Sat 12 Feb, 2011 09:16 pm
Yes, which I understand was not far different than many towns like ours back in the 50's. I grew up in the 50's for the most part, Rocky, so that is my point of reference. There were also separate parks, swimming pools, and drinking fountains. I did not understand it as a kid, but it gradually fell away and the community has been integrated for a very long time, I think since Eisenhower was in office, which is not an insignificant point. I think there might be some tendency for families to congregate in their old familiar areas, but it is certainly not like it was.

We lived out in the country, and there were few black farmers, not even now, in that area at least. I have written this before, that there is a community in Oklahoma, known as Langston, which was a black settlement of farmers, etc., and there is a university there as well.

My dad was in the VFW, and he had a few black friends there, and in fact a couple sang for my parents at their 50th wedding anniversary. I can in total honesty tell you that my parents were not in the least prejudiced whatsoever, and they raised us children accordingly. So don't even go off on some pre-conceived rant about conservatives being prejudiced, Rocky. In fact, the most prejudiced person I knew as a kid was our neighbor lady that my mother would pick up groceries for and drop them by her house. If I was with my mother on this errand, I always knew that it would end up listening to this old lady for a half hour or more, a staunch Democrat, sit there and rant about how the world was going bad, one reason being the blacks. My mother was Democrat too, but she would either ignore her or gently try to encourage her to be more positive and less prejudiced when she got on that subject.

I don't need to tell you this stuff, but I do in the interest of being open, honest, and informative about what I believe and why.
Sat 12 Feb, 2011 09:30 pm
I understand your point of reference.

and how different it is from the inner cities. of places like Chicago.

and why you don't understand the need for change in those places.

but you don't...

I grew up less than 200 miles north of you.

and also lived in Chicago.

they are worlds apart...
cicerone imposter
Sat 12 Feb, 2011 09:44 pm
I think okie lives in a place that's world apart from most Americans.
Sat 12 Feb, 2011 09:46 pm
@cicerone imposter,
you would have to spend some time on the prairie to understand it.

it is a different world.

and not necessarily bad. just behind...
Finn dAbuzz
Sat 12 Feb, 2011 10:04 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

I think okie lives in a place that's world apart from most Americans.

Don't you live in the Berkley area (or is that your clone Cyclo)?

You think clouded and wrong.
Sun 13 Feb, 2011 11:35 am
He once wrote that he thinks there is a black man living down the street from him.
0 Replies
Mon 14 Feb, 2011 07:16 am
It must a different world in bigger cities than it is in smaller towns and rural areas. Where I live, the whole county is pretty much divided according to racial lines even if they can afford to live somewhere else. I don't know if the blacks feel as though they are not welcome in the white communities or they just prefer to stay among their own people because that is who and what they know. In all my years of going of going to church, I think we only one black couple show up. They didn't come back. I don't know if it was our somewhat awful singing that put them off, or if they just felt uncomfortable. I know that everyone came up and shook their hands and tried to make them feel welcome. Maybe we tried too hard. Or maybe they would just rather go to their own churches. I know my youngest daughter who has a bi-racial daughter has told me she would rather go to their church any day of the week as ours is too boring for words. We don't even have enough blacks in our little community dollar store to carry a line of black hair products. Found that out when I tried to buy some for my little granddaughter.
0 Replies
Mon 14 Feb, 2011 02:34 pm
SAUL ALINSKY trained three of Barack Obama's mentors in Chicago who trained Barack Obama. Barach Obama was hired in 1986 by the Alinsky team to "community organize" the South Side. The proposed solution to every problem on the South Side was distribution of government funds.


GEORGE SOROS is the biggest financier of Obama’s presidency, and is advocating that the USA's economy be diminished.



BARACK OBAMA is in the process of redistributing the wealth in America.




THE ROOTS OF OBAMA’S RAGE, Dinesh D’Souza, Regnery Publishing, Inc.,2010

BARACK OBAMA is an employee of George Soros.

