reporters: it's not an accident, it's a strategy." Another explained, "This is a purposeful mistake being done by conservatives to subliminally make the connections with not only the terrorist but with the notion that Obama is somehow 'foreign'."

This video is from, broadcast April 3, 2008.

Ashcroft is half-past stupid, anyway! The hillbilly singing, sheetwraping of statues, breast beating bigot from Missouri, that lost to a dead man! :wink:
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 12:18 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
BBB is a Hillary supporter.

Obama is a bright guy and he understands the economy and most things better than most people and most assuredly better than non compos mentis McCain.

Does he understand the military?
Does he understand foreign affairs?
Does he understand that NOBODY understands the economy 100%?
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 12:19 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
I've certainly never heard anything other than courtesy and patience when he is talking to callers, Tico. You're right, he'll talk about them after the call is completed, but he does not hang up on them as Kicky says. And I believe him when he says he puts liberals who call in at the head of the line to talk to him - otherwise there sure wouldn't be as many who get on his show as there are.


As anyone who reads your bullshit knows,you only hear what you want to hear and tune everything else out.

I can see why psychomaya loves him however there might be a little cigar envy going on there.

There you go again, Roxxxanne!
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 12:19 pm
Re: Obama's economic advisers are brainy academics
mysteryman wrote:
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:

And thats OK with you?
When McCain said he didnt understand the economy and had no economic experience, he was loudly decried by the left.

Whats the difference?

The difference is, he sounds like he and Bush are first cousins in the "no brains" department! That's what. Cool
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 12:25 pm
mysteryman wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
BBB is a Hillary supporter.

Obama is a bright guy and he understands the economy and most things better than most people and most assuredly better than non compos mentis McCain.

Does he understand the military?
Does he understand foreign affairs?
Does he understand that NOBODY understands the economy 100%?

Economists do and what little news allowed to get out! Supply and demand! No jobs, a dead economy! The oil situation is different in that you have a supply monopoly in this country. First it was said that there's not enough refineries. Bad answer. We have more than enough supply and high demand, but it's an artificial demand that makes the price soar, becasue the supplier controls the flow, while you have a President/vice-president, that are BOTH oil men and I'll bet their money is also offshore! When you hide money from US, which is themselves, we have what amounts to anarchy in the White House. Something neither would tolerate from one of us! Cool
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 12:27 pm
Buying votes is a shoddy way to get your candidate elected, but it is pretty traditional in American electoral politics.

Washington's campaign budgeted for barrels of whiskey to be distributed amongst "likely" supporters and voters. Of course, Washington won both his elections. Though many have now forgotten, opposition to Washington's second term was vigorous and strident. The Father of Our Country was accused of plotting to make himself king, and betraying the Revolution, he still managed a landslide. History doesn't record how good the whiskey was, nor how much effect if had on prospective voters.

Jefferson's Democratic-Republicans were notorious for their campaigning tactics. They bought voter in wholesale lots, and were infamous for their slander and libelous invective. Congress was so upset with their tactics that they passed the Alien and Sedition Acts. That backfired, and 1800, after Hamilton split the Federalist Party, Jefferson got into Office. Interestingly, though Jefferson used the Alien and Sedition Acts as fodder for his campaign, he readily adapted himself to them until they were repealed.

The Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren was almost litterly fueled with and infinite supply of hogsheads of raw whiskey. Old Tippecanoe beat Hickory and the Wizard at their own game, though the economic depression brought on by Jackson's war on the Bank certainly helped. As the 19th century continued, so did the practice of buying votes on one hand, while threatening opponents at the doors to the polls made up the left hand of steel. New York's Tammany Hall met Irish Immigrants at the boat, and moved them into precincts where votes were needed. Vote as Tammany directed and life was filled with perks, like jobs with the City Police or Fire Departments. There was enough graft to buy unlimited power in New York, and that went on shamelessly right into the 20th century.

Way out West, things were no different. Whoever controlled local politics rounded up every drunken bum or tramp and paid them in cash money as they left the polls. Republicans were intimidated and prevented from voting in the South, and in parts of Texas. Democrats were equally harassed in "Republican country".

Oh yeah, I can hear you saying that was sooo long ago. We haven't done that in ages. LOL. In spite of all the legislation intended to "clean" up political campaigns, the managers still cleverly find ways around the constraints, they parse the language and use loopholes creatively. Both Parties are guilty of improprieties, that doesn't make it right, but only the very naive, or blindly idealistic think otherwise. The McCain-Feingold was a bi-partisan effort to prevent the butcher's thumb of big contributions from tipping the scales. That didn't make McCain popular, and now as we near the beginning of the general election I'm afraid we'll see the provisions of that Act swept away as so many others have been in the past.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 12:34 pm
mysteryman wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
BBB is a Hillary supporter.

Obama is a bright guy and he understands the economy and most things better than most people and most assuredly better than non compos mentis McCain.

Does he understand the military?
Does he understand foreign affairs?
Does he understand that NOBODY understands the economy 100%?

Does he understand the military? Yes

Does he understand foreign affairs? Yes

Does he understand that NOBODY understands the economy 100%?

Like any bright person, I am sure he understands that virtually nothing is 100% understandable. I am not really sure why you picked out "the economy" as the one topic no one fully understands. There are a lot of obvious solutions to preventing the disasters brought on by the Bush policy of unbridled, unregulated capitalism. It doesn't work. Even numb nuts McCain admits to knowing that.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 12:48 pm
BTW I don't know that I agree with Obama's economic policies any more than I agree with Hillary's. In fact, based on everything I have heard and read so far, I probably prefer Hillary's. That said, Obama will surround himself with the right advisers, he will look out for the poor and middle class (as Hillary would have) and he will make the right decisions.

I really liked some of the advisers under Bill Clinton, Rubin, Reich in particular. Like Iraq, there are not going to be any easy solutions to correcting the disastrous Bush policies. We are in for some tought times regardless of who takes over the helm in 2009.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 12:53 pm
Bush did a good job bringing the country out of Bill Clinton's recession, let's not take
a few huge steps backwards by putting any Democrat back into the White House.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 12:54 pm
Robert Reich hasn't endorsed anyone as far as I know but his recent comments have been vedry critical of Hillary even calling her credibility into question, speaking of which her little MLK story sounded incredulous to me. She is a pretty good actor and managed to work up emotion talking recalling her reaction King's death. But she didn't sell me.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 12:55 pm
H2O_MAN wrote:
Bush did a good job bringing the country out of Bill Clinton's recession, let's not take
a few huge steps backwards by putting any Democrat back into the White House.

Bill Clinton's recession. LOL You are full of ****.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 01:00 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
H2O_MAN wrote:
Bush did a good job bringing the country out of Bill Clinton's recession, let's not take
a few huge steps backwards by putting any Democrat back into the White House.

Bill Clinton's recession. LOL You are full of ****.

H2O must be another wealthy republican; he doesn't care about the millions of families now losing their homes and cars, losing their health insurance, and buying less food to feed their families. According to this morning's San Jose Merc, 81 percent surveyed said they are now worse off than before Bush. 80,000 people lost their jobs last month. Auto sales are dropping so fast, the auto-makers will be laying off more workers in the months and years to come. They can barely put fuel into their cars now.

Yeah, H2O must be very wealthy, and doesn't give a rats ass about all those millions now suffering from the economic downturn.
0 Replies

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