Thu 27 Mar, 2008 05:03 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
teenyboone wrote:
What I see in this forum, is a lot of racial rhetoric, stereotyping, assumptions and accepting the sound-bytes, given by Faux News, talk show bigots, as "Gospel", you will get, the government you deserve! Posters claiming to not be bigoted, but state a bigoted case, because this is what YOU believe, rather than the truth! But it's okay! Smile in a Black person's face and try to engage them and see what you'll get. As for me, I'll be stone-faced, if approached by any of you, because where I live, you're here, too, always probing Black people about their opinions, when you don't really give a schitt! Cool

You have been, and continue to be, one of the more divisive posters regarding race at this site, TB. Most of the racial rhetoric, stereotyping, and assumptions about race I see here, come from you.

"Always probing Black people about their opinions, when you don't really give a schitt!" --- give me a break. Rolling Eyes If I care about your opinion, I'll ask about your opinion. I don't give a crap about your "black" opinion.

The sad part about this is you will likely never realize that it is YOUR attitude that is precisely the attitude you claim to despise.


That's funny coming from a known bigot like you. You're the reason this country is so divisive! Your sense of "entitlement" and I don't remember you asking me for anything, especially my opinion! As a matter of fact, your "white" opinion means nothing to me, especially your assumptions about Blacks and me! Cool 2 Cents
0 Replies
Thu 27 Mar, 2008 08:01 pm
Looks like even the A2K closet racists have tired of the Wright nonsense.
0 Replies
Thu 27 Mar, 2008 08:11 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
Looks like even the A2K closet racists have tired of the Wright nonsense.

Are you a closet expert Roxxxanne?
0 Replies
Thu 27 Mar, 2008 08:37 pm
maporsche wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
Looks like even the A2K closet racists have tired of the Wright nonsense.

Are you a closet expert Roxxxanne?

No, I am out of the closet expert.
0 Replies
Thu 27 Mar, 2008 08:41 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
Looks like even the A2K closet racists have tired of the Wright nonsense.

What is it that leads you to that conclusion? I can think of many other, more likely, explanations as well - the shrill conviction and unquestioning credulity of the Obamaniacs would lead my list.
0 Replies
Thu 27 Mar, 2008 08:48 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
Looks like even the A2K closet racists have tired of the Wright nonsense.

What is it that leads you to that conclusion? I can think of many other, more likely, explanations as well - the shrill conviction and unquestioning credulity of the Obamaniacs would lead my list.

Even Fox News is growing tired of the Wright bullshit. Proof positive that I am right as usual.
0 Replies
Thu 27 Mar, 2008 08:49 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
Looks like even the A2K closet racists have tired of the Wright nonsense.

What is it that leads you to that conclusion? I can think of many other, more likely, explanations as well - the shrill conviction and unquestioning credulity of the Obamaniacs would lead my list.
I'm guessing Obama has instilled fear in the republicans which really is kinda strange. When you know your losing and you seek segues to change the subject such as "conservatives" donate more to charities you become pitiful.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Thu 27 Mar, 2008 09:18 pm
Diest TKO wrote:
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
That's because no one is actually worried about Obama's actions directly connected to his Hate-Monger of a minister's sermons.

Nuff said.


For you, at least, but then we know that, like so many pre-schoolers, you are readily absorbed by paints and pastes of primary colors.
0 Replies
Thu 27 Mar, 2008 09:20 pm
teenyboone wrote:
That's funny coming from a known bigot like you.

Excuse me? "Known bigot" like me? What the hell are you talking about?

The reason this country is divisive is because of PEOPLE EXACTLY LIKE YOU!
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Thu 27 Mar, 2008 09:22 pm
blueflame1 wrote:
Finn dAbuzz, God damn this guy. "McCain's buddy John Hagee, Holocaust Revisionist"
by: pam
Mon Mar 03, 2008 at 14:30:00 PM EST

And when is Tim Russert going to ask John McCain about some of these beliefs of John Hagee? The Arizona senator said that he was "pleased to have the endorsement of Pastor John Hagee," who condemns Catholics, gays, women, blacks and more from the pulpit at the 17,000-member Cornerstone Church.
This film by Troutfishing of DKos, highlights some of the batsh*t crazy writings of Hagee.

