Wed 26 Mar, 2008 07:19 am
Long Campaign Helping Dems?

More Fundamentals That Favor Democrats
by DemFromCT
Wed Mar 26, 2008 at 04:48:47 AM PDT

Over the weekend we wrote about self-identification as surveyed by Pew (No One Wants To Be A Republican). Yesterday Dan Balz picked up on that and points Kos has been making.

The conventional wisdom that a prolonged race for the Democratic presidential nomination between Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton is bad news for their party may be turning on its head.

Figures released by Pennsylvania's Department of State on Monday night showed that Democrats have topped 4 million registered voters, the first time either party in the state has crossed that threshold. Democrats have added 161,000 to their rolls, a gain of about 4 percent; Republican registration has dipped about 1 percent, to 3.2 million.

That is consistent with the pattern since the beginning of the year: Democratic turnout in primaries and caucuses has topped Republican turnout, often by huge differences.

In Ohio, 2.2 million voters participated in the Democratic primary, compared with 1.1 million in the Republican primary. In Texas, 2.9 million voters turned out for the Democratic primary and 1.4 million for the GOP primary. Even in Florida, where the Republican primary was one of the most hotly contested of the year and the Democratic primary featured no active campaigning by the candidates, GOP turnout was only marginally higher: 1.9 million vs. 1.7 million.

These turnout figures match what pollsters have found as they have surveyed the electorate throughout the year: The gap between Democratic and Republican identification has grown dramatically.

And speaking of Ohio, one issue dominates:

Food stamps double since '01
But price of food means they don't go as far now

Caseloads have been rising steadily in the past seven years, said Brian Harter, spokesman for the state agency which oversees the food-stamp program.

"Look at unemployment during this time," he said.

Ohio's jobless rate is 5.3 percent, up from 4.4 percent in 2001.

"The economy and loss of manufacturing jobs are at the root of what's going on. But lately (it's) the rising cost of transportation and food -- people who were barely getting by, are not getting by," said Jack Frech, director of the Athens County Department of Job and Family Services.

And this means voting Republican? Bloomberg News doesn't think so.

Democratic Nominee Will Have Edge in Fall Even If Economy Turns

March 24 (Bloomberg) -- Seven months before Election Day, rising home foreclosures, shrinking financial assets and gasoline approaching a record $4 a gallon are daily reminders that the U.S. economy may be the worst in almost 30 years.

Even if a recovery begins this summer, Americans won't feel the difference until much later. That's why when the polls open Nov. 4, the Republicans, who have controlled the White House since 2001 and Congress for much of that time, will have ceded a key advantage to the Democrats.

Recessions shaped four presidential elections in the past half-century -- in 1960, 1976, 1980 and 1992. Each time, the candidate from the party trying to retake the White House won. A model that uses economic data to predict presidential race outcomes has the Democrats getting 52 percent of the votes cast for the two major party candidates, says Ray Fair, the Yale University professor who developed it.

``The economic environment, based on all of the data I've ever seen, is the most powerful indicator of how the party in power will do,'' says Jody Powell, a top aide to Jimmy Carter. He speaks from experience, having worked on Carter's victorious 1976 presidential campaign and his 1980 loss to Ronald Reagan, which was flanked by two recessions.

``The economy will likely be the dominant issue'' this year, Powell says.

Republicans in the media have been wetting themselves over the battle for the Democratic nomination (all but settled) thinking it helps John McCain. Between McCain's albatross George Bush, the economy and virtually every other issue that matters to Democrats and independents (Republicans will not decide the election; they are too few to matter), they're as out of touch as usual. National polls are essentially tied, but at this point in time don't begin to tell the story of what is going to happen in November.

Watch the polls for fun (once the party solidifies around a Democratic nominee, they will change), but the fundamentals going into the fall will be a lot harder for Republicans to deal with than is being reported.
0 Replies
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 07:25 am
Obama Regains Big Lead in North Carolina

A new poll by Public Policy Polling (pdf) has Obama regaining a sizable lead the dissipated during the worst of the Wright controversy coverage. Obama leads in the poll by 21 points over his rival, 55-34.

Obama leads 80-14% among black voters.

Clinton leads 47-40% among white voters, which is a noticeable tightening; she led 56-30% only a week before.
0 Replies
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 07:32 am

Ya Think?

As you know, earlier today Hillary Clinton tried to stoke the Jeremiah Wright controversy by telling an editorial board meeting in Pittsburgh that Jeremiah Wright "would not have been my pastor" and then going on to note that she had denounced Don Imus in contrast to Obama's allegedly more tolerant attitude toward hate speech.

Later in the afternoon she repeated the same comments at a press conference and when asked why she had chosen to engage Obama on the Wright controversy she seemed to suggest that rather than being intentional she was only providing an answer to a direct question. "Well I answered a question in an ed board today that was very specific about what I would have done," Clinton told the reporter, "And you know I'm just speaking for myself, and i was answering a question that was posed to me."

