Bi-Polar Bear
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 03:32 pm
MM you have branded yourself a white devil and a racist....
0 Replies
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 03:58 pm
Teenyboone has a point; a lot of people have had reparations for things done in the past; why not the African Americans who were brought over in chains under deplorable inhumane conditions; then enslaved again under deplorable conditions and then discriminated and lynched...?

However; that is not my main point, my point was simply that you can not erase what our white ancestors did by saying that they had it worse over there and would have worse now if they were born over there. It was a horrible thing to do. You can not erase the discrimination which was practiced on the black populations on up until the time of the civil rights movements and in some ways still practiced today though not as blatant as signs saying blacks can't drink the water fountains. It is practiced when a black man is followed by a cop for no other reason than being a white neighborhood and a host of other such instances. It is not being "poor pitiful me" to talk about it the reality of it.

Having said that I agree with Obama that we should talk about it but we also should find ways to move forward and unite under one country equally. We should not be so angry that we can't find middle ground so that we can move forward. I believe Obama best represents the attitude needed to bridge that gap which is still felt today by both blacks and whites. I also believe he can address other issues which are not race related which are also important. If I didn't I wouldn't be voting for him and this is white hick from born and raised in southern kentucky talking where kkk meetings still are held and people hang confederate flags everywhere.
0 Replies
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 04:07 pm
revel wrote:

However; that is not my main point, my point was simply that you can not erase what our white ancestors did by saying that they had it worse over there and would have worse now if they were born over there. It was a horrible thing to do. You can not erase the discrimination which was practiced on the black populations on up until the time of the civil rights movements and in some ways still practiced today though not as blatant as signs saying blacks can't drink the water fountains. It is practiced when a black man is followed by a cop for no other reason than being a white neighborhood and a host of other such instances. It is not being "poor pitiful me" to talk about it the reality of it.

But neither can you hold those of us alive today responsible for what our ancestors did.
We didnt commit the crimes, our ancestors did.

Nobody is denying that some racism exists today, but when you start blaming all for the actions of a few and when you demand reparations for a crime committed over 150 years ago, you lose your credibility.

If you want to talk about the issue, thats one thing.
But when you make demands, thats quite another.
0 Replies
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 04:15 pm
mysteryman wrote:
revel wrote:

However; that is not my main point, my point was simply that you can not erase what our white ancestors did by saying that they had it worse over there and would have worse now if they were born over there. It was a horrible thing to do. You can not erase the discrimination which was practiced on the black populations on up until the time of the civil rights movements and in some ways still practiced today though not as blatant as signs saying blacks can't drink the water fountains. It is practiced when a black man is followed by a cop for no other reason than being a white neighborhood and a host of other such instances. It is not being "poor pitiful me" to talk about it the reality of it.

But neither can you hold those of us alive today responsible for what our ancestors did.
We didnt commit the crimes, our ancestors did.

Nobody is denying that some racism exists today, but when you start blaming all for the actions of a few and when you demand reparations for a crime committed over 150 years ago, you lose your credibility.

If you want to talk about the issue, thats one thing.
But when you make demands, thats quite another.

First off I have never made a argument for or against reparations. I simply left a link where the question was asked of someone and things progressed from there. Scroll back if interested to check it out.

Also blacks suffered from discrimation all up until the civil rights movement and it was illegal for them to do many things so it wasn't 150 years ago.

And there have been other groups who demanded repartions for things have not gotten the same reaction as has blacks who have demanded repartions.

Like I said; that wasn't and hasn't been my main point; my point is the same as I said in my previous post right before this post I am responding to. I was reponding to another issue other than repartions but the thought that blacks benefited from being brought over here in chains...scroll back for this as well. (in case there are more post...)
0 Replies
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 05:02 pm
Soz? You ever comin back here?
0 Replies
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 05:26 pm
mysteryman wrote:
I have watched this argument, and now I'm gonna chime in.

You need to get off of your "poor, pitiful me" attitude.

You are no more a victim of slavery then any other black person in this country is.
There is NOBODY alive in the US today that has suffered under slavery, nor is there anybody alive in the US today that ever had anything to do with the slave trade.

In the early 1800's, the US and the Royal navies both tried to intercept and stop ships carrying slaves, with varying degrees of success.

Nobody on here has claimed that slavery was a good thing, and nobody is stupid enough to believe that.
Yet you seem to continue to blame the white man for slavery, yet according to all records I have seen, it was other blacks that were actually capturing and selling slaves.

