Mon 13 Dec, 2010 09:31 pm
It is your hypocrisy and dishonesty that labels the points I make as flying "off on a separate tangent." I believe the issue here is hypocrisy, as it relates to all kinds of issues, not just one little pet issue you might wish to spin, JTT. I was providing much needed context to the subject.

So what is your point about the hypocrisy of mine, JTT, that I brought Clinton in on the subject, or that I said such language to Obama should be unacceptable? By the way, do you not realize I am sticking up for treating Obama and the president with some decency?

I think, JTT, that there is enough hypocrisy to go around, and you liberals are not lacking for any.
Mon 13 Dec, 2010 09:37 pm
JTT wrote:
Instead of addressing it, your first thought after you read my post: "Where can I go to find some **** on Obama? I know, Fox!"
By the way, if Fox reports facts, get over it. And you might be well advised to actually watch or listen to Fox, instead of being spoonfed by other biased sources. For example, if you did not know about Obama's no bid contracts to buddies, maybe that is the reason you did not know?
0 Replies
Mon 13 Dec, 2010 09:44 pm
It is your hypocrisy and dishonesty that labels the points I make as flying "off on a separate tangent." I believe the issue here is hypocrisy, as it relates to all kinds of issues, not just one little pet issue you might wish to spin, JTT.

Yes, hypocrisy was the issue, Okie. Specifically, your hypocrisy was the issue.

You dabbled around the edges and then ran, pell mell, for a red herring.

You talked around the Cheney event, spending so little time there, the only thing anyone could see was your ass, exiting.

You raised the Packwood thing and when your hypocrisy was pointed up, gone again, with the aid of a chunk of red fish.

Next numerous examples of serious breaches of national and international law were presented, events that you've provided cover for many times, but again, on to Clinton and then the new issue.

By the way, do you not realize I am sticking up for treating Obama and the president with some decency?

There is no reason whatsoever that Clinton or Obama or Bush or Cheney should be accorded any more respect or decency that any other elected official. They are not gods, they are merely elected officials.

not just one little pet issue you might wish to spin, JTT.

