Renaldo Dubois
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 11:12 am
That's funny. You want depth? "Duh, duh, the Tea Party is full of greedy assholes....duh duh........"

Your lofty rhetoric doesn't cut it, bub. You're just another smelly Marxist with some lofty rhetoric. It aint workin'. You and your pals are not entitled to the money of working Americans. Fund your own agenda.
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 11:16 am
@Renaldo Dubois,
Renaldo Dubois wrote:

That's funny. You want depth? "Duh, duh, the Tea Party is full of greedy assholes....duh duh........"

Just trying to reach out to you on a level you could comprehend. I'm more than happy to discuss in depth any issue - if you think you have the chops to do so.

Your lofty rhetoric doesn't cut it, bub. You're just another smelly Marxist with some lofty rhetoric. It aint workin'. You and your pals are not entitled to the money of working Americans. Fund your own agenda.

What lofty rhetoric? What I wrote above was normal.

You didn't answer my question earlier: how can you claim that I don't have the right to insult you or the so-called Tea Party, and turn around in the same breath and insult me? You don't see the contradiction there?

Re: the money of working Americans, I believe the government IS in fact entitled to both collect it from you and spend it on programs that are voted into law by our political leaders. What more, I'm willing to bet that this will continue to be the case for the known future. It seems that you have a basic misunderstanding of the structure of our country and how the government works, if you think that right doesn't exist....

Renaldo Dubois
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 11:16 am
Here's a little ditty for all you Obama supporters.
cicerone imposter
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 11:19 am
@Renaldo Dubois,
What you have essentially admitted is that the current educational system was developed over many decades when both democrats and republicans ran our governments.

So, what's your point? That GW Bush implemented (unfunded mandate) NCLB, and sent many schools into bankruptcy?
Renaldo Dubois
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 11:21 am
If you really believe that then why do you hate the Tea Party? We had an election last Nov. Why the double standard?
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 11:25 am
@Renaldo Dubois,
Renaldo Dubois wrote:

If you really believe that then why do you hate the Tea Party? We had an election last Nov. Why the double standard?

I don't hate the Tea Party; what gave you the impression I did?

Moreso, I don't believe that any such thing really exists. You've just slapped a new name on Republicanism, in large part to avoid taking responsibility for Bush and the mistakes of 2001-2008. It's a construction that allows Republicans to pretend that they didn't make foolish decisions in the past.

You STILL didn't answer my question earlier: how can you claim that I don't have the right to insult you or the so-called Tea Party, and turn around in the same breath and insult me? You don't see the contradiction there?

Renaldo Dubois
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 11:25 am
@cicerone imposter,
I don't agree with Bush on education. We need to get the Feds out of the education business. We are being dumbed down.
Renaldo Dubois
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 11:27 am
Now you're avoiding my question. Don't you feel the right is now "entitled" to act on their agenda since we kicked your asses in Nov?
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 11:27 am
You cannot reasonably deny that the other networks have used yellow journalism also.

Recent examples include Dan Rather and the Killian documents scandal.
Dan Rather and CBS had made up their minds, and then used faked documents to try and prove their point.
Even then, the documents they used were supposedly copies of the originals, because the originals were supposedly burned after copies were faxed to CBS.

The Killian documents controversy (also referred to as Memogate, Rathergate or Rathergate[1]) involved six documents critical of President George W. Bush's service in the Air National Guard in 1972–73. Four of these documents[2] were presented as authentic in a 60 Minutes Wednesday broadcast aired by CBS on September 8, 2004, less than two months before the 2004 Presidential Election, but it was later found that CBS had failed to authenticate the documents.[3][4][5] Subsequently, several typewriter and typography experts concluded the documents are forgeries,[6][7] as have some media sources. No forensic document examiners or typography experts have authenticated the documents, and this may not be technically possible without original documents.[8] The provider of the documents, Lt. Col. Bill Burkett, claims to have burned the originals after faxing copies to CBS.[9]

And there was the case in 1993 when NBC used an incendiary device to get the explosion they wanted, to try and "prove" that GM pickup trucks were poorly designed and would explode.
NBC rigged the truck, and then used that data to try and make their case.

NBC issued an on-the-air apology to General Motors Corp. and announced it had settled a lawsuit over its use of an incendiary device in staging a fiery crash involving a GM pickup truck.

An investigation commissioned by NBC laid the blame on three "Dateline" producers, who were forced to resign over the weekend: Jeff Diamond, former executive producer; David Rummel, a senior producer; and Robert Read.

It criticized the producers for staging the test crash; for rigging it withigniters placed under the truck; for using trick camera angles and editing to make the explosion and fire look bigger than it was; and for not telling viewers about the igniters.

