real life
Tue 25 Mar, 2008 04:15 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
real life wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
real life wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:

yes and Hitler made the trains run on time.

Godwin's law invalidates your post. Might want to be a little more careful next time.


Proclaiming something a 'law' doesn't make it so.

Answer the racism question, Cyclo.

There is no racism question.

If Obama now 'rejects' the comments Wright made, why didn't he leave the church years ago?

You cannot seriously make a case that 'Present' Obama was unaware of the views and sermons of his 'close personal friend, mentor and advisor'.

Jeez, how dense are you? I'll explain one more time:

There is far more to a person then a highlight reel of their worst comments and moments. It is entirely likely that Obama found many things to like and support about the Rev., despite not agreeing with some of his comments.

But, you're not interested in explanations or discussions, or anything of the sort, I must remind myself. Only in attacking and smearing Obama. You should admit it; come out and say, 'I don't care what you or anyone says, I'm still going to portray him as a racist and declare him 'unelectable,' in order to help beat him this Fall.' B/c that's the truth, man. It is evident from your repeated failure to actually engage the conversation, always retreating to the same tired lines and smears.


Oh, I see.

It's a numbers game for you.

OK. I'll play.

HOW MANY racist statements must an individual make before a decent person dissassociates himself from the offender?

Give me a number.
0 Replies
Tue 25 Mar, 2008 04:21 pm
depends on the relationship.
0 Replies
Tue 25 Mar, 2008 04:23 pm
My humble appeal to
the rational non voters of USA.
Never believe another LIAR
even when you know
he is telling theTRUTH
0 Replies
Tue 25 Mar, 2008 04:31 pm
RL, you've successfully reminded me why it's not worth discussing anything of importance with you.

0 Replies
Tue 25 Mar, 2008 04:48 pm
0 Replies
Tue 25 Mar, 2008 05:01 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Why is it poor judgment?

For the same reason John "straight talker" McCain's sucking up to Jerry Falwell was poor judgment, perhaps?
0 Replies
Tue 25 Mar, 2008 05:04 pm
Thomas wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Why is it poor judgment?

For the same reason John "straight talker" McCain's sucking up to Jerry Falwell was poor judgment, perhaps?

But, according to the same people that attack Wright and Obama here, McCain hasn't shown poor judgment in doing that.

0 Replies
Tue 25 Mar, 2008 05:08 pm
My God! This is still going on? This thread needs to be retitled.
0 Replies
Tue 25 Mar, 2008 05:10 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
But, according to the same people that attack Wright and Obama here, McCain hasn't shown poor judgment in doing that.


This is, at the very least, a serious overgeneralization. I, for example, am on record for criticizing McCain for his suck-up. So stand back, fella! I have a search engine, and I'm not afraid to use it. Don't make me.
0 Replies
Tue 25 Mar, 2008 06:58 pm
Anybody seen Soz?
0 Replies
Tue 25 Mar, 2008 06:59 pm
good times

0 Replies
Tue 25 Mar, 2008 07:01 pm
more power to 'er.

<miss> Shocked
0 Replies
real life
Tue 25 Mar, 2008 08:50 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
real life wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
real life wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
real life wrote:

Answer the racism question, Cyclo.

There is no racism question.

If Obama now 'rejects' the comments Wright made, why didn't he leave the church years ago?

You cannot seriously make a case that 'Present' Obama was unaware of the views and sermons of his 'close personal friend, mentor and advisor'.

Jeez, how dense are you? I'll explain one more time:

There is far more to a person then a highlight reel of their worst comments and moments. It is entirely likely that Obama found many things to like and support about the Rev., despite not agreeing with some of his comments.

But, you're not interested in explanations or discussions, or anything of the sort, I must remind myself. Only in attacking and smearing Obama. You should admit it; come out and say, 'I don't care what you or anyone says, I'm still going to portray him as a racist and declare him 'unelectable,' in order to help beat him this Fall.' B/c that's the truth, man. It is evident from your repeated failure to actually engage the conversation, always retreating to the same tired lines and smears.


Oh, I see.

It's a numbers game for you.

OK. I'll play.

