Thu 3 Apr, 2008 07:52 pm
Success is a journey
not a destination----------------- Ben sweetland
0 Replies
Thu 3 Apr, 2008 08:03 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
As far as Randi goes, I knew her in Miami and she developed her own style following Neil Rogers at WQAM (or was it WIOD) Neil got tired of doing "issues" and started doing "schtick" Randi kept doing issues and built an audience with people who wanted to talk about and listen to issues. Then she moved up to Palm Beach and was involved in that whole Florida vote fiasco which she witnessed firsthand and was on the air at 9am election day reporting problems. She got a lot of traction out of that and wound up on Air America. Randi is just Randi and often gets out of control with her passion. Although the end result may be similar, she is almost the exact opposite of Rush in that she is entirely uncalculating for the most part. Doing stand-up comedy is not her forte and I guess she got out of control again. Randi is not too popular with feminists today.

If by "uncalculating" you mean the stupid bigmouth bitch is clueless about what kind of commentary is productive or informative in any way, then yeah, she's "uncalculating". She is just as bad as Coulter or Limbaugh - a rabble rousing, shoot-from-the-lip goof. And I wish to hell she'd find work someplace where she wasn't displayed as if she has some kind of original or even minimally reflective things to say about any damn thing.
0 Replies
Thu 3 Apr, 2008 08:29 pm
To compare Rhodes to Limbaugh is an insult to Limbaugh. Limbaugh does not bully or yell at callers, that I have ever heard. He may sound a bit impatient with callers that he disagrees with, but he makes a rule of being pretty courteous. Some of the most impatient I've heard him get is if the caller lies to the screener about what the subject will be that the caller intends to talk about.
0 Replies
Thu 3 Apr, 2008 10:11 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
snood wrote:
kickycan wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
You haven't ever listened to Limbaugh have you?

I have.

Foxfyre wrote:
He absolutely gives at least up to twice as much time to people who call in to criticize him or present a leftwing perspective as he does the people who call to praise him or present a rightwing point of view.

This is either a bald-faced lie, or you are delusional. I can't decide. Probably both.

Foxfyre wrote:
And I don't recall that Rush has ever raised his voice or disrespected or been rude or dismissive of a single one of those callers.

HAHAHA!!! How ridiculous can you get with this crap. Wow. You're so good at lying, we should start calling you Bill Clinton.

I know. I hate a stinkin liar. It's hard to even humor myself with the illusion that we are carrying on reasonably intelligent discussion when I try to talk to a bald-faced unrepentant stinkin liar like foxfyre.

I don't know if it's a state of delusion or just a bedrock-deep flaw in character, and on that level its sort of interesting as a sort of study of mental pathology, but I won't ever make the mistake of trying to take that stinking liar seriously again.

If you will listen to Rush for one week's radio shows, Monday through Friday, and then tell me the time and date that you heard him be disrespectful to a liberal caller and the name of that caller, I'll send you a gift certificate for a steak dinner. (I can retrieve it I believe on the website.) I'm not saying he is never disrespectful or uncomplimentary in his remarks about certain people because he certainly is. But I have NEVER heard him be rude, dismissive to any caller or not give any liberal more opportunity to say what he or she wants to say than he usually allows the rightwingers. He will certainly disagree with them, both right and leftwingers when he disagrees, but he is not rude or dismissive.

Kicky is lying through his teeth because if he had ever listened to Rush for any length of time, he would know that.

And you really aren't going to admit that you were out of line accusing me of something I didn't do either, are you.

You see? This is how she operates. You point out her horseshit, and she gives you an assignment to do. No thanks, I'm busy.

I think I see the problem here though. It's all just a simple communication breakdown. I believe that Foxfyre defines her words differently than other people.

For instance, when she says, Rush "absolutely gives at least up to twice as much time to people who call in to criticize him or present a leftwing perspective as he does the people who call to praise him or present a rightwing point of view," she means that he speaks for twice as long after hanging up on them. And when she says, "I don't recall that Rush has ever raised his voice or disrespected or been rude or dismissive of a single one of those callers," what she actually means is, "I don't recall that Rush has ever done all of these things simultaneously to a single one of those callers."

