Mon 28 Mar, 2011 09:16 am
Why does the religious left support Obama?
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 09:47 am
Why does the religious left support Obama?

Who is the religious left?
Renaldo Dubois
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 09:49 am
I heard a rumor that our dear leader is going to speak to us tonight. I can hardly wait.

Mon 28 Mar, 2011 09:52 am
@Renaldo Dubois,
Renaldo Dubois wrote:

I heard a rumor that our dear leader is going to speak to us tonight. I can hardly wait.


Laughing I like that you link to a post that is from 2008, yet says at the top 'constantly updated.'

They way you use the phrase 'dear leader' almost leads me to believe that you don't in fact like the guy.

Renaldo Dubois
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 10:09 am
Doesn't matter if I like him or not. This isn't Facebook. He's phoney, inept, a fraud, and in waaaay over his head. Watch the entire video. Any thinking person would agree with me.

(notice that last line? I learned that from lefties).
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 10:15 am
@Renaldo Dubois,
Renaldo Dubois wrote:

Doesn't matter if I like him or not. This isn't Facebook. He's phoney, inept, a fraud, and in waaaay over his head.

That's funny; I don't think he's a phony, inept, or a fraud. In any way at all. But those are common slurs that right-wingers who can't handle the fact that he got elected tend to throw at him.

Watch the entire video. Any thinking person would agree with me.

(notice that last line? I learned that from lefties).

I'm a thinking person, and I don't agree with you. You maybe should study the usage of that line a little more before deploying it in the field.

Mon 28 Mar, 2011 10:24 am
Do you live your life liberally, such as do you spend yourself into oblivion, pom? Do you try to run a business with no experience? Do you tell your neighbors what to do? Do you demand they pay for your irresponsibility? If they make more money than you, do you demand they give it all to you?

My point is - most people live their lives conservatively. So why should the government govern liberally? After all, conservatism works and liberalism does not. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are conservative, not liberal.

This is an amazing piece, Okie. It illustrates so clearly that you don't even understand the meaning of these words. You conflate so many issues and meanings that it's all just a jumble of inane thoughts.

No wonder you've made little sense over all these years.
Renaldo Dubois
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 10:33 am
Those aren't "slurs". Those are opinions. The left had their opinion of Bush. Were those "slurs"? I know how this works. I've been at it a while.

When a lefty protests government policy it's called "Speaking truth to power".

When a righty protests government policy it's called "A racist angry mob".

I'm always one step ahead of you whether you know it or not.
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 10:35 am
@Renaldo Dubois,
Renaldo Dubois wrote:
He's phoney, inept, a fraud, and in waaaay over his head.

well he is a politician after all

as for being in over his head, so was vice president bush, at least he had president cheney to rely on
Renaldo Dubois
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 10:36 am
Obama needs to step down or be impeached. I agree with Kucinich. He's a dangerous man. He is doing exactly the opposite of what he said he would do.
0 Replies
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 10:37 am
@Renaldo Dubois,
Renaldo Dubois wrote:

Those aren't "slurs". Those are opinions. The left had their opinion of Bush. Were those "slurs"? I know how this works. I've been at it a while.

My opinion is that those are indeed slurs.

When a lefty protests government policy it's called "Speaking truth to power".

When a righty protests government policy it's called "A racist angry mob".

I didn't call you an 'angry racist mob.' But if that's what you think rightists are like, I won't disagree.

I'm always one step ahead of you whether you know it or not.

Seeing as I spend a lot of time standing on the edge of a cliff, I'm sorry to hear that Laughing

Mon 28 Mar, 2011 10:39 am
as for being in over his head, so was vice president bush, at least he had president cheney to rely on

Yeah, and that sure worked out well. (and yes, a deserved slur)
0 Replies
Renaldo Dubois
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 10:40 am
No, those are not slurs. Saying someone is a phoney is an opinion. Saying someone is inept is an opinion. Your opinion is that they are slurs because you enjoy a double standard.

Why would any American such as yourself hate your fellow Americans? All of us watched the hate directed by the left at fellow Americans who happen to be called "Tea baggers". Why would you dislike fellow Americans who want to keep taxes low and follow liberty? Why?
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 10:45 am
@Renaldo Dubois,
Renaldo Dubois wrote:

No, those are not slurs. Saying someone is a phoney is an opinion. Saying someone is inept is an opinion. Your opinion is that they are slurs because you enjoy a double standard.

I'm not allowed to have the opinion that your slurs were, in fact, slurs?

Why would any American such as yourself hate your fellow Americans?

What makes you believe I hate my fellow Americans?

All of us watched the hate directed by the left at fellow Americans who happen to be called "Tea baggers". Why would you dislike fellow Americans who want to keep taxes low and follow liberty? Why?

Well, in part, I disagree with them because I want to RAISE taxes; and what more, I feel that the constant quest to 'keep taxes low' is not only selfish in the extreme, it's perilous to the survival of our country in the long-run.