Was slavery wrong? YES IT WAS!!
Is the white man today to blame for it? NO!!!
You cannot honestly hold any person today responsible for the actions of people over 150 years ago.
To do so is both illogical and wrong.

Affirmative action and the civil rights movement have helped correct the wrongs, but it hasnt been a perfect or an easy solution.
If you continue to hold on to your anger over ancient history, you will never be able to see the good that has been done.
And if you refuse to see the good that AA and the civil rights movement have done, you will always be angry.
Dont you have better things to do then to stay mad all the time?

Ancient history? It was 100 years in 1963, when the Emancipation Proclamation was issued. Some anniversary! It was also the year, a sitting President was SHOT and killed in Dallas, Texas.

That's funny, in Houston, they celebrate Juneteenth, because it was a year later in June of 1864, that the Blacks got the word that they had been free for over a year! The people of color there have a Juneteenth festival, to celebrate their Freedom. 101 years, in 1964, the 1st Civil Rights Act, was passed. How quick is this government in freeing people, that were already supposed to be covered under the Constitution!

The 14th Amendment was supposed to correct that! Was 1954, ancient history? Brown vs, the Bd, of Education, stated that the schools, public and private were separate and un-equal, so what did the governor of Little Rock do? He stood in the door of Central High School and the President, which was Eisenhower, sent out the National Guard to protect the Arkansas 5! What about Jim Crow? Was he ancient history too? Was he fair and balanced? I was 10, in 1954, in an all Black Catholic School.

You people have been night riders of the KKK, White Citizens Councils, (see Trent Lott), white flight to the suburbs, for colored only lunch counters, water fountains and rest rooms. Was that ancient history?

Reparations: Aetna Life insurance, the Brown Family, that built the slave ships and insured delivery from Aetna, for loss, if the slaves didn't make the Middle Passage, every cotton mill, tobacco farm, rice manufacturer, owe every descendant of every black slave, that worked from sun-up to sun-down, 24/7/365! They are still millionaires today, from the sweat of my ancestors. From Maine to California, Blacks worked for nothing. Is nothing owed to us?

So sit in your comfort zones, call me whatever you wish, but the truth hurts, you want to "move on", not relevant today and you can't look at your sorry A$$, in the mirror! If I sound like Rev. Wright, so be it and if the shoe fit, well!

My reply is meant for all who think I bear a grudge, have a chip, remarks racist, because you can't define what I say, but I speak for many Blacks, who feel the same way, but let it go, to maintain one's sanity. That not ALL whites are like you in this forum, but many of them are. There are enlightened people of ALL races, here.

I've been blessed! I was born into one of the finest Black families, in the South. I've enjoyed the benefit of private schools, all my life. I've worn the finest silks and woolens, eaten fine French food and lived a quiet, unassuming life, for years, until I was exposed to the abject poverty of poor blacks around these 50 states.

I've been an advocate for the poor, ever since! I've met many a poor white person, asians, hispanics and haitians. In a land of plenty, the poor go to bed hungry, every night. In this land of plenty, over 200,000 veterans are homeless. There are Blacks and Whites, who think the poor got that way, because they are lazy, on drugs and whatever lame excuse, for not tending to them, ignoring them, because maybe, they'll go away, etc. When I was a child, I couldn't do anything, but as an adult, I've moved mountains, so if I sound bitter, I'm not. Just disgusted that people exist in this country that assume Blacks are all on drugs, live in the projects and have out of wedlock babies. That's funny, I see big white movie stars, doing the same. They're in rehab all the time, have babies out of wedlock, every year, drunk all the time, OD on drugs and alcohol and they're on Entertainment Tonight!

Flame on! Cool
0 Replies
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 05:49 pm
Reports of phony phone calls to Democratic delegates
March 28, 2008 - 3:28PM
James Osborne
McALLEN - The Texas Democratic Party has received reports of unknown persons calling and e-mailing delegates to incorrectly inform them their county and senate district conventions have been cancelled, said party spokesman Hector Nieto.

Nieto said several delegates had reported incidents to party officials, but he did not know where in Texas they hailed from. He said party officials were investigating who's behind the misinformation campaign.

Party officials have also received reports of delegates receiving "robo-calls," also claiming conventions have been cancelled.

