Fri 29 Oct, 2010 01:37 pm
Date: 10/28/2010 2:54:08 PM
Subject: Democrat Civil War – part 6 of 6

Hillary supporters realize this.
We received a heaping helping of Alinsky assaults to wake us up to this reality.
The reason so many of us support Governor Palin is not just because we see the same Alinksy assaults being waged upon her…but the woman is pitch-perfect in outlining exactly why Obama and the Left are wrong, and why Democrats under Obama are dangerous to have in elected office.
I know you talk about a “Hillary 2012″ but Rush, as much as I love Hillary Clinton, and as much as I worked my heart out for her in 2008, there’s no way that even she can repair the damage Obama has done to the party. Certainly not by 2012. MAYBE the Clintons and their supporters can purge the Obama lunatics from the party by 2016…but I doubt even that will happen. Just like with the Leftists Carter infected the Democrat Party with, Obama legacy hires will be in the DNC for a generation to come…and it might not be until the 2030s before the Democrats can remove the taint Obama and his Leftist agenda have put on the party.
Democrats have made themselves synonymous with anti-Americanism, anti-capitalism, and anti-democracy. Obama and his acolytes decidedly upped the ante when it came to their aggressive push towards socialism…and this Center-Right nation is resisting it in what I am certain will be an epic refudiation (to borrow the Governor’s term) next week.
On November 3rd, no one I know will be resting on any laurels. November 3rd starts the 2012 campaign…and not just the presidential race (where we’ll back Governor Palin) but the drive to knock people like Claire McCaskill out of office, continuing our work to take down every last one of the Obama supporters who backstabbed Hillary Clinton and helped install this socialist into the White House back in 2008. When you hear talk of a Hillary “enemies’ list”, or just “The List” as we call it in HRC supporter circles, this is very much real…and we are truly committed to making sure the Claire McCaskills out there get everything that is coming to them for all their service to Obama and his agenda.
Hear that, Ben Nelson…voters will be coming for you.
You and everyone like you.
Every last one of you.
If you voted for Obamacare, you are politically dead but may not know it…and it is your own fault. Being intensely stupid is no defense. If you were a YES vote on anything related to Obamacare you are going to be defeated…if not in 2010, then in the primaries in 2012. If you survive those, you will be taken down in the 2012 general election. Your political career is over…dummy.
Hope your time on the Obama Kool-Aid bandwagon was worth ruining your life over.
We will not forget those Obamacare votes. We will not forgive being called a racist because we don’t support this terrible man and his awful agenda. We will not be silenced.
We will not give up.
It’s going to be years, if ever, before the lamestream media ever catches up to any of this, and realizes that a large swath of people who used to be Democrat loyalists are now doing everything they can to destroy the party. Some of them are out and open, like me and my friends here at HillBuzz, but many are doing their part quietly. They just stop writing checks. Or maybe now they write checks to Democrat opponents. They might continue to attend events and fundraisers, but now they call up Republican sites and give them all the dirt on what they heard in those meetings. The Democrat Party alienated so many people who are now working to bring it down that I could go on for pages and pages more on this topic.
It’s very Sidney Bristow, Rush. And if you watched that show Alias, you’d know she not only won in the end, but looked damn good kicking ass while doing it.
THAT, El Rushbo, is what your “Hillary babes” are up to.
Here in Boystown, and in every town, because the Civil War Howard Dean, Donna Brazile, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Obama started on May 31st, 2008 is raging without end until the Democrat Party is no more.
Tell your listeners to count on that.

Kevin DuJan
Editor-in-Chief, HillBuzz.org
Hillary “Babe” in Buzzquarters, Boystown
0 Replies
Fri 29 Oct, 2010 02:04 pm
4 pm: President Obama is scheduled to arrive at the Charlottesville/Albemarle airport this evening at approximately 7 pm. The airport is 8 miles north of my house. His motorcade will take him on Rt 29 to the downtown pavilion, getting there around 7:30.
He will appear with the Dem incumbent Tom Perriello, who will probably lose on Tuesday. He upset the Repub in 2008 by 727 votes, riding on Obama's coattails.
Traffic is already getting sticky. The normal Friday afternoon thing plus lots of tourists in town for the peak of our fall colors and a home UVA game tomorrow. I, and other employers downtown, started letting people go early.
Rt 29, a major highway a half mile from my house, will be closed periodically.
A few Chinooks just flew over.
Fri 29 Oct, 2010 02:12 pm
Will you be wearing a blond wig and have his award ready for him?