Read the whole well-documented diary. Take a look after the jump at what Hagee has to say about the Holocaust to Max Blumenthal at a Christians United For Israel conference when confronted about his opinion that Jews are to blame for the Holocaust.

pam :: McCain's buddy John Hagee, Holocaust Revisionist
The video is full of jaw-dropping interviews with fundies awaiting the Rapture, with a guest appearance by Holy Joe Lieberman.

Yep, Hagee = Wright, and McCain's relationship to Hagee = Obama's relationship to Wright.


Try and argue from a point somewhere close to reason.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Thu 27 Mar, 2008 09:23 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
fact it finn... the obamaites will defend him no matter what... nothing or no one he is associated with and nothing he's ever done or might do matters to them... only the fact that they are completely infatuated and devoted to him.

It's so bush like it defies description.

Agree with your first paragraph bipo...
0 Replies
Thu 27 Mar, 2008 09:24 pm
dyslexia wrote:
georgeob1 wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
Looks like even the A2K closet racists have tired of the Wright nonsense.

What is it that leads you to that conclusion? I can think of many other, more likely, explanations as well - the shrill conviction and unquestioning credulity of the Obamaniacs would lead my list.
I'm guessing Obama has instilled fear in the republicans which really is kinda strange. When you know your losing and you seek segues to change the subject such as "conservatives" donate more to charities you become pitiful.

Is that so, dys?

I wonder if Wright's personal finances have been benefiting from charities? He seems to be prospering quite well. Just think of all the downtrodden people that he cares about that he could help with the money he collected in that plate. I thought he claimed the country was run by rich white people, but now that he is rich, what gives?

0 Replies
Thu 27 Mar, 2008 09:25 pm
Glenn Greenwald
Friday February 29, 2008 15:03 EST
The McCain/Hagee story picks up steam

(Updated below - Update II - Update III)

The McCain/Hagee story is growing, though still not as much as it ought to. My new friends from the Catholic League emailed earlier to advise that Bill Donohue was being interviewed for tonight's program of The Situation Room on CNN. Blogs at The Washington Post and ABC News today covered the growing scandal from the anti-Catholic bigotry perspective, with the latter actually featuring the unbelievably inflammatory You Clip -- found by Ann Althouse, which I posted yesterday and which is now being distributed by the Catholic League -- of a shirt-sleeved Pastor Hagee spewing the creepiest, most hateful bile imaginable about Catholicism ("This is the Great Whore of Revelation 17").

As The Post noted, Catholics United, a less reactionary group than the Catholic League, has now also denounced McCain's warm embrace of Hagee and demanded that he repudiate his endorsement. Thus far, it is Hagee's anti-Catholicism which is being featured -- largely because when Bill Donohue issues press releases, the media jumps to cover it. While that angle has substantial political ramifications -- Karl Rove identified the Catholic vote in 2004 as the most vital to the GOP's electoral successes -- the reality is that Hagee's hateful and twisted extremism extends far beyond that realm. In sum, John McCain has aligned himself with one of America's purest -- and most powerful -- haters, and that ought to be the story here.

On a related note, over at New Republic, Marty Peretz's assistant, Jamie Kirchick (also of Commentary Magazine), today has written a lengthy screed entitled "Glenn Greenwald's Selective Outrage," in which he agrees with my central point -- that "McCain's embrace of Hagee is far more troubling" than what Kirchick dishonestly describes as "Barack Obama's equivocations about Louis Farrakhan" -- but nonetheless argues that I possess "little credibility on the subject of deeming which individuals are fit for mainstream support" because, along with Andrew Sullivan, I was "the leader[] of [Ron] Paul's amen corner in the respectable liberal blogosphere" and that I never abandoned "the man once championed" once he was allegedly proven by Kirchick to be a racist.

The whole rant is filled alternatively with total falsehoods and petty irrelevancies. Fortunately, the TNR commenters, more or less unanimously, do more than an adequate job of pointing out all of the obvious fallacies in what Kirchick wrote (and thus there's little need to do any of that here). As I made repeatedly clear, I never supported, endorsed or "championed" Ron Paul, but rather, pointed out that he was the only presidential candidate consistently forcing into our political discourse two issues that urgently require attention -- the rotted and destructive premises of America's growing imperialism and the fundamental abandonment of our constitutional framework. That would still be true -- and is still true -- no matter what Peretz sent Kirchick to dig up about Ron Paul. Eric Alterman has more this week on how Peretz/Kirchick functions.