Generally, I like to discuss these topics in-depth, with arguments presented based both in provable facts and clear logic. That way, a true discussion can be had regarding the effects of various political and economic decisions upon our society. The opposite of this is a character attack on a politician - there's no supporting argumentation and no logic behind such an opinion, and therefore no way to move forward in a rational manner on a discussion board such as this. While you may find such statements to be emotionally satisfying, I wonder - are they accomplishing the effect you are going after? It would seem not.

Renaldo Dubois
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 10:48 am
But you have a problem. A lot of your fellow Americans don't want to pay more taxes. They want to spend their money as they see fit and give as they see fit. That is freedom. Taking and spending other people's money for unconstitutional special interests is tyranny.

You don't get that. And because you don't get it, you feel you have the right to insult, degrade, intimidate, coerce and lie for your agenda. We are fed up with trash like you.
cicerone imposter
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 10:49 am
I quit reading okie for the reasons you delineated; it's a waste of time and effort to try and put sense into this ignoramus who accuse others of what he is guilty of, but worse, because he never learns from facts or evidence.

I tired of responding to his many inane posts that are re threads from FOX news.

He's proof that there is not cure for stupid.
0 Replies
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 10:52 am
@Renaldo Dubois,
Renaldo Dubois wrote:

But you have a problem. A lot of your fellow Americans don't want to pay more taxes.

That's not really a problem, per se. There will always be those who want a free ride.

They want to spend their money as they see fit and give as they see fit.

No, what they want is to enjoy the benefits of government without having to ever pay for it. Or they want someone else to pay for it. The root of what you are talking about is greed and avarice.

That is freedom. Taking and spending other people's money for unconstitutional special interests is tyranny.

No, it isn't. I submit that you don't know what 'tyranny' means if you think that what we currently have is anything like that.

You don't get that. And because you don't get it, you feel you have the right to insult, degrade, intimidate, coerce and lie for your agenda. We are fed up with trash like you.

I think that it's pretty funny, that on one hand you attack me for 'feeling I have the right to insult, degrade, etc...' right before you begin to insult my by calling me trash. Why do YOU have the right to do so, but I don't? Laughing

I can't really take your poorly constructed arguments seriously; you're a carbon copy of the 20-odd mouth-breathers we get here every year from the right wing. You have lots of emotion but little ability, it seems, to discuss topics in any real depth. What about that isn't boring, to someone like me? Tell me: why SHOULD you get anything from me but ridicule?

Mon 28 Mar, 2011 10:57 am
@Renaldo Dubois,
Renaldo Dubois wrote:

Doesn't matter if I like him or not. This isn't Facebook. He's phoney, inept, a fraud, and in waaaay over his head. Watch the entire video. Any thinking person would agree with me.

(notice that last line? I learned that from lefties).

Yes, Obama is phoney, inept, a fraud, and in waaaay over his head, but the dumbmasses love him for some inexplicable reason.

Tonight's teleprompter reading by PrezBO should be another yawnfest.
I'm sure the bulk of his words will be focused at the dumbmasses and how they can reelect him.

Renaldo Dubois
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 10:57 am
What you call "government" is mostly special interests and union coercion. The ones getting the free ride are the government unions and the workers who fill their trough with the money they take from the working Americans. Yes, TAKE. You're theives. You don't have a clue about how this government is supposed to operate and we're kicking your asses out. You aint seen nothing yet.

So take your scrawny arrogant ass down the road. Your day is over. Go out and get a job like everyone else. Trash.
Mon 28 Mar, 2011 11:07 am
@Renaldo Dubois,
Renaldo Dubois wrote:

What you call "government" is mostly special interests and union coercion.

Laughing I think not. Appeals to Extremes like this aren't a substitute for actual knowledge about how our country is ran from day to day.

The truth is that the American government has been incredibly successful at maintaining the integrity of our nation and the continuation of our year-to-year operations. More so than any other government in the world, in fact.

I'm a little surprised. I thought you right-wingers were pro-America, but here you're bashing - heavily - the founding bedrock our forefathers put in place almost 250 years ago. Why are you attacking a system which has been so successful?

The ones getting the free ride are the government unions and the workers who fill their trough with the money they take from the working Americans.

They 'take' the money? They don't get paid to do their jobs, just like everyone else? I almost think they do.

Yes, TAKE. You're theives.

I don't work for a government employee union, so I don't know why you are referring to ME as 'a thief.'

You don't have a clue about how this government is supposed to operate and we're kicking your asses out. You aint seen nothing yet.

Laughing I see a lot of ****-talking and opinions on your side, but very, very little actual knowledge about anything. Nothing discussed in depth. It's as if you think the sorts of arguments that fly in the fever swamps which make up the right-wing web are going to be equally effective here.

Believe me when I say that I find your posturing and ignorance to be amusing, but not really interesting. They don't provide any new information to me at all; we already KNEW the right-wing, and the tea-party name they are calling themselves these days, is full of ignorant, greedy assholes. What good does it do for you to just repeat that back to us over and over?

Re: 'ain't seen nothing yet,' are you going to sick you presidential candidate on us next? Maybe a Michelle Bachmann offensive Laughing

I think you have a much larger problem than the Liberals on your hands right now: its' the fact that your own political party hates you and is going to do everything they can to screw your 'tea party' candidates. We can already see it happening in the House.


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