HOW MANY racist statements must an individual make before a decent person dissassociates himself from the offender?

Give me a number.

RL, you've successfully reminded me why it's not worth discussing anything of importance with you.


Because you cannot defend your view.

Present a convincing argument that as Obama spent 20 years in Wright's church with Wright as his 'mentor, close friend and advisor'........................

...............and that Obama was unaware of what Wright preached publicly from the pulpit.

C'mon . I dare you to try.
0 Replies
Tue 25 Mar, 2008 10:44 pm
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 12:51 am
Does Obama have a choice about either of the following?

a) his race?
b) what any media source writes about him?

if not, what is your point Tico?

0 Replies
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 05:09 am
God damn America's (Bushie's) war in Iraq. Rev. Wright is taking a beating from those supporting that mass murder. They attack him gleefully hoping this brings down Obama and gives them Hillary v. McCain, a matchup they crave. Hillary supporters attack Wright and many of them have never supported the war and know Wright is speaking a lot of truth to an America run amok. No objections from them when Hillary says we brought freedom to Iraq. God damn that. We brought death and destruction to Iraq with more on the way. Many Obama supporters have a hard time admitting Wright has historical evidence backing his every charge. Truth is the first casualty of political wars. Yet there was a ray hope on Easter when Wright's replacement Rev. Otis Moss gave his serman and decried the crucifixion of Jeremiah Wright. Truthtelling is a dirty job but God bless those with the courage and integrity to speak truth to a rogue Superpower.
0 Replies
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 06:15 am
Asherman wrote:
"My case is proven if even one republican and/or conservative doesn't fit the image drawn by the Left."

I did that, and my point was proven.

Questioning Obama's suitability to be President of the United States has NOTHING what-so-ever to do with his "race". Race is a bogus term used by bigots. Prejudice based upon ethnicity, gender, age, or "race" should be condemned where ever and when ever prejudice raises its ugly head. By playing the race card, you are far more guilty than I of "racial prejudice".

I have absolutely no problem with Obama running for President because of his "race", though I question whether one so young and inexperienced has the maturity to hold the most powerful office in the world. If Obama IS racially prejudiced and agrees with the repugnant views of Rev. Wright, then I don't believe Americans will elect him. For that matter, I really doubt that anyone could be elected President of the United States today if they believed racial divisiveness, hatred and that the United States is the source of all the world's problems. "Crucify him"? You have to be joking, Obama is a politician no different fundamentally than any other.

Imagine for just a wee moment what your personal reaction would be if a person said, "we will vote for XYZ because he looks like us, and it's "no big deal" that he has spent 20 years at the feet of a mentor, friend, advisor and pastor who preaches racial divisiveness, hatred for the United States and who believes that the U.S. government has been pursuing a policy of genocide"?

That's funny, you who "claim" to be white, a term invented for the continuation of slavery and as being somehow "superior", means what? Justification? Why a litmus test for Obama, age included, when the Constitution states that "a man be at least 35 years old"! If that alone, is a requirement, what's the question?

If it weren't his paster, then what would the impediment be? Age? You've already covered that. His color? You claim, that isn't an issue! If referring to XYZ, you mean me, because I AM Black, why CAN'T I vote for someone who looks like me, for a change, just as qualified, if not more than McCain, who knows nothing about the economy, flubs his facts, has the "experience", but not the smarts, so what is it?

When you refer to HIS paster, isn't McCain't suppored by white supremists, televangelists and makes no excuse for that? Has kissed Bush's ASS to get his endorsement! Has been noted that he almost crossed his Republican line and switched to e a Democrat, which is why his party accuses him of being a "traitor" to the party? Hillary's white pastor, I've read, is no paragon of virtue either and SHE belongs to an "all-white" congregation, HERSELF! Is your congregation all white?

I'm Catholic and I see a rainbow, when I attend Mass; Whites, (Irish, Italian, Polish, etc.), African Americans, Haitians and Hispanics. A "rainbow coalition". How many of the posters in this group, can say that?

Your reasons are weak and racist! Crying or Very sad
0 Replies
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 06:26 am
McGentrix wrote:
Why Obama's Speech Was Unconvincing
By Ed Koch

Barack Obama's speech last week addressing his 20-year relationship with his radical pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, was very well done, yet unconvincing.