Did I not specifically state that that would be the next topic of conversation? Isn't that too, hypocrisy, Okie; completely ignoring what I said, pretending that it doesn't exist?
Mon 13 Dec, 2010 09:58 pm
JTT wrote:
It is your hypocrisy and dishonesty that labels the points I make as flying "off on a separate tangent." I believe the issue here is hypocrisy, as it relates to all kinds of issues, not just one little pet issue you might wish to spin, JTT.
Yes, hypocrisy was the issue, Okie. Specifically, your hypocrisy was the issue.
And I rightly pointed out that you guys on your side of the aisle are just as guilty if not more so. And I provided evidence, to which you don't like and therefore accuse me of going off on a tangent. I submit to you that some context is needed here, including what has happened in past years.
You dabbled around the edges and then ran, pell mell, for a red herring.
You talked around the Cheney event, spending so little time there, the only thing anyone could see was your ass, exiting.
On the contrary, I explained that Cheney was out of bounds, although I do not think his event or any of the events for that matter can be directly compared as equal. In retrospect, I don't know for sure how to compare them exactly, as I was not there when the words were said, so I don't know how loud or how many people heard what was said.
You raised the Packwood thing and when your hypocrisy was pointed up, gone again, with the aid of a chunk of red fish.
I did raise that issue, because I remember when it happened, and I also remember how it was reported as being so terrible, yet a few years later multiple accusations of rape against Clinton were virtually ignored. I find it all to be highly hypocritical, and so I think you are too if you don't recognize it as such.
Next numerous examples of serious breaches of national and international law were presented, events that you've provided cover for many times, but again, on to Clinton and then the new issue.
More baloney, and more of your opinion, not necessarily fact. It is all partisan opinion on your behalf, JTT, and hopefully you recognize that what you say is your opinion, not fact.
By the way, do you not realize I am sticking up for treating Obama and the president with some decency?
There is no reason whatsoever that Clinton or Obama or Bush or Cheney should be accorded any more respect or decency that any other elected official. They are not gods, they are merely elected officials.
Agreed, they are not gods, but that still does not mean they can be treated as dirt. After all, we should accord the office of president with some respect, and I also think how we talk to each other in Washington reflects our character as a culture and as a people.
not just one little pet issue you might wish to spin, JTT.
Did I not specifically state that that would be the next topic of conversation? Isn't that too hypocrisy, Okie; completely ignoring what I said, pretending that it doesn't exist?
I don't know what you are referring to there, so will let it go.
Mon 13 Dec, 2010 10:05 pm
Conclusion, I think the subject here should be Obama. I am ready to forget about the comments made to Obama, or by Cheney, etc., and how they compare. In the grand scheme of things, I don't think they are worth talking endlessly about here.
0 Replies
Mon 13 Dec, 2010 10:10 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Abusing interns? It is to laugh. It was so obvious that Monica went after Bill.
Mon 13 Dec, 2010 10:13 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Nobody thinks there was nothing wrong with the d'affaire Monique. But, remember that Monica pursued Bill. How many men would have said no?
Mon 13 Dec, 2010 10:16 pm
Frankly, I would like to bring forward a suit against Romneycare.
0 Replies
Mon 13 Dec, 2010 10:16 pm
Gee, I wish you were smarter.
Mon 13 Dec, 2010 10:17 pm
Yeah, perhaps, thanks to the Virginia Court, we will all be able to have single payer.
0 Replies
Mon 13 Dec, 2010 10:23 pm
one thing is now beyond doubt....Obama screwed up big time by doing health care. Even if it is a good plan that helps the nation improve care and/or get a handle on the out of control costs (which I seriously doubt) the instability that this law throws into the economy before the courts decide if it stands will greatly harm the economy. It will also further convince the world that Washington is broken and that Obama is mistake prone.
0 Replies
Mon 13 Dec, 2010 10:33 pm
Perhaps, the only thing that the Obama health care plan demonstrates is that compromise can be wrong, even unethical. When you are right, never give an inch.
Mon 13 Dec, 2010 10:40 pm
When you are right, never give an inch.
The GOP already knew this...they said that Washington grabbing for more power through ObamaCare was wrong and not helpful to fixing America.....they appear to have been correct. They did not give an inch and were rewarded in the last election, a performance that they are likely to repeat in the next election. The left has got to realize at some point that their agenda has been rejected by the American people, America no longer has the faith in Washington required to carry out big government, and we increasingly feel that Washington already holds on to too much power.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Mon 13 Dec, 2010 10:54 pm
plainoldme wrote:

Nobody thinks there was nothing wrong with the d'affaire Monique. But, remember that Monica pursued Bill. How many men would have said no?

That's silly, of course there are people who think there was something wrong with the affair. Hillary for one and Monica's parents for two more. I believe Chelsea wasn't exactly please when she heard the news, but that could have been a baseless rumor. Then there were the hundreds of thousands who were of the opinon that cigar insertions in the Oval Office while Yasir Arafat waited on hold demeaned the office of the presidency. I understand that there were even several feminists who considered the seduction of an impressionable and somewhat dim young intern by her older and extremly powerful superior bordered on, if not crossed the line into sexual harassment. Finally there was that even one hundred who thought infidelity to be a a self-debasing act of dishonesty and betrayal.

But you're right the slut threw herself at Bill. What was he to do? Wanton women were always preying on him. Afterall, he's just a man.
Mon 13 Dec, 2010 11:00 pm
After all, we should accord the office of president with some respect,

The "office" of president has been besmirched since pretty much the beginning, but only the relative present need concern us here. The number of war criminals that have occupied the office of president has badly tarnished the office, though, I believe and hope, not irrevocably.

and I also think how we talk to each other in Washington reflects our character as a culture and as a people.

I think that your decided inability to respect the rule of law both nationally and internationally is a much better indicator of character and this too has been badly tarnished, thought, again, I believe and hope, not irrevocably.
Mon 13 Dec, 2010 11:04 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Wasn't this the very topic that Finn swore he didn't want to rehash?
0 Replies
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 05:20 am
plainoldme wrote:

Gee, I wish you were smarter.