Don't forget to waive bye-bye.
Fri 29 Oct, 2010 02:17 pm
Damn. H2O actually has a sense of humor but the nuance of the spelling of "waive" eluded me.
I'm at home and ain't going nowhere this evening.
0 Replies
Fri 29 Oct, 2010 02:19 pm
Yesterday several Tea party members yelled at and approached Congressman Keith Ellison interrupting his interview by reporters several times outside the Capitol in St Paul. None of them where attacked and thrown to the ground even though Ellison did say he felt intimidated by their actions.

"I hope the cameras catch you screaming and yelling, because I feel intimidated right now," said Ellison, who was heckled by several of the lawsuit's plaintiffs and their supporters as he tried to speak to reporters.

"What do you find intimidating about a program that is nearly identical to Neighborhood Watch?" asked Davis, who walked up to Ellison as he stood at a lectern.


Heckling a sitting Congressman is OK?
Fri 29 Oct, 2010 02:41 pm
Paddle wrote:

I saw there's a "Republican" and "Democrat" thread here... where the hell is the "Libertarian" thread?

It doesn't really exist, because most consider that a term for Conservatives who just don't want to call themselves what they really are. Sort of a joke.

But feel free to start one...

Fri 29 Oct, 2010 02:59 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

..who just don't want to call themselves what they really are. Sort of a joke.

Yes, Obama democrats are ashamed of people knowing what they really are.
Fri 29 Oct, 2010 03:16 pm
From the Desk of Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton:
More Shocking Black Panther Revelations

Those of you who have been following the New Black Panther Party scandal will be very interested in a new article published in The Washington Post last week. It includes some explosive new accusations of racism against the Obama Department of Justice (DOJ) as documented in a draft report by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, as a result of a year-long investigation into the DOJ’s decision to drop the Black Panther voter intimidation case.

Of course, much of this report necessarily relates to the specific voter intimidation case against the Black Panthers, who brandished weapons and threatened voters at a polling station during the 2008 elections.

According to Post excerpts, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights report reflects a deep and rancorous divide within the DOJ over whether that case should have been prosecuted. Here are a few excerpts from the article, which I suggest you read in full:
• Interviews and government documents reviewed by The Washington Post show that the [Black Panther] case tapped into deep divisions within the Justice Department that persist today over whether the agency should focus on protecting historically oppressed minorities or enforce laws without regard to race.

• After the Obama administration took over, high-level political appointees relayed their thoughts on the case in a stream of internal e-mails in the days leading to the dismissal….That decision to pull back the lawsuit caused conflicts so heated that trial team members at times threw memos in anger or cursed at supervisors.

• In recent months, [Justice Department attorney J. Christian] Adams and a Justice Department colleague have said the [Black Panther] case was dismissed because the department is reluctant to pursue cases against minorities accused of violating the voting rights of whites. Three other Justice Department lawyers, in recent interviews, gave the same description of the department's culture, which department officials strongly deny.

These revelations are certainly consistent with testimony by another DOJ attorney, Christopher Coates, who testified recently before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights that there exists at the DOJ “…a deep-seated opposition to the equal enforcement of the Voting Rights Act against racial minorities and for the protection of whites who have been discriminated against.”

But according to the Post article, these divisions existed long before the Black Panther scandal.

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights also contemplated another voter rights case that yielded shocking evidence of reverse discrimination at the DOJ. That case involved Ike Brown, “an African American political boss in rural Mississippi, [who] was accused by the Justice Department in 2005 of discriminating against the county's white minority.” (This was the first time in U.S. history that the 1965 Voting Rights Act was used to prosecute discrimination against whites.)

According to The Washington Post:
Three Justice Department lawyers, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they feared retaliation from their supervisors, described the same tensions, among career lawyers as well as political appointees. Employees who worked on the Brown case were harassed by colleagues, they said, and some department lawyers anonymously went on legal blogs “absolutely tearing apart anybody who was involved in that case,” said one lawyer.

“There are career people who feel strongly that it is not the voting section's job to protect white voters,” the lawyer said. “The environment is that you better toe the line of traditional civil rights ideas or you better keep quiet about it, because you will not advance, you will not receive awards and you will be ostracized.”

Just stop and consider the language used here: DOJ officials who did not “toe the line of traditional civil rights” “feared retaliation.” They were “harassed” and “ostracized” by DOJ colleagues who were “tearing apart” anyone who thought Brown ought to be held accountable.
0 Replies
Fri 29 Oct, 2010 03:30 pm

The Tempting Path of Protectionism

The Obama administration is playing with fire when it tries to bully other countries like Mexico and China to satisfy protectionist interest groups in the United States, says Jim Powell, a senior fellow with the Cato Institute.