Obama sought to explain that relationship and why he could not end this close association, despite the minister's hate-filled rhetoric. He said, "There will no doubt be those for whom my statements of condemnation are not enough. Why associate myself with Rev. Wright in the first place, they may ask? Why not join another church?"

Yes, those are the questions that people are asking.

So ask Ed Koch, why hasn't he condemned those Hasidic Jews in Crown Hts., Brooklyn, who spiritied one of their OWN off, to Israel, when he ran down a Black little boy, over 10 years ago, resulting in the death of a rabbinical student? The murderer of the boy is free in Israel, while the alleged murderer of the student is in jail! No one, has ever been indicted, for that boys murder! Ask Ed Koch, that, why don't you? Confused
0 Replies
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 06:34 am
Pastor Of Clinton's Former Church: Don't Use Wright To Polarize
March 25, 2008 10:24 PM
Sam Stein
The Huffington Post
On Tuesday, Sen. Hillary Clinton re-stoked the flames of the controversy surrounding Sen. Barack Obama's former pastor, saying she would have long ago distanced herself from Rev. Jeremiah Wright if she had attended his church.

"He would not have been my pastor," Clinton told a gathering of the campaign press corps, repeating a line she used earlier in the day on a Pittsburgh radio program. "You don't choose your family, but you choose what church you want to attend."

But the pastor at the church that Clinton did once attend has recently expressed public support for Wright. He's even proclaimed it a "grave injustice" to make a judgment on Wright based off of "two or three sound bites," and criticized those who would "use a few of [Wright's] quotes to polarize."

Last week, Dean Snyder, the senior minister at the Foundry United Methodist Church in Washington D.C. -- which the Clintons famously attended while in the White House -- released a little noticed statement offering a sympathetic defense of the totality of Wright's work.

"The Reverend Jeremiah Wright is an outstanding church leader whom I have heard speak a number of times," Snyder wrote. "He has served for decades as a profound voice for justice and inclusion in our society. To evaluate his dynamic ministry on the basis of two or three sound bites does a grave injustice to Dr. Wright, the members of his congregation, and the African-American church which has been the spiritual refuge of a people that has suffered from discrimination, disadvantage, and violence. Dr. Wright, a member of an integrated denomination, has been an agent of racial reconciliation while proclaiming perceptions and truths uncomfortable for some white people to hear. Those of us who are white Americans would do well to listen carefully to Dr. Wright rather than to use a few of his quotes to polarize."

Snyder, it should be noted, was not the pastor at Foundry during the Clinton years. That was the previous minister, J. Philip Wogaman. Moreover, there seems to be confusion as to exactly what church Clinton now attends. Her campaign did not return requests for comment.

However, Foundry was cited on numerous occasions as a steady presence during the first couple's time in the White House. And in January 2001, Bill Clinton gave a farewell speech to the congregation, thanking the church for its work in the city as well as for its "courage" to welcome gay and lesbian Christians.

Snyder, according to the church's website, became senior minister in 2002. "Before his appointment to Foundry, he served as director of communications for the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. His writings on theology, Biblical interpretation, and Christian mission have appeared in dozens of publications."

And in a recent New York Times article, even he acknowledged that some in his congregation were aghast at Wright's remarks.

"During staff meetings this week at his church," the Times reported, "Snyder said he noticed the rising awareness among some African-Americans of white Americans, he said, 'who don't understand the history of black people in this country and the role of the black church as a prophetic voice, and that in church you can say things that you couldn't in larger society.'"
0 Replies
Wed 26 Mar, 2008 06:34 am
"feminism, sexual orientation or one of the other top issues about which Americans look to their president for leadership."

Yea; i know that is what I look for leadership in a president. Rolling Eyes Waiting with baited breath.

So did Obama fire a lesbian in the feminist movement? Or wait have an affair with a gay person and hit on or fire his personal assistant who happens to be female?

If Obama makes it all the way to the WH (I have my doubts with stories surrounding him thus far from all sides) I am sure we can look forward to some more Ken Star reports for next four to eight years.
0 Replies

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