Kirchick's angry, tangential rant does unintentionally illustrate the real point here. Neither presidential candidates nor anyone else should be held responsible for the views of those who support them, unless the candidate seeks out that support and/or expressly welcomes it. With regard to Pastor John Hagee, that is precisely what McCain has done -- repeatedly. He was introduced by Hagee at a South Carolina campaign event last year, an event proudly displayed on McCain's campaign website. McCain expressed how "honored" and "pleased" he was over Hagee's endorsement multiple times yesterday. And just this afternoon, McCain issued yet another pro-Hagee statement when asked about Hagee's repellent history:

I don't have to agree with everyone who endorses my candidacy. They are supporting my candidacy. I am not endorsing some of their positions. . . .

And I am very proud of the Pastor John Hagee's spiritual leadership to thousands of people and I am proud of his commitment to the independence and the freedom of the state of Israel. That does not mean that I support or endorse or agree with some of the things that Pastor John Hagee might have said or positions that he may have taken on other issues.

As has been noted many times, most recently today by Matt Yglesias, Hagee's so-called "commitment to Israel" actually means that he wants Israel united so that the Rapture can happen and all Jews, including Israelis, will be slaughtered and sent to hell. And the "spiritual leadership" which McCain heralds consists of calling the Catholic Church the "Mother Whore" and a "cult" and arguing that Hurricane Katrina, which resulted in the devastation of tens of thousands of lives, was God's punishment against New Orleans because it scheduled a gay pride parade that week.

The fact that McCain thinks he can get away with openly embracing one of the most influential and hateful bigots in the country is a reflection of the profound media double standard he knows favors and protects him. Just imagine if Obama had issued a statement similar to McCain's with regard to Farrakhan: "I am very proud of Minister Louis Farrakhan's spiritual leadership to thousands of people" and "don't have to agree with everyone who endorses my candidacy. I'm still 'honored" to have his support."

As it is, Obama -- who never appeared on a stage with Farrakhan or sought or praised his support -- was attacked by the Jamie Kirchicks of the world even though he denounced Farrakhan's views and rejected his support. Yet here is McCain, refusing to denounce anything about Hagee, instead openly embracing him and expressing "honor" at receiving the endorsement, and there is . . . . almost nothing. For those in the media who sputtered on about the nonexistent Obama/Farrakhan matter -- and even for those who didn't -- how can you possibly justify not covering all of the aspects of this odious McCain/Hagee association?

UPDATE: I really want the focus here to be on McCain/Hagee and not Jamie Kirchick's irrelevant sideshow. Nonetheless, I just can't resist noting (even though I honestly tried) the supreme irony that the person who has anointed himself the arbiter of excessive racist associations is the same person who is the assistant to Marty Peretz -- this Marty Peretz, and this one, and this one.

Kirchick's boss and mentor is to Arabs what John Hagee is to Catholics, Jews, Muslims and gays. But since John McCain is running for President and Marty Peretz, well, isn't, what matters here is McCain's active association with someone of that strain.

UPDATE II: It's still building -- slowly. From the first paragraph of the account by CBS News (h/t sysprog): "As criticism of John McCain mounts because of megachurch pastor John Hagee's endorsement of his candidacy, McCain is on the defensive."

While that article focused almost exclusively on the anti-Catholic angle, CBS News' Brian Montopoli notes, in a separate piece, that the Hagee scandal is much broader than that:

But what Hagee believes could turn out to be a problem for McCain, if the reaction over the past few days is any indication. . . .

And there are, it turns out, a fair share of "other issues" to worry about. Bloggers such as Salon's Glenn Greenwald have been pouring through Hagee's record and uncovering controversial statements on a whole range of issues.

He goes on to cite as examples the "Katrina-is-God's-punishment" claim, the "all-Muslims-want-to-kill-us" view, and the "God-wants-us-to-attack-Iran" argument (long superbly detailed by TAP's Sarah Posner). CBS's Montopoli notes the key issue here:

All of this has critics wondering: Why has Barack Obama been asked to repudiate the backing of Louis Farrakhan when McCain has thus far not faced similar pressures?

Posner has compiled much more here. And, according to Mad Dogs in comments, he just watched the story broadcast on CNN:

Here's the graphic CNN's Situation Room is using during the report:



John McCain has put his arms around one of the most radical and vile extremists in America. He has praised him, shared a stage with him, sought out his endorsement and expressed "honor" at receiving it, and has denounced not a word of anything he said. More articles and segments like these -- many more -- ought to be forthcoming.