Texas Democratic Chairman Boyd Richie urged delegates to attend their conventions unless contacted by their local Democratic county chair or a postponement is posted on the Texas Democratic Party's website,

"The Texas Democratic Party has not been informed that any county or district convention has been cancelled or postponed. If any delegates receive information to that effect, I urge them to plan to attend their convention as scheduled," Richie said.
0 Replies
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 05:51 pm
teenyboone wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
I have watched this argument, and now I'm gonna chime in.

You need to get off of your "poor, pitiful me" attitude.

You are no more a victim of slavery then any other black person in this country is.
There is NOBODY alive in the US today that has suffered under slavery, nor is there anybody alive in the US today that ever had anything to do with the slave trade.

In the early 1800's, the US and the Royal navies both tried to intercept and stop ships carrying slaves, with varying degrees of success.

Nobody on here has claimed that slavery was a good thing, and nobody is stupid enough to believe that.
Yet you seem to continue to blame the white man for slavery, yet according to all records I have seen, it was other blacks that were actually capturing and selling slaves.

Was slavery wrong? YES IT WAS!!
Is the white man today to blame for it? NO!!!
You cannot honestly hold any person today responsible for the actions of people over 150 years ago.
To do so is both illogical and wrong.

Affirmative action and the civil rights movement have helped correct the wrongs, but it hasnt been a perfect or an easy solution.
If you continue to hold on to your anger over ancient history, you will never be able to see the good that has been done.
And if you refuse to see the good that AA and the civil rights movement have done, you will always be angry.
Dont you have better things to do then to stay mad all the time?

Ancient history? It was 100 years in 1963, when the Emancipation Proclamation was issued. Some anniversary! It was also the year, a sitting President was SHOT and killed in Dallas, Texas.

I'm going to assume you mean 1863, not 1963.
If you meant 1963, your math is extremely poor.
And yes, Kennedy was shot in 1963, so you got that part right.

That's funny, in Houston, they celebrate Juneteenth, because it was a year later in June of 1864, that the Blacks got the word that they had been free for over a year! The people of color there have a Juneteenth festival, to celebrate their Freedom. 101 years, in 1964, the 1st Civil Rights Act, was passed. How quick is this government in freeing people, that were already supposed to be covered under the Constitution!

And 100 years ago, in the 1860's, it took a letter mailed from NY a month to get to Calif.
Are you saying that since communications were so poor back then, compared to today, that its the fault of people today?

The 14th Amendment was supposed to correct that! Was 1954, ancient history? Brown vs, the Bd, of Education, stated that the schools, public and private were separate and un-equal, so what did the governor of Little Rock do? He stood in the door of Central High School and the President, which was Eisenhower, sent out the National Guard to protect the Arkansas 5! What about Jim Crow? Was he ancient history too? Was he fair and balanced? I was 10, in 1954, in an all Black Catholic School.

So, you are blaming the govt.
You just said the President sent the NG (FYI, it was actually the 101st airborne division that Eisenhower sent), to force the school to follow the law and protect the students.

Actually, "Jim Crow" was a fictional character, created by Thomas Dartmouth Rice in 1828...

The "jim Crow" laws, while a shameful part of US history, are no longer part of this country, and deserve to be buried and forgotten.
Those laws are shameful and have no business in todays world.

And if you were in a Catholic School, you probably got a better education then many children, of any race, got during that same time.
Also, as a private school, catholic schools and any other privately run school CAN segregate and choose who they want to allow into their school.

You people have been night riders of the KKK, White Citizens Councils, (see Trent Lott), white flight to the suburbs, for colored only lunch counters, water fountains and rest rooms. Was that ancient history?

Who is "you people"?
If I was to use that same phrase about you, you would immediately call me a racist.
So, arent you a racist for using that same phrase?

Reparations: Aetna Life insurance, the Brown Family, that built the slave ships and insured delivery from Aetna, for loss, if the slaves didn't make the Middle Passage, every cotton mill, tobacco farm, rice manufacturer, owe every descendant of every black slave, that worked from sun-up to sun-down, 24/7/365! They are still millionaires today, from the sweat of my ancestors. From Maine to California, Blacks worked for nothing. Is nothing owed to us?

So sit in your comfort zones, call me whatever you wish, but the truth hurts, you want to "move on", not relevant today and you can't look at your sorry A$$, in the mirror! If I sound like Rev. Wright, so be it and if the shoe fit, well!

My reply is meant for all who think I bear a grudge, have a chip, remarks racist, because you can't define what I say, but I speak for many Blacks, who feel the same way, but let it go, to maintain one's sanity. That not ALL whites are like you in this forum, but many of them are. There are enlightened people of ALL races, here.