Now obviously, Hillary's been in the political big leagues for a while. She knows how to deflect a question. But it's actually much richer than this. This afternoon Greg Sargent and I were talking this over and one of us realized that this wasn't just any Pittsburgh paper. It was the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, the money-losing, vanity, fringe sheet of Richard Mellon Scaife, funder of the Arkansas Project, the American Spectator during its prime Clinton-hunting years and virtually every right-wing operation of note at one point or another over the last twenty years or more.

In fact, what I only discovered late this evening, when Eric Kleefeld sent me this link at National Review Online, is that not only was it Scaife's paper. Scaife himself was there sitting just to Clinton's right apparently taking part in the questioning.

This alone has to amount to some sort cosmic encounter like something out of a Wagner opera. Remember, this is the guy who spent millions of dollars puffing up wingnut fantasies about Hillary's having Vince Foster whacked and lots of other curdled and ugly nonsense. Scaife was the nerve center of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. Those of us who spent years defending the Clintons from all that malarkey learned this point on day one.

But there's more.

Let's game this out. Hillary's saying this wasn't some planned thing. She just got hit with this question and she answered it. But here's my question. You think Richard Mellon Scaife might want to dig into the Jeremiah Wright story? This is sort of like, 'Hey, I go on Hannity and next thing you know he's asking me about Wright and Farrakhan. How was I supposed to see that coming?'

I don't know just how this went down. But the idea Sen. Clinton and her staff went into an editorial board meeting with Scaife and his lackey reporters without a clear sense that they were going to get at least one choice Jeremiah Wright question just somehow doesn't ring true to me.

--Josh Marshall
0 Replies
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 07:44 am
Obama inching up in Pennsylvania

Rasmussen now has Clinton up 49% to 39% in Pennsylvania. Last week, she led 51% to 38% and the week before she led 52% to 37%. This data is important for a few reasons. First of all, polls last week seemed to show Clinton expanding her lead in PA, probably due to the Wright controversy. Obviously that has now stopped, at least according to this poll, and Obama is now gaining, even if its only a slight gain.
0 Replies
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 08:48 am
I wrote a song about Obama last night. It came to me while I was polishing my life-size homemade statue of him made out of paperclips and cardboard toilet paper rolls. I believe it embodies the spirit of the Obama movement.

pizza pizza pizza pie
Barack Obama pizza pie
pizza pizza pizza pie
Barack Obama pizza pie
pizza pizza pizza pie
Barack Obama pizza pie
pizza pizza pizza pie
Barack Obama pizza pie..

...and on like that as long as the spirit moves you. Isn't it inspiring and beautiful? I'd love to hear it someday at a rally.
0 Replies
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 08:55 am
Frontline documentary "Bush's War"
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 09:41 am
kickycan wrote:
I wrote a song about Obama last night. It came to me while I was polishing my life-size homemade statue of him made out of paperclips and cardboard toilet paper rolls. I believe it embodies the spirit of the Obama movement.

pizza pizza pizza pie
Barack Obama pizza pie
pizza pizza pizza pie
Barack Obama pizza pie
pizza pizza pizza pie
Barack Obama pizza pie
pizza pizza pizza pie
Barack Obama pizza pie..

...and on like that as long as the spirit moves you. Isn't it inspiring and beautiful? I'd love to hear it someday at a rally.

kicky, What tune should this song be sung?
0 Replies
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 09:54 am
Diest TKO wrote:
Does Obama have a choice about either of the following?

a) his race?
b) what any media source writes about him?

if not, what is your point Tico?


Hold on DTKO ... I need to run a little program here ....
0 Replies
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 10:18 am
ehBeth wrote:
good times


<nods too>

Just got back from Florida, currently offended at bare, leafless trees and general drabness, but there are some bulbs here and there and the sun is out today. Lots to catch up on so probably won't be here much in the next couple of days anyway but wanted to say howdy.

Briefly -- I was way, WAY out of the loop for about a week and had conversations with relatives that had me spooked about Obama's chances. One (F) leans Hillary but was considering Obama; one (M) leans McCain but was also considering Obama. Both 60-ish. Both were spouting all this stuff about Obama and Wright and Farrakhan and blah blah blah that had me really worried. (The good news -- my cousin the Obama supporter and I took the opportunity to disabuse these relatives of several false notions. Plus, I talked about the "sniper fire in Bosnia" thing and they didn't quite believe me and then like the next day it was big news everywhere... finally.)

Anyway, I was relieved that when I came up for air (and internet access) things didn't actually seem so bad. Way better than I feared, and some room for optimism.
0 Replies
real life
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 11:31 am
Diest TKO wrote:
Does Obama have a choice about either of the following?

a) his race?
b) what any media source writes about him?

Did Obama have a choice where he went to church for 20 years?

Did he have a choice with whom to associate as his 'close friend, advisor and mentor' ?
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 11:38 am
real life wrote:
Diest TKO wrote:
Does Obama have a choice about either of the following?

a) his race?
b) what any media source writes about him?

Did Obama have a choice where he went to church for 20 years?

