Tue 14 Dec, 2010 11:53 am
Did anybody notice how "out of it" Mr Obama looked when he left Mr Clinton to answer questions with the excuse he was keeping his wife waiting.

Fancy a PC president saying "my wife".

It can do a person's head in can stopping smoking.
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 12:09 pm
But since he had a position of authority over her (he was the POTUS, she was an intern) she could have claimed sexual harrassment on his part, and won.

This was the guy who was talking about the world of reality?

Why would you bother to even raise this nonsense, MM?

And if Clinton had had his dick cut off as a child there would have been no blowjob.

She didn't claim sexual harassment because, as she has stated many times and the record clearly shows, there was none. What part of "there was no sexual harassment" don't you understand?
0 Replies
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 12:15 pm
Ooookie, Oooooooookie, what was that you said about showing respect for the "office" of the president? And if these were the worst things, you might even be able to convince me.

But pointedly, directly setting out to commit mass murder, to commit various and sundry war crimes, rape, torture, ... , kind of makes one wonder why an honest, moral guy like you would want to continue that degree of respect.
0 Replies
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 01:12 pm


Main Entry: greed Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation: grd
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: back-formation from greedy
1 : inordinate or all-consuming and usually reprehensible acquisitiveness especially for wealth or gain : COVETOUSNESS, AVARICE <a passionate greed for other people's money>
2 : extreme or voracious desire especially for food or drink; also : behavior motivated by such desire
synonym see CUPIDITY

Main Entry: greedy Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation: -d, -di
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): -er/-est
Etymology: Middle English gredy, from Old English gr[AE]dig; akin to Old High German grtag greedy, Old Norse grthr greed, hunger, grthugr greedy, Gothic gredus hungry, gredags hungry, and perhaps to Old English giernan to long for -- more at YEARN
1 : having or showing a very strong desire for food or drink : RAVENOUS, VORACIOUS -- often used with of <a lion greedy of his prey>
2 : having or marked by an intense usually reprehensibly excessive or selfish desire especially for possessions <greedy for money and power> <greedy of her love> <so thoroughly mercenary, so frankly greedy -- Dashiell Hammett> <the powerful depiction of the greedy, obsessed, invalid love of the heroine -- Anthony Quinton> <all who engaged in politics were greedy of office -- G.M.Trevelyan>
3 : EAGER, KEEN <went to the task with greedy interest> <elated and greedy for the future -- Frances G. Patton>
synonym see COVETOUS

Main Entry: 1en·vy Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation: env, -vi
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -es
Etymology: Middle English envie, from Old French, from Latin invidia, from invidus envious (from invidre to look askance at, envy, from in- 2in- + vidre to see) + -ia -y -- more at WIT
2 a : painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another, accompanied by a desire to possess the same advantage <his lavish style of living ... provoked half-contemptuous envy among his brothers -- Willa Cather> <I have a wild envy of the man in the taxi with her -- Hollis Alpert> b envies plural : instances of envious feeling <the attack ... was due not only to the jealousies and envies -- Hilaire Belloc> c : an object of envious notice or feeling <my brother and I were the envy of all our friends -- Margaret Bean>

Main Entry: en·vi·ous Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation: envs, -vis
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French envieus, envious, from Latin invidiosus, from invidia envy + -osis -ous -- more at ENVY
1 : characterized by, exhibiting, or reflecting envy : feeling or motivated by envy : maliciously covetous or resentful of the possessions or good fortune of another <tried to look disappointed and angry but ... only succeeded in looking envious -- Hervey Allen> <the sterile and envious principle of artificial equality -- Time> <examining the tire with envious appreciation -- M.M.Musselman>
2 archaic a : EMULOUS b : ENVIABLE <theirs was an envious gift, but lightly held -- Thomas Cole>
synonyms JEALOUS: envious is likely to suggest a grudging of another's possessions and accomplishments, a spiteful desiring of their loss, or, most frequently, a malicious or cankerous coveting of them <his successes were so repeated that no wonder the envious and the vanquished spoke sometimes with bitterness regarding them -- W.M.Thackeray> JEALOUS may suggest distrustful, suspicious, angry, or malcontent intolerance of the notion of anyone else's coming to possess what is viewed as belonging to or befitting oneself <France, jealous as it was of his greatness and covetous of his Gascon possessions, he could hold at bay -- J.R.Green> <I know that religion, science, and art are all jealous of each other because each of them claims, in a sense, to cover the whole field, that is, to interpret all experience from its own point of view -- W.R.Inge> It may be used without derogation to indicate cherishing and vigilantly guarding or maintaining <proud of their calling, conscious of their duty, and jealous of their honor -- John Galsworthy>