I've been blessed! I was born into one of the finest Black families, in the South. I've enjoyed the benefit of private schools, all my life. I've worn the finest silks and woolens, eaten fine French food and lived a quiet, unassuming life, for years, until I was exposed to the abject poverty of poor blacks around these 50 states.

So how, knowing this about your history, can you claim with a straight face that you have suffered from the effects of slavery?
Also, since it is a known fact that there were black slaveowners in the US, how can you hold only white people responsible?

So, are you going to call those blacks racist also?

I've been an advocate for the poor, ever since! I've met many a poor white person, asians, hispanics and haitians. In a land of plenty, the poor go to bed hungry, every night. In this land of plenty, over 200,000 veterans are homeless. There are Blacks and Whites, who think the poor got that way, because they are lazy, on drugs and whatever lame excuse, for not tending to them, ignoring them, because maybe, they'll go away, etc. When I was a child, I couldn't do anything, but as an adult, I've moved mountains, so if I sound bitter, I'm not.

Just disgusted that people exist in this country that assume Blacks are all on drugs, live in the projects and have out of wedlock babies. That's funny, I see big white movie stars, doing the same. They're in rehab all the time, have babies out of wedlock, every year, drunk all the time, OD on drugs and alcohol and they're on Entertainment Tonight!

Very few people assume that ALL blacks are anything.
However, you seem to be assuming that ALL whites are racist, bigoted, and hate blacks.

You are just as guilty of racism as the people you claim to hate.

Flame on! Cool
0 Replies
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 06:01 pm

You are ignorant beyond definition! I was born and raised in the segregated south, which is why the school, however private, was segregated, by law, until 1960. By then I was 15. For the record, 1863 was the year the emancipation was issued. 100 years later in 1963, Kennedy was shot and killed. Yes, I said it, "You People", for you to feel the slap we feel every time YOU say it! No more replies, so flame on, twist everything I say, but I lived through segregation; a subject, a lot of you want to ignore, because it's like a cancer, in this country. You know you have it but choose to ignore it.
You'll get no replies from me, ever!
0 Replies
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 06:04 pm
snood wrote:
Soz? You ever comin back here?

Can we ever get back to talking about the Obama campaign? The race stuff and the wright stuff needs to go to another thread.

There are an awful lot of things happening now (Leahy, Casey) that iare getting lost n the noise.
0 Replies
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 06:04 pm
teenyboone wrote:

You are ignorant beyond definition! I was born and raised in the segregated south, which is why the school, however private, was segregated, by law, until 1960. By then I was 15. For the record, 1863 was the year the emancipation was issued. 100 years later in 1963, Kennedy was shot and killed. Yes, I said it, "You People", for you to feel the slap we feel every time YOU say it! No more replies, so flame on, twist everything I say, but I lived through segregation; a subject, a lot of you want to ignore, because it's like a cancer, in this country. You know you have it but choose to ignore it.
You'll get no replies from me, ever!

Please show one time where I have EVER used the term "you people" when addressing ANYONE!!
I did use it when I quoted you, but I have NEVER used the term.
And since you wont respond, I am just so heartbroken by that.

Your running away is a sure sign that your arguments are weak and without merit
Also, I know what year the emancipation proclamation was issued.
YOU are the one that said it was 1963, not me.
0 Replies
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 06:08 pm
The above post (not to pick on MM) she without sin, etc... but would you kindly take it to another thread, the one I created or one of your own?
0 Replies
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 06:12 pm
Anyway, the Tonya Harding tactic is backfiring on Hillary. The Leahy pronouncement rather shocked me.

I think we have to go through Indiana, NC but unless Hillary winds all three, I think we need to shut it down. (Peensylvania now has FOUR MILLION DEmocrats registered) Don't wanna mess with that...
0 Replies
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 06:13 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
The above post (not to pick on MM) she without sin, etc... but would you kindly take it to another thread, the one I created or one of your own?

I apologize, and will take it to another thread.

You are correct, the dem race is getting fun to watch now.
I do have to give Hillary some credit, however.
She was in Evansville IN last week and my gf and I went to the event.
She spent quite a bit of time in what was called the "overflow room", where people who couldnt get into the main room watched her speech.
After her speech, she came and spent about an hour in that room, talking to anyone that wanted to talk to her, answering questions and explaining her positions, even to those of us that dont agree with her.

