Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Quote:If a bunch of Dems keeps on bashing Obama for any reason they can find, good or bad, and nonstop, out of bitterness over Hillary's likely defeat, that'll definitely help bringing this about.
give that **** a f*cking rest... Hillary is bashed just as much and has been non stop for years... now who's behaving like a whiny pussy?
Whining? Hardly... Just pointing out the obvious. <shrugs>
Hillary's not going to be the nominee, thats almost sure now. Obama is. So there's your choice. Wanna help tear him down and hand the Republicans the elections, or not? Up to you really, but yeah, one comes with the other.
If you really rather have McCain than Obama, then go ahead, why not. There's plenty of people who prefer McCain over Obama, good people too.
But bashing Obama in every other post and then lamenting that, tssk, all that infighting and arguing of Democrats while "the republicans get their smear machine fired up for the general" is going to lose your side the elections, is eh ... ironic