Main Entry: in·vid·i·ous Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation: nvids
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin invidiosus, from invidia envy + -osus -ose -- more at ENVY
1 : detrimental to reputation : DEFAMATORY <the invidious implication of the phrase is ... against those who pursue self-interest through politics -- Felix Frankfurter>
2 : likely to cause discontent or animosity or envy <the four confidential advisers of the crown soon found that their position was embarrassing and invidious -- T.B.Macaulay>
3 : full of envious resentment : JEALOUS <his professional abilities as an officer ... had to stand invidious scrutiny -- J.G.Cozzens>
4 a : of an unpleasant or objectionable nature : HATEFUL, OBNOXIOUS <invidious remarks that were sometimes neither kind nor true -- John Hurkan> b : causing harm or resentment : INJURIOUS <would be invidious to select for special mention a more or less haphazard list of names -- Survey Graphic> <far from our purpose to institute any invidious comparisons between these two gifted women -- Eugene Field>
synonym see HATEFUL


Exodus 20:1-26
17 “You must not desire ... anything that belongs to your fellowman.”

Tue 14 Dec, 2010 01:29 pm
“You must not desire ... anything that belongs to your fellowman.”

You've just described, PERFECTLY, Ican, the rapacious greed and avarice of the United States of America in its frequent illegal invasions and the resulting subjugation of the people in order to steal the resources of numerous countries around the globe.

This is the first time that I've noticed, I hardly read all your posts, you getting something right and here you got it dead on, spot on, 100%, perfectly right.

Of course, that's only as far as you've gone. There are plenty of other nouns and adjectives and even intensifiers/adverbs that you could use to describe the horrible brutality and criminal behavior that have been the hallmarks of US foreign policy.
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 01:31 pm
JTT wrote:

I hardly read all your posts.

Most of us just skip over your posts.
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 01:46 pm
Tell me something I don't know, h2oman.

There's an awful lot of Americans that simply can't face up to the truth. Facts are put in front of them and they refuse to read them, they deny deny deny, they attack the messenger, they go off on tangents, they admit the war crimes but divert with the "yeah but what about all the good the US does" routine, yet they never come up with any good things, they do everything they can except accept the truth about their governments and their country.

Tue 14 Dec, 2010 01:48 pm
JTT wrote:

Tell me something I don't know, h2oman.

You are green with envy, jtt.
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 01:57 pm
What could I possible be envious about; the fact that I, unlike you, am not one who is complicit in war crimes, mass murder, crimes against humanity.

Am I envious because I, unlike you, don't make excuses for the numerous times that Republican presidents have broken American laws?

0 Replies
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 03:38 pm
Nice of you to finally admit that you dont think the US has ever done anything good.
But since you say nobody has ever come up with anything, let me give you a few examples...
The CDC in Atlanta, thats the place that every country zends samples of diseases to for identificatikn. Its a worldwide clearing house for information about infectious diseases.

The Panama Canal
It has saved millions of dollars in shipping costs

US farmers provide more food aid internationally then most countries do. When you see bags of rice or wheat being distributed via the UN, those bags more often then not have "product of the USA" stamped on them.

Of course since you blame the US for every natural disaster or famine on the planet, I know you will discount the food aid this country gives away every year.

There are other things I could add, if you really were interested.
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 04:12 pm
Rock and roll mm. Fancy forgetting that. Mr Putin was singing Blueberry Hill at a party the other night. He tried to move like Fats but he couldn't get it quite right.
0 Replies
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 04:42 pm
Nice of you to finally admit that you dont think the US has ever done anything good.

Nice of you remain in character, to keep making up things as you go along, MM. Please provide a link or better yet, a quote that points to me saying that.

Are you going to run away again or are you honest enough to discuss these issues that you have raised?

1) US farmers provide more food aid internationally then most countries do. When you see bags of rice or wheat being distributed via the UN, those bags more often then not have "product of the USA" stamped on them.[/quote]

2) The CDC in Atlanta, thats the place that every country zends samples of diseases to for identificatikn. Its a worldwide clearing house for information about infectious diseases.[/quote]