Did he have a choice with whom to associate as his 'close friend, advisor and mentor' ?

Following my 2 questions with two more questions is a technique that only works of the answers are the same.

yes he could choose his church.
yes he could choose his mentor(s).

This is a lame way to avoid the answers to the questions I asked in the context of Tico's article.

No he can't choose his race.
no he can't choose what people write about him.

The idea that Obama controls what media surrounds him is ridiculous. The press has been accusing him of using the race cad almost exclusively yet they choose to publish stories that only highlight his race?

Someone certainly is playing the race card: The media.

0 Replies
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 11:38 am
real life wrote:
Diest TKO wrote:
Does Obama have a choice about either of the following?

a) his race?
b) what any media source writes about him?

Did Obama have a choice where he went to church for 20 years?

Did he have a choice with whom to associate as his 'close friend, advisor and mentor' ?

Yes he does and did; he explained both--take it or leave it.
0 Replies
real life
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 11:50 am
Diest TKO wrote:
real life wrote:
Diest TKO wrote:
Does Obama have a choice about either of the following?

a) his race?
b) what any media source writes about him?

Did Obama have a choice where he went to church for 20 years?

Did he have a choice with whom to associate as his 'close friend, advisor and mentor' ?

Following my 2 questions with two more questions is a technique that only works of the answers are the same.

yes he could choose his church.
yes he could choose his mentor(s).

This is a lame way to avoid the answers to the questions I asked in the context of Tico's article.

No he can't choose his race.
no he can't choose what people write about him.

The idea that Obama controls what media surrounds him is ridiculous. The press has been accusing him of using the race cad almost exclusively yet they choose to publish stories that only highlight his race?

Someone certainly is playing the race card: The media.


No one, including the media, is criticizing Obama for BEING black, TKO.

Get your head out of the straw.

The criticism is for his long term association and cozy relationships with racists.
0 Replies
real life
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 11:55 am
revel wrote:
real life wrote:
Diest TKO wrote:
Does Obama have a choice about either of the following?

a) his race?
b) what any media source writes about him?

Did Obama have a choice where he went to church for 20 years?

Did he have a choice with whom to associate as his 'close friend, advisor and mentor' ?

Yes he does and did; he explained both--take it or leave it.


Yeah, he 'explained' it.

'Go-o-lly. Shazam! I didn't know what he was preaching!'

Juan Williams, both black and liberal, stated that the questions won't go away because Obama HASN'T answered them.
0 Replies
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 11:56 am
real life wrote:
revel wrote:
real life wrote:
Diest TKO wrote:
Does Obama have a choice about either of the following?

a) his race?
b) what any media source writes about him?

Did Obama have a choice where he went to church for 20 years?

Did he have a choice with whom to associate as his 'close friend, advisor and mentor' ?

Yes he does and did; he explained both--take it or leave it.


Yeah, he 'explained' it.

'Go-o-lly. Shazam! I didn't know what he was preaching!'

Juan Williams, both black and liberal, stated that the questions won't go away because Obama HASN'T answered them.

Calling Juan Williams a Liberal is a joke; but no more then I would expect from a Republican Troll such as yourself.

0 Replies
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 11:56 am
Obama never had cozy relationship with racists and I haven't heard anyone in the MSM even make that claim.

Would you kindly direct me to a quote from a respected journalist making the claim you allege. Have fun.
0 Replies
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 12:04 pm
real life wrote:
revel wrote:
real life wrote:
Diest TKO wrote:
Does Obama have a choice about either of the following?

a) his race?
b) what any media source writes about him?

Did Obama have a choice where he went to church for 20 years?

Did he have a choice with whom to associate as his 'close friend, advisor and mentor' ?

Yes he does and did; he explained both--take it or leave it.


Yeah, he 'explained' it.

'Go-o-lly. Shazam! I didn't know what he was preaching!'

Juan Williams, both black and liberal, stated that the questions won't go away because Obama HASN'T answered them.

Earth to unreal life. The questions HAVE GONE AWAY. The REAL WORLD has moved on to other things.
0 Replies
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 12:10 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
Obama never had cozy relationship with racists and I haven't heard anyone in the MSM even make that claim.

Except his preacher you mean, right?

Would you kindly direct me to a quote from a respected journalist making the claim you allege. Have fun.

An interesting 2007 article from the NY Times.

"If Barack gets past the primary, he might have to publicly distance himself from me," Mr. Wright said with a shrug. "I said it to Barack personally, and he said yeah, that might have to happen."
0 Replies
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 12:10 pm
"Did Obama have a choice where he went to church for 20 years?

Did he have a choice with whom to associate as his 'close friend, advisor and mentor' ?" Obviously he did. He certainly made a wise choice.
0 Replies
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 12:14 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
Obama never had cozy relationship with racists and I haven't heard anyone in the MSM even make that claim.

Except his preacher you mean, right?

Reverend Wright is not a racist and noone in the MSM has made that claim to my knoweldge.
0 Replies

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