okie, Why is it that everything you see are always negative? No matter in what human endeavor, there will always be fraud whether it's commerce or government operations. That's because human greed takes over people's brain, and lose the perspective of honesty, ethics, and morals.
It takes some government intervention to prevent fraud, and that's the reason a justice system is needed no matter where one lives in this world.
Pell Grants will encourage more students to attend college; this is a necessary foundation for any growing economy. Without it, our economy cannot remain competitive in the world marketplace.
Pell Grants has more value today than any time in our past, because China and India will surpass our economy (sooner) if nothing is done. Our saving grace for now is the simple fact that our economy is diversified into many areas of goods and services based in most developed and developing countries to compete.
Any short-sightedness to cut educational funding is the wrong track to take.