Can you honestly say that those arent examples of yellow journalism?

The point is that ALL news agencies are guilty of it at one time or another.
And you seeing it, or admitting it depends entirely on your point of view.

(And I use "you" collectively, not individually. "You" means everyone, including me.)

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 11:28 am
@Renaldo Dubois,
I agree; local school boards and their parents should be directing their children's education. .

Standardized testing is wrong from the get-go; not all children learn at the same rate nor have the same interests. What's happened since NCLB is the destruction of athletics, music, and arts from our children's curriculum.
Renaldo Dubois
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 11:31 am
@cicerone imposter,
We'd have more money for sports, music and art by cutting the outrageous salaries and pensions of "educators". They keep telling us "It's for the children", but it keeps ending up in some union teacher's pension or in political contributions. That's not good government.
0 Replies
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 11:31 am
Seeing as I spend a lot of time standing on the edge of a cliff, I'm sorry to hear that

Make sure it isnt a sandstone cliff.
Sandstone is incredibly weak and crumbles constantly.
You could fall off.
And make sure the cliff doesnt have Kudzu vines on it.
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 11:31 am
@Renaldo Dubois,
Renaldo Dubois wrote:

Now you're avoiding my question. Don't you feel the right is now "entitled" to act on their agenda since we kicked your asses in Nov?

Sure! The right is 'entitled' to do whatever they like, when they are in office.

The question is: do they have any ABILITY to get any of this passed? I think that the answer we see before us is: clearly, they do not. But that's what happens when you control 1/2 of 1/3rd of the government, yet demand that everything you want has to happen or you'll 'shut down the government.'

I assure you that those of us on the left-wing dearly hope that your group does this. Truly. Because, as Boehner and McConnell know, it will be murderous for your party and it will be a gigantic problem for your next presidential candidate.

Last chance to answer my question:

How can you claim that I don't have the right to insult you or the so-called Tea Party, and turn around in the same breath and insult me? You don't see the contradiction there?

You've directly avoided this twice. Do you have the guts to address your own behavior, or are you above such criticisms, in your own mind? I won't ask again.

Mon 28 Mar, 2011 11:33 am
mysteryman wrote:

Seeing as I spend a lot of time standing on the edge of a cliff, I'm sorry to hear that

Make sure it isnt a sandstone cliff.
Sandstone is incredibly weak and crumbles constantly.
You could fall off.
And make sure the cliff doesnt have Kudzu vines on it.

I climb cliffs for fun, and assure you, the composition of the rock is the first thing you look at before you start.

0 Replies
Renaldo Dubois
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 11:36 am
I'm not a republican.

You have a weak President who is going to get taken out soon. No majority in the Senate to speak of. Looks to me that "hope and change" is over. Unempoloyment is still too high to get re-elected and it's not going to magically come down with these failed policies. No more stimulus. That game is over becasue now we know where the money goes. This is the most corrupt administration is my lifetime. Unions and government don't mix. The underbelly is rotten and soft from corruption. The left is exposed as anti-worker and nothing more than a bunch of lawyers and their special interests to keep them in power. That's why the left hates the Tea Party. The Tea Party is made up of just average working folks. The very people the USA was made for. You and your pals want to steal my dream and use it to fund you and your pals' dreams. Nope.
cicerone imposter
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 11:38 am
@Renaldo Dubois,
RB, You forget too soon; the republicans promised jobs if they take over congress. They are destroying jobs and unions., or haven't you noticed?

They're still using the same message; cut taxes to create jobs.
Renaldo Dubois
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 11:56 am
@cicerone imposter,
No, they are not destroying jobs. We are cutting back on government spending. Government jobs is not what is needed. You and your pals just don't get it.
Renaldo Dubois
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 11:58 am
Good. Don't ask again. Hold your breath. Maybe that will work. I don't jump when lefties tell me to. Anything else? You may now begin to insult and demean in clear conscience. We know you want to. You can also stop with the "holier than thou" crap. We all witnessed how your union workers insulted, demeaned, harrassed and intimidated good hard working everyday people. You and you leftist union thugs are not good Americans.
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 12:01 pm
Renaldo makes Cyclotroll look like Obama... phoney, inept, a fraud, and in waaaay over his head.

Bravo Renaldo.
0 Replies
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 12:05 pm
@Renaldo Dubois,
Renaldo Dubois wrote:

I don't agree with Bush on education. We need to get the Feds out of the education business. We are being dumbed down.

NCLB may have been a great plan, but we will never know because the liberal teachers unions sabotaged the plan from the get go.

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