How could you possibly tell?
0 Replies
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 09:47 am
okie wrote:

joefromchicago wrote:
Are you suggesting that your own hypocrisy is simply a reaction to the perceived hypocrisy of the media?
joe, I don't take your accusation lightly. I admit to defending Republicans when I feel it is justified, and perhaps you are right, I am not treating the cases as equally as I should. However, it was President Obama that was dis-respected, was it not? So I am condemning that just as strongly as if it had been a Republican president, I think. In regard to Joe Wilson telling the president "you lie," at least that does not have gutter words involved, and he merely said what he very much believed to be true. I think there is a difference there and I do not think it is hypocritical to separate those two occurrences.

Yes, I know: there are always excuses, always extenuating circumstances, always distinctions to be made when a Republican is accused of misconduct. A Republican congressman yells "you lie!" at the president during the state of the union address? Well, Obama is a liar, so that's OK. A Republican vice-president tells a senator to "go **** yourself"? Well, he's the vice-president, and, after all, it's not like he got a blowjob from an intern or anything. A Democratic congressman says "**** the president" in a closed-door caucus meeting?


The funny thing is just how completely blind you are to your own inconsistencies. Like, for instance, this post, where you complain about Democrats continuing to criticize George W. Bush after he has left office. The problem is that you make that complaint as an excuse for your own complaints about Bill Clinton long after he has left office. Really, it just gets comical after a while.

And that's always the okie "get out of jail free" card, isn't it? A Republican can be accused of any sort of misconduct, but as long as he didn't get a blowjob from an intern, he's off the hook. I tell you what, okie: how about you make a pledge. For the next year, you promise that you won't use Bill Clinton's misbehavior as an excuse for a Republican's misconduct unless the Republican is accused of getting a blowjob (or similar sexual act) from an intern (or similarly situated employee). That shouldn't be too hard, should it? I'll even match you: if you pledge not to use Clinton as an excuse for Republican misdeeds, I promise I won't use GWBush as an excuse for Democratic misdeeds. Deal?
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 09:59 am
But since he had a position of authority over her (he was the POTUS, she was an intern) she could have claimed sexual harrassment on his part, and won.
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 10:16 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
I guess there are some subjects which people discuss even if they are tired of them.

In any event, Clinton was hardly the first president to have an affair.


Was Clinton the only one to succumb to carnal pleasures while serving in the white house? Nope abolutely NOT. Here are some more scandals and historical facts about men who served in the White House!

Here's a look at some of the other U.S. Presidents.

1. Which president smoked marijuana with a nude playgirl while he joked about being too wasted to "push the button" in case of nuclear attack?
2. Which president allegedly had affairs with both a winner AND a finalist in the Miss America pageant?
3. Which president made love to one of his secretaries stretched out atop a desk in the oval office?
4. Which president allegedly had an affair (as well as children) with a slave who was his wife's half sister?
5. Which president called his mistress "Pookie"?
6. Which president married a woman who hadn't yet divorced her first husband - and was branded an "adulterer" during his re-election campaign?
7. Which future president wrote love letters to his neighbor's wife while he was engaged to someone else?
8. Which president had a torrid affair with the first lady's personal secretary?
9. Which president made love to a young woman in a White House coat closet - at one point, while a secret service agent prevented the hysterical first lady from attacking them?
10. Which president made love in a closet while telling his lover about the *other* president who made love in a closet (the one in Question 9)?
11. Which vice president was cheesed off because he fel that HIS record of sexual conquests was more impressive than the president's?
12. Which future president, while a college student, loved showing off his manhood (which he named "Jumbo")?


1. John F. Kennedy
2. Bill Clinton
3. Lyndon B. Johnson
4. Thomas Jefferson
5. Bill Clinton
5. Andrew Jackson
6. George Washington
7. Franklin D. Roosevelt
8. Warren G. Harding
9. John F. Kennedy
10. Lyndon B. Johnson
11. Lyndon B. Johnson
.......and you thought Clinton was the Only One.


I am not excusing it, IMO, Lyndon Johnson seems the worse just from my short researching this morning, apparently he was mean to Lady Bird Johnson and yet she still loved him, (digressing) anyway, but I don't think the Clinton thing ever rose to the level of impeachment despite it having done so.

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