Quote:Perhaps you don't know how budgets work hawkeye.
The way they work is that a percentage of males produce all the wealth( credit column) and the women spend it(debit column) in consumption competitions, which are fierce affairs with varying degrees of subtlety, and understandably so, aided and abetted by the rest of the men. When there's an overshoot of the balance into the red caused by getting overexcited, encouraged by Media for reasons too obvious for me to mention as doing so would insult your intelligence, and by politicians who have to promise too much to get elected.
So we have arrived somewhere near the position Livy describes the Romans getting to in about 450 BC which is finding it only slightly less intolerable than the remedy.
From a philosophical point of view such an outcome may be inevitable in a democracy with a wide ranging enfranchisement.
BTW-- I'm not saying that women shouldn't have the vote. All I'm suggesting, tentatively and with some trepidation, is that if they do have the vote this position is automatic in like manner to night following day or winter following summer.