Saul Alinsky was the mentor of Barack Obama’s mentors. George Soros.
is Obama’s employer. Barack Obama advocates the redistribution of wealth by taking wealth from the rich who earned it, and redistributing it to the not rich who did not and do not earn it.
Mon 14 Feb, 2011 03:01 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:

I think okie lives in a place that's world apart from most Americans.
Don't you live in the Berkley area (or is that your clone Cyclo)?
You think clouded and wrong.
I believe it is "Cyclo" as you call him, that lives in Berkeley. Interesting, here is one of Berkeley's latest adventures, I am guessing to try to prove they are politically correct?
"Berkeley Invites Gitmo Detainees: 'The Kind of People You'd Like to Have Living Next Door to You or Dating Your Cousin' "

Also, for anyone that cares, although I've said this before, although I grew up in a farming community in Oklahoma, I have lived in many places, including large cities, so that I am not exactly ignorant of what goes on in the world. And they don't consider places like Oklahoma as part of the "heartland of America" for nothing. They do not refer to Berkeley in that manner, also for a reason.
Mon 14 Feb, 2011 03:05 pm
ican711nm wrote:

SAUL ALINSKY trained three of Barack Obama's mentors in Chicago who trained Barack Obama. Barach Obama was hired in 1986 by the Alinsky team to "community organize" the South Side. The proposed solution to every problem on the South Side was distribution of government funds.
It appears that Obama has transferred that believed solution to the entire country, ican, such that distribution of funds is the proposed solution to every problem in America. And in order for government to have enough funds to do that, it will first have to take from the people that earn, generate, and have the funds.
Mon 14 Feb, 2011 05:39 pm
Okie, it is obvious that Obama must be impeached and removed from office ASAP. The longer he stays in office the more votes he will buy with tax payer money by buying legal voter votes and/or by merely bribing election officials to buy more dead voter registrations so that Obama voters will vote many times.

The goal of Obama-Soros gangsters is the theft of our country from us. They are fomenting a so-called peaceful revolution for conquering America in order to create their own version of a "new world order."

We must find a way to convince Congress to impeach and remove Obama before the Obama-Soros gangsters win their revolution.

Of course their is always available the "Egyptian people's method" of removing a gangster leader from office. Organize the massing of several million American people into the streets around the Whitehouse and Capital to demand that Obama-Soros resign or be removed.
Mon 14 Feb, 2011 05:40 pm

Of course their is always available the "Egyptian people's method" of removing a gangster leader from office. Organize the massing of several million American people into the streets around the Whitehouse and Capital to demand that Obama-Soros resign or be removed.

Why don'tcha get right on that, Ican? Laughing

0 Replies
Mon 14 Feb, 2011 05:43 pm
You do know that the people in question were found innocent of all charges against them. Right?

And they don't consider places like Oklahoma as part of the "heartland of America" for nothing. They do not refer to Berkeley in that manner, also for a reason.

Well, when you say 'they' you mean 'you.' Right? I mean, it's a bunch of mid-westerners who at some point decided that they represent real America.

Fine with me; we're too busy having fun in a beautiful place to give a **** what anyone else thinks. Next time you're sitting through a snowstorm, try not to think about those of us who never have to deal with that, ever.

0 Replies
Mon 14 Feb, 2011 05:43 pm
ican711nm wrote:

Okie, it is obvious that Obama must be impeached and removed from office ASAP.

We must find a way to convince Congress to impeach and remove Obama before the Obama-Soros gangsters win their revolution.

Of course their is always available the "Egyptian people's method" of removing a gangster leader from office. Organize the massing of several million American people into the streets around the Whitehouse and Capital to demand that Obama-Soros resign or be removed.

Sounds like a plan to me. Keep us posted.
cicerone imposter
Mon 14 Feb, 2011 06:09 pm
By all means; are there that many crackpots in the US?
Mon 14 Feb, 2011 06:11 pm
However hateful you may find their political beliefs, it is not illegal for them to hold them. Mere political opposition in our democracy is not a rationalization for either revolution or even impeachment. Get a life.
Mon 14 Feb, 2011 06:13 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I'm sure there are a million crackpots. Would they be willing to give up their nice lives to go spend time in DC without facilities protesting for 16 hours a day for weeks if not months? I doubt that.

It was hard enough to get 100,000 there to see Glenn Beck for 2 hours. They would want to be back in the hotel room in time to see Beck and Hannity so they would know what signs to bring the next day at noon for the 3 hours again.
Mon 14 Feb, 2011 06:16 pm
Most responsible and conservative minded citizens have jobs and families that they consider more important than marching in Washington. We are not much like the "rent-a-mob" folks that Democrats and liberals typically employ.
Mon 14 Feb, 2011 06:19 pm
Sure, that must be why the GOP bussed in people to protest the vote counting in Florida. Because you know, all those conservatives have jobs so they can hire people to protest for them.
Mon 14 Feb, 2011 06:22 pm
parados wrote:

Sure, that must be why the GOP bussed in people to protest the vote counting in Florida. Because you know, all those conservatives have jobs so they can hire people to protest for them.

Ah, the famous 'white collar riot.' I love the various 'where are they now?' threads on those guys.


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