So you see, she's not really lying, as far as she knows. It's all a big misunderstanding! Now let's all have a nice big group hug.
0 Replies
Thu 3 Apr, 2008 10:14 pm
or not...
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cicerone imposter
Thu 3 Apr, 2008 10:18 pm
Fox will misinterpret the hug. Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Thu 3 Apr, 2008 10:53 pm
kickycan wrote:
You see? This is how she operates. You point out her horseshit, and she gives you an assignment to do. No thanks, I'm busy.

I think I see the problem here though. It's all just a simple communication breakdown. I believe that Foxfyre defines her words differently than other people.

For instance, when she says, Rush "absolutely gives at least up to twice as much time to people who call in to criticize him or present a leftwing perspective as he does the people who call to praise him or present a rightwing point of view," she means that he speaks for twice as long after hanging up on them. And when she says, "I don't recall that Rush has ever raised his voice or disrespected or been rude or dismissive of a single one of those callers," what she actually means is, "I don't recall that Rush has ever done all of these things simultaneously to a single one of those callers."

So you see, she's not really lying, as far as she knows. It's all a big misunderstanding! Now let's all have a nice big group hug.

From what I've heard of Rush, when I've listened to him, he is exactly as Foxy is describing. He is WAAAY more patient with the wacko leftists who call his show than he needs to be. When he ought to cut them off, when he WANTS to cut them off ... and you can tell he does ... he doesn't. He lets them say what they want to say, and he doesn't cut them off rudely, but treats them respectfully, and politely.

He then proceeds to explain why they're full of ****, but that's a horse of a different color, isn't it?
0 Replies
Thu 3 Apr, 2008 11:14 pm
I've certainly never heard anything other than courtesy and patience when he is talking to callers, Tico. You're right, he'll talk about them after the call is completed, but he does not hang up on them as Kicky says. And I believe him when he says he puts liberals who call in at the head of the line to talk to him - otherwise there sure wouldn't be as many who get on his show as there are.

Hannity can be curt and short with an obnoxious liberal, yes. along with a clip of Mark Levin (who once subbed for him)snapping in his decidedly New York accent: "Get off the phone you big dope." And Savage can be downright brutal to callers.

But not Rush.

It's funny how much power these folks falsely accusing him do give Rush though. If Rush had half as much influence as they attribute to him, Bill Clinton would never have been elected President - twice - John Kerry would never have received the nomination in 2004 - I'm not sure who would be the Democratic nominee in this election - possibly Obama though--Rush has been exceedingly gentle with him - but John McCain sure wouldn't be the GOP nominee.
0 Replies
Thu 3 Apr, 2008 11:38 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
I've certainly never heard anything other than courtesy and patience when he is talking to callers, Tico. You're right, he'll talk about them after the call is completed, but he does not hang up on them as Kicky says. And I believe him when he says he puts liberals who call in at the head of the line to talk to him - otherwise there sure wouldn't be as many who get on his show as there are.


As anyone who reads your bullshit knows,you only hear what you want to hear and tune everything else out.

I can see why psychomaya loves him however there might be a little cigar envy going on there.

0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 06:04 am
To be fair, we all are somewhat blind to our own prejudices. Where a partisan or ideological divide is drawn so sharply, as it is now with many, that blindness tends to be even more acute. Liberalism, in the sixties, got arrogant and a bit stupid about all this and our radical voices looked to us to be almost centrist, certainly they looked to be correct, wise and even heroic in their radicalism.

Some years up the road, tico and foxfire too will have a better grip on what it is they now support.

0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 07:11 am
There could be hope for Blatham to some day understand what it is that Tico and Foxfyre actually support which so far he has demonstrated that he doesn't have a clue. But yes, prejudices are certainly a factor in lack of understanding.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 07:19 am
Is it legal for Obama to do this, and does this explain (at least partly) why he seems to have such big crowds?


As former President Bill Clinton was extolling his wife's credentials, Obama's campaign office in Bloomington began giving away tickets to Sunday's Dave Matthews concert at Assembly Hall.

Jason Schechtman, 19, Deerfield, Ill., a student at IU, got his tickets about 8 p.m. after waiting more than three hours. He met folks in line who said they'd left the Clinton rally to wait for tickets.

