okie wrote:
joefromchicago wrote:Are you suggesting that your own hypocrisy is simply a reaction to the perceived hypocrisy of the media?
joe, I don't take your accusation lightly. I admit to defending Republicans when I feel it is justified, and perhaps you are right, I am not treating the cases as equally as I should. However, it was President Obama that was dis-respected, was it not? So I am condemning that just as strongly as if it had been a Republican president, I think. In regard to Joe Wilson telling the president "you lie," at least that does not have gutter words involved, and he merely said what he very much believed to be true. I think there is a difference there and I do not think it is hypocritical to separate those two occurrences.
Yes, I know: there are always excuses, always extenuating circumstances, always distinctions to be made when a Republican is accused of misconduct. A Republican congressman yells "you lie!" at the president during the state of the union address? Well, Obama
is a liar, so that's OK. A Republican vice-president tells a senator to "go **** yourself"? Well, he's the vice-president, and, after all, it's not like he got a blowjob from an intern or anything. A Democratic congressman says "**** the president" in a closed-door caucus meeting?
The funny thing is just how completely blind you are to your own inconsistencies. Like, for instance,
this post, where you complain about Democrats continuing to criticize George W. Bush after he has left office. The problem is that you make that complaint as an excuse for your own complaints about Bill Clinton long after
he has left office. Really, it just gets comical after a while.
And that's always the
okie "get out of jail free" card, isn't it? A Republican can be accused of any sort of misconduct, but as long as he didn't get a blowjob from an intern, he's off the hook. I tell you what,
okie: how about you make a pledge. For the next year, you promise that you won't use Bill Clinton's misbehavior as an excuse for a Republican's misconduct
unless the Republican is accused of getting a blowjob (or similar sexual act) from an intern (or similarly situated employee). That shouldn't be too hard, should it? I'll even match you: if you pledge not to use Clinton as an excuse for Republican misdeeds, I promise I won't use GWBush as an excuse for Democratic misdeeds. Deal?