3) The Panama Canal
It has saved millions of dollars in shipping costs

0 Replies
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 05:19 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
I understand that there were even several feminists who considered the seduction of an impressionable and somewhat dim young intern by her older and extremly powerful superior bordered on, if not crossed the line into sexual harassment.
Many of us did notice the double standard practiced by Democrats and feminists, that did not consider the factor of the power of the presidency playing a part in this, Finn. Remember how we've heard that power of a much older superior essentially renders the behavior as sexual harassment, that is if a Republican did it, but not a Democrat. If its a Democrat, then the liberals stick to their mantra of "consenting adults," no matter if the poor hapless girl is barely out of high school and is less than half the age of Clinton. I repeat the fact that if this had been Bush, which it never would have been because he would not stoop that low, but if it had been, he would have been chased out of office by the Democrats and the press in 90 days. And Laura would not have stood in the way of them leaving either.
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 05:30 pm
joefromchicago wrote:
Yes, I know: there are always excuses, always extenuating circumstances, always distinctions to be made when a Republican is accused of misconduct.
Substitute the term "Democrat," and that fits your side of the aisle extremely well, joe. Always extenuating circumstances. There are so many issues that this applies to, I don't know where to start, but how about no bid contracts by Obama. We hear hardly a word about that, but we heard no end of it with Bush.
A Republican congressman yells "you lie!" at the president during the state of the union address? Well, Obama is a liar, so that's OK.
What if he was lying, joe?
A Republican vice-president tells a senator to "go **** yourself"? Well, he's the vice-president, and, after all, it's not like he got a blowjob from an intern or anything. A Democratic congressman says "**** the president" in a closed-door caucus meeting?[silence]
I am the one speaking out against the Democratic congressman disrespecting the president. Do you not care? I also condemned the VP for his language. To compare the 3 incidents, the "you lie" comment seems the most accurate and truthful, while the others have no redeeming value, just my opinion. Whether someone should be censored or resign, I am going to backtrack on it all, to be honest. I would need to have more information from folks that were there to make a better decision. Overall, I think we need to do better than any of those incidents.

The funny thing is just how completely blind you are to your own inconsistencies. Like, for instance, this post, where you complain about Democrats continuing to criticize George W. Bush after he has left office. The problem is that you make that complaint as an excuse for your own complaints about Bill Clinton long after he has left office. Really, it just gets comical after a while.

And that's always the okie "get out of jail free" card, isn't it? A Republican can be accused of any sort of misconduct, but as long as he didn't get a blowjob from an intern, he's off the hook. I tell you what, okie: how about you make a pledge. For the next year, you promise that you won't use Bill Clinton's misbehavior as an excuse for a Republican's misconduct unless the Republican is accused of getting a blowjob (or similar sexual act) from an intern (or similarly situated employee). That shouldn't be too hard, should it? I'll even match you: if you pledge not to use Clinton as an excuse for Republican misdeeds, I promise I won't use GWBush as an excuse for Democratic misdeeds. Deal?
No, the funny thing is just how completely blind you and your fellow libs, and the press, are to your own inconsistencies, joe.
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 05:44 pm
I repeat the fact that if this had been Bush, which it never would have been because he would not stoop that low,

What you consider "stooping so low" Okie, points up just how amoral you are. Bush lies to Congress/the Senate/the people of the US/the world, launches two illegal invasions, breaks numerous American laws, causes the deaths of perhaps a million people, destroys what, millions of Iraqi/Afghan homes, not to mention countless lives, creates millions of refugees, but "he wouldn't stoop so low".

Had Bush done what Clinton had done, I would not have said boo, except maybe to point up what would have been the mountains of hypocrisy coming from Repugs like you.

Even in your post here,

"he would have been chased out of office by the Democrats and the press in 90 days."

you illustrate your hypocrisy. Why wouldn't YOU have been there chasing him out of office considering that his is such a moral affront to you?

Finn: I understand that there were even several feminists who considered the seduction of an impressionable and somewhat dim young intern by her older and extremly powerful superior bordered on, if not crossed the line into sexual harassment.

Finn raises a point that is worthy of discussion, but he does so in his usual slimy fashion.

He and you both fail to mention, [and I wonder why when you both are known to be such fair and honest individuals] and I'm almost certain that you wouldn't dream of entering into a conversation regarding the military's well known practice of targeting this same impressionable youth, kids even younger than Monica was, and the stakes for them are much much higher.

Tue 14 Dec, 2010 05:48 pm
I think it's funny that you consider a Blowjob to be more important the torture and blatant lawbreaking that Bush engaged in.

Joe has you dead to rights, man.

Tue 14 Dec, 2010 05:51 pm
Good question for okie.
0 Replies
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 05:52 pm
JTT, how do you think the history of the rest of the countries in the world regarding both good and bad behavior compares to the USA history over the previous 100 years?

Example Countries:

Example Good and Bad Actions:
1. number of civilians rescued from natural disasters;
2. number of civilians rescued from being murdered;
3. number of civilians rescued from being enslaved;
4. number of civilians rescued from epidemics;
5. number of civilians rescued from starvation and poverty;
6. number of civilians enslaved;
7. number of civilians murdered.
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 05:58 pm
What's so bloody special about civilians?
0 Replies
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 06:22 pm
I think it's funny that you consider a Blowjob to be more important the torture and blatant lawbreaking that Bush engaged in.

Those things that would have illustrated that the USA is a terrorist nation just slipped Cy's mind.

Joe has you dead to rights, man.

But he wants to remind you that Joe has you dead to rights, ... man!
0 Replies

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