"I was leaning toward Obama, but this sealed the deal for sure," he said. "The Obama campaign announced this right as (Bill Clinton) was about to speak, and it brought everyone from over there to over here."

Isnt this like buying votes?
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 07:56 am
mysteryman wrote:

Isnt this like buying votes?

So they have to vote for Obama now? Shocked
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 07:57 am
mysteryman wrote:
Is it legal for Obama to do this, and does this explain (at least partly) why he seems to have such big crowds?


As former President Bill Clinton was extolling his wife's credentials, Obama's campaign office in Bloomington began giving away tickets to Sunday's Dave Matthews concert at Assembly Hall.

Jason Schechtman, 19, Deerfield, Ill., a student at IU, got his tickets about 8 p.m. after waiting more than three hours. He met folks in line who said they'd left the Clinton rally to wait for tickets.

"I was leaning toward Obama, but this sealed the deal for sure," he said. "The Obama campaign announced this right as (Bill Clinton) was about to speak, and it brought everyone from over there to over here."

Isnt this like buying votes?

Is it classy? No. Shrewd? Yeah. Don't think it is illegal.

Back in the 60's and early 70's, television stations didn't broadcast all night but around midnight or so generally signed off with the National Anthem and maybe some kind of inspirational or poetic offering with appropriate visuals to go with it.

I can't remember who the two candidates were but both were scheduled to give a television speech one night following the evening news. The first guy got up and gave his speech, but in the last ten minutes of his allocated time, he had the time filled with the National Anthem with fighter jets zooming through the clouds and fireworks and such.

So most of the people thought the station was signing off, turned off their television sets, and went to bed, leaving the second guy with almost no television audience.

Ethical? Well...........

But you have to give the first guy some credit for smarts.
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 08:37 am
it reminds me of bread and circuses..... or let them eat cake..... you know... change Laughing
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 09:05 am
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 10:05 am
mysteryman wrote:
Is it legal for Obama to do this, and does this explain (at least partly) why he seems to have such big crowds?


As former President Bill Clinton was extolling his wife's credentials, Obama's campaign office in Bloomington began giving away tickets to Sunday's Dave Matthews concert at Assembly Hall.

Jason Schechtman, 19, Deerfield, Ill., a student at IU, got his tickets about 8 p.m. after waiting more than three hours. He met folks in line who said they'd left the Clinton rally to wait for tickets.

"I was leaning toward Obama, but this sealed the deal for sure," he said. "The Obama campaign announced this right as (Bill Clinton) was about to speak, and it brought everyone from over there to over here."

Isnt this like buying votes?

Only if there is a quid pro quo... Is there any evidence that those who got the free tickets were required to make any sort of obligation to vote for Obama?
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 10:58 am
fishin wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
Is it legal for Obama to do this, and does this explain (at least partly) why he seems to have such big crowds?


As former President Bill Clinton was extolling his wife's credentials, Obama's campaign office in Bloomington began giving away tickets to Sunday's Dave Matthews concert at Assembly Hall.

Jason Schechtman, 19, Deerfield, Ill., a student at IU, got his tickets about 8 p.m. after waiting more than three hours. He met folks in line who said they'd left the Clinton rally to wait for tickets.

"I was leaning toward Obama, but this sealed the deal for sure," he said. "The Obama campaign announced this right as (Bill Clinton) was about to speak, and it brought everyone from over there to over here."

Isnt this like buying votes?

Only if there is a quid pro quo... Is there any evidence that those who got the free tickets were required to make any sort of obligation to vote for Obama?

No, not an obligation, but a great psychological ploy. Those tickets were worth money. How would anyone feel if a candidate went to a poor neighborhood, and handed $5- to anyone who would simply go to the polls and vote?

Now once that person got behind the curtain, he could vote for whomever he wanted, but wouldn't you say that the person would be more likely to vote for the candidate who gave him five bucks?
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 11:01 am
0 Replies
Fri 4 Apr, 2008 11:02 am
Shrug. It's like having Elton John give a concert for ya, which Hill did last month.

No biggie

0 Replies

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