UPDATE III: Last night, CBS Evening News with Katie Couric broadcast a relatively decent report on this matter, from Jeff Greenfield, featuring the Hagee YouTube clip and the Katrina/gays commentary:

The Associated Press is also now reporting on the story, noting that "John McCain is refusing to renounce the endorsement of a prominent Texas televangelist who Democrats say peddles anti-Catholic and other intolerant speech." And it's good to see the DNC shrewdly involving itself in this:

Democrats quoted Hagee as saying the Catholic Church conspired with Nazis against the Jews and that Hurricane Katrina was God's retribution for homosexual sin, and they recited his demeaning comments about women and flip remarks about slavery.

"Hagee's hate speech has no place in public discourse, and McCain's embrace of this figure raises serious questions about John McCain's character and his willingness to do anything to win," said Tom McMahon, executive director of the Democratic National Committee.

Finally, conservative (and Catholic) law professor Stephen Bainbridge argues that the protests over McCain/Hagee don't go far enough, and concludes: "this is even worse than McCain's about face on Bob Jones University. It's extremely disappointing."

-- Glenn Greenwald
0 Replies
Thu 27 Mar, 2008 09:29 pm
okie wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
georgeob1 wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
Looks like even the A2K closet racists have tired of the Wright nonsense.

What is it that leads you to that conclusion? I can think of many other, more likely, explanations as well - the shrill conviction and unquestioning credulity of the Obamaniacs would lead my list.
I'm guessing Obama has instilled fear in the republicans which really is kinda strange. When you know your losing and you seek segues to change the subject such as "conservatives" donate more to charities you become pitiful.

Is that so, dys?

I wonder if Wright's personal finances have been benefiting from charities? He seems to be prospering quite well. Just think of all the downtrodden people that he cares about that he could help with the money he collected in that plate. I thought he claimed the country was run by rich white people, but now that he is rich, what gives?


Are you making the absurd claim that he hasn't helped downtrodden people that he cares about with the money he collected in that plate?

You just smear people talking out of your ass without any facts to back you up.
0 Replies
old europe
Thu 27 Mar, 2008 09:32 pm
okie wrote:
I wonder if Wright's personal finances have been benefiting from charities?

What makes you think so, okie? Be very specific. You're not just throwing mud, are you? Because essentially, you're accusing somebody of stealing here....
0 Replies
Thu 27 Mar, 2008 09:44 pm
Just alerting folks to possible hypocrisy thats all. Draw your own conclusions. I am simply raising a question here.
0 Replies
Thu 27 Mar, 2008 09:45 pm
old europe wrote:
okie wrote:
I wonder if Wright's personal finances have been benefiting from charities?

What makes you think so, okie? Be very specific. You're not just throwing mud, are you? Because essentially, you're accusing somebody of stealing here....

Fox's two week investigation revealed that the pastor is to retire in a $1.7 million home as if that is a big deal. My boyfriend's home in San Jose is valued at 1.8 (still) and it is not a mansion by any means. After doing all the work he has done, he has the right to a comfortable retirement just like any other successful person. I can't believe the venom of these haters.
0 Replies
Thu 27 Mar, 2008 09:46 pm
old europe wrote:
okie wrote:
I wonder if Wright's personal finances have been benefiting from charities?

What makes you think so, okie? Be very specific. You're not just throwing mud, are you? Because essentially, you're accusing somebody of stealing here....

You implied that he was taking money earmarked for downtrodden people. Guess what? It's none of your business what kind of home he lives in.
0 Replies
Thu 27 Mar, 2008 09:51 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
old europe wrote:
okie wrote:
I wonder if Wright's personal finances have been benefiting from charities?

What makes you think so, okie? Be very specific. You're not just throwing mud, are you? Because essentially, you're accusing somebody of stealing here....

You implied that he was taking money earmarked for downtrodden people. Guess what? It's none of your business what kind of home he lives in.