Obama has started to run tv commercials today, but he has yet to make an appearance here in the tri-state area.
0 Replies
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 06:14 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
MMs post is OFF-TOPIC (not to pick on MM) she without sin, etc... but would you kindly take it to another thread, the one I created or one of your own?

0 Replies
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 06:15 pm
mysteryman wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
The above post (not to pick on MM) she without sin, etc... but would you kindly take it to another thread, the one I created or one of your own?

I apologize, and will take it to another thread.

You are correct, the dem race is getting fun to watch now.
I do have to give Hillary some credit, however.
She was in Evansville IN last week and my gf and I went to the event.
She spent quite a bit of time in what was called the "overflow room", where people who couldnt get into the main room watched her speech.
After her speech, she came and spent about an hour in that room, talking to anyone that wanted to talk to her, answering questions and explaining her positions, even to those of us that dont agree with her.

Obama has started to run tv commercials today, but he has yet to make an appearance here in the tri-state area.

Thanks MM I know I "kid"you a lot. But I have always considered you a gentleman.
0 Replies
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 06:20 pm
Take Roxxxanne with you, and maybe the thread will revert back to the terrific thread it was before she decided to dominate it.
0 Replies
real life
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 07:15 pm
WASHINGTON (AP) - White House hopeful Barack Obama suggests he would have left his Chicago church had his longtime pastor, whose fiery anti-American comments about U.S. foreign policy and race relations threatened Obama's campaign, not stepped down.

Had the reverend not retired, and had he not acknowledged that what he had said had deeply offended people and were inappropriate and mischaracterized what I believe is the greatness of this country, for all its flaws, then I wouldn't have felt comfortable staying at the church,'' Obama said Thursday during a taping of the ABC talk show, ``The View.''

Has anyone yet seen any 'acknowledgement' from Wright that ANYTHING he said was 'inappropriate'?

Still waiting for the Obama camp to produce this 'acknowledgement' or admit that Obama has lied, again.
0 Replies
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 08:40 pm
What if he had a talk with Obama in which he acknowledged that he messed up - and they kept the discussion between themselves?
Because , let's face it - those who aren't willing to take Obama's word that Wright acknowledged the offense are the same ones who doubt everything else about Obama, and those who will take his word buy his general trustworthiness.

So, what is the point of beating this so completely into the dust, real life?
0 Replies
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 09:11 pm
From Real Time With Bill Maher:


But it raises an obvious question, one that I haven't heard asked, which is strange because it's so obvious: If you leave a church when the head of the church says bad things about America, what do you do when your church hierarchy is caught up in a systematic and decades-long sex abuse scandal? And did I mention the people being sexually abused were children? Hundreds of them?

How about when the head of that church, or Pope, associated with and promoted members of the clergy who not only facilitated the sexual abuse and rape of hundreds and hundreds of children, but engaged in a decades-long cover-up of those crimes?

Reverend Wright associated with Farrakhan. The Pope works with Cardinal Law. Which is worse? Isn't it the man who shuffled "priests" like Shanley and Geoghan and many others from parish to parish with the full knowledge of their crimes, and then claimed he had no idea?

Yes, by Sean Hannity's own logic, Catholics like him, en masse, would be expected to abandon their church. Which shouldn't be a problem, because they worship Reagan anyway.

COLMES: Then shouldn't John McCain say he doesn't support the views of a man who makes anti-Catholic statements?
OBENSHAIN: He did, I believe. He said I'm not--I don't agree with everything -- a
COLMES: And Obama says he does not support anti-Semitism, as expressed by Louis Farrakhan.
HANNITY: Leave the church.


Since you pinheads aren't ever, ever going to stop pecking at this, because its your best bet yet to derail Obama and everyone knows that...

Let's follow this reasoning of yours, this holier-than-the-holy logic that says Obama should not only publicly condemn his pastor, but quit the church (and God knows what else - you guys are really rabid).

What about all the Catholics who KNOW with CERTAINTY - it ain't just a rumor or possibility - that their church leaders have been covering for, and enabling the rape and ruin of dozens of children for decades?

HOW can they, in good conscience, not publicly condemn and reject those know to have protected the perpetrators?

HOW can they not leave the church and shun forever those they know to have abused and misused their children for at least a generation?

I mean, real life and all you mealy mouthed rabble rousers, where is the stop-the-presses indignation and outrage about THAT? Do you like wise DEMAND that all catholics turn against their churches?

And plese, spare us pretending that your fervor is because Obama is a public figure - you know damn well there are dozens of public officials who profess Catholicism.

flame on!
0 Replies

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