All I am saying is that he has done alot of ranting at rich people, and now he seems to be rich. I never ranted at rich people, he did, so if you have a problem with what I said, ask Wright about it, not me. Also, he ranted about all the downtrodden poor people being taken advantage of by the rich, I have not done the ranting. Again, I am only pointing out the discrepancy between what he has said and his own lifestyle, thats all. I want to be clear that I have no problem with rich people. I am only pointing out a possible case of hypocrisy.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Thu 27 Mar, 2008 09:54 pm
engineer wrote:
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

1) It defies credulity that a 20 year member of this church heard but one outrageous comment by Rev Wright, and that was after he announced his candidacy for President

Let's say Wright ranted once every other month for twenty years and that rant lasted for 10% of his sermon on that day. I think that is probaly overdone, but if that is the case, Obama and others overwhelmingly heard other messages that they could agree with. My pastor's hit rate is not that good to be honest. I think it is interesting that the one conservative that supports Wright is Huckabee who has stood on that podium himself.

Sure, we can fashion a scenario based purely on statistics that might suggest that it is possible that, as amazing as it may seem, Obama was never in his church when Wright let loose.

Should anyone believe such crap though?

Aside from the fact that probability trumps possibility in this case, we need to wonder whether or not neighborhood activist Obama was so disassociated from his community that when Wright, every third Sunday,
damned America or called Italians "Garlic Noses," never heard about it from anyone in "The Hood."

Do you really think so?

Finn dAbuzz wrote:

2) Somehow renouncing what the Rev has said but not the Rev himself is OK. Should Obama renounce the Rev he might as well renounce the black community and his grandmother? Presumably this means that Obama believes that Rev Wright speaks for the black community and/or his grandmother is every bit a lewd racist as is Rev Wright.

Should Obama renounce all bigots of all magnitudes in the US? Not many constituents left in that case. Wright probably does speak for a significant minority of the black population and his grandmother's prejudices are similar to those I see in people of my parents' generation. Rejecting the sin but not the sinner is a very Christian concept.

Maybe; maybe not, but he should at least renounce the bigot he called his spiritual mentor for 20 years. Either the fool was duped by "Ridin Dirty" Wright for decades or his attachment to Wright and his church is a political sham. Try and consider the issue without a madcap mania for The Expected One. You could be wrong you know.

Finn dAbuzz wrote:

3) Common sense tells us that either Obama joined this particular church , and declared this particular minister his spiritual mentor, simply for political expediency and advantage (and since he never went to service, he never knew what Wright was saying), or for 20 years he has been a stalwart member of the church and a spiritual apprentice of Rev Wright. There is no mid-ground that stands the test of common sense: It is truly unbelievable that Obama was all for the spiritual message of this church and its pastor, and never witnessed any of the outrageous antics of Rev Wright that we have seen on videos.

He knew about them by his own admission, but they were infrequent and dismissed. I disagree with my pastor about a quarter of the time, but I have reasons for staying in the church.

OK keep telling yourself this is the same as you disagreeing with your pastor on whether good deed or faith alone is the path to paradise. Do you really believe this shite?

Finn dAbuzz wrote:

4) What about this entire mess supports the notion that Obama transcends "politics as usual" or "race?"

Nothing so much about this mess as about the entire campaign in general. He's not running on his race. By recent campaign standards, his campaign has been exceptionally clean. He actually presents a vision of a better future for the US, much like Reagan did.

Non sequiter.

It's irrational to somehow segregate this mess from his campaign on the basis that it "could be worse." It was it is, and the mere fact that he is not "running on race" makes this issue cogent, because it's diffcult to imagine that a member of Wright's church doesn't care about race.
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

Imagine McCain was a member, for two decades, of a church where the minister, throughout this entire time, preached that AIDS was God's curse upon homosexual abomination. Imagine that the minister was filmed making lewd comments and gyrations about Jesse Jackson's, or Larry Craig's sexual antics. Imagine that McCain identified the minister as his spiritual mentor and proudly spoke of how he married him and baptized his children, and that this same minister was known to give sermons that argued 9/11 was deserved by America for its decadent ways.

McCain would be loved by the right and held in the highest esteem. There are right wing preachers who preach exactly this and they are still prominent among the right. McCain would say "I reject that message" and the story would die within a week.

This is just a silly-assed, emotion laden retort. Whether or not there are "right-wing" preachers who preach the same sort of crap that Wright preaches is absolutlely immaterial. If you cannot accept this fact then stop trying to exchange intelligent opinions in an adult forum on politics.

McCain is not calling one of these a-holes his "Spiritual Mentors;" Obama is. Is it really necessary, for you, to deconstruct the issue beyond this level?

You are hereby awarded the second A2K Obama "Yes We Can!" Merit Badge. It's you and blatham now.
0 Replies

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