It might be worth recalling how the Tariff Act of 1930 -- still the statutory basis of U.S. trade policy -- increased costs for consumers and businesses, devastated trade and plunged the Western world deeper into the depression that was already under way.

On June 17, 1930, President Hoover signed what became known as the Smoot-Hawley Act.

The law raised import duties an average of 59 percent on more than 25,000 agricultural commodities and manufactured goods.

More than 60 countries retaliated with restrictions against whichever products would inflict the worst losses on Americans.

In Great Britain, Smoot-Hawley helped provoke a protectionist reaction that led to the Import Duties Act (1932), the country's first general tariff law in more than a century.

Part II of the Import Duties Act provided 100 percent tariffs on goods from countries such as the United States that penalized British goods.

Because Smoot-Hawley included cork, which accounted for more than half of Spain's exports to the United States, Spain increased tariffs on American cars by 150 percent, enough to shut American cars out of the Spanish market.
Smoot-Hawley hit Italy's principal exports to the United States, including raw cotton, wheat, copper and leather, and Italy retaliated by more than doubling its tariffs on American cars; sales of American cars in Italy subsequently dropped 90 percent.

American farmers, who had lobbied hard for Smoot-Hawley, were among the biggest losers from all this. They saw their exports plunge from $1.8 billion in 1929 before Smoot Hawley to $590 million just four years later.

Rather than risk setting off another protectionist binge, the United States should pursue genuine hope and change: Begin the process of phasing out Smoot-Hawley and all its costly amendments.

Source: Jim Powell, "The Tempting Path of Protectionism," Washington Times, October 22, 2010.

0 Replies
Fri 29 Oct, 2010 04:13 pm
Obama democrats are ashamed of people knowing what they really are.

Hats off to you, sir! Seems to be too many undercover Pinkos on this forum.
Fri 29 Oct, 2010 04:16 pm
Paddle wrote:

Obama democrats are ashamed of people knowing what they really are.

Hats off to you, sir! Seems to be too many undercover Pinkos on this forum.

As a new member who seems to be interested in politics, I would recommend you join in on the discussions of specific points of policy and news items that you feel merit discussion - if you think you have what it takes to back up such statements, that is.

Fri 29 Oct, 2010 04:33 pm
I'll refrain from taking any suggestions from you. From the distorted information and nefarious tactics you use in "debating" (if that's what you call it) it shouldn't be hard to get under your skin by fighting fire with fire.
Fri 29 Oct, 2010 04:38 pm
Paddle wrote:

I'll refrain from taking any suggestions from you. From the distorted information and nefarious tactics you use in "debating" (if that's what you call it) it shouldn't be hard to get under your skin by fighting fire with fire.

It might be harder than you think; do you pretend that you are the first with an opinion, but with no supporting evidence or logic to back it up?

I assure you that nothing could be further from the truth.

Posters here on A2K generally determine their own level of involvement with the discussion. The way the board is set up makes it easy to ignore people, so if you aren't prepared to engage the conversation on an intellectual level, that is what quickly ends up happening to you.

This fact allows for a lot of discussion to take place, interesting discussion, no matter how many trolls or one-line bandits drop into the thread. Which one will you be - an interesting, engaged member of discussion? Or someone who ends up being ignored? Time will tell....

If you believe any information I have presented is 'distorted,' please specifically challenge it and we'll have a nice discussion, probably revolving around you being wrong, but who knows? Give it a whirl and find out!

Fri 29 Oct, 2010 04:49 pm
do you pretend that you are the first with an opinion, but with no supporting evidence or logic to back it up?

Quick to jump to conclusions aren't you? Don't show your insecurity just yet.

if you aren't prepared to engage the conversation on an intellectual level, that is what quickly ends up happening to you

Maybe you should take your own advice here, most of your posts tend to be, what you would call, "intellectual" attacks towards the opposing view. When in reality you're just resorting to the personal attacks toward someone based on their ideology rather than the topic at hand.

I love your type who tend to believe their ideology and sources are 100% flawless. Nonetheless, I'll allow your head to swell and will personally enjoy making you fill with rage.
Fri 29 Oct, 2010 04:54 pm

I love your type who tend to believe their ideology and sources are 100% flawless. Nonetheless, I'll allow your head to swell and will personally enjoy making you fill with rage.

I'm afraid you have misjudged me completely, sir, and I now regret the time I took to try and engage you in civil conversation.

Perhaps when you have something interesting or worthy of discussion to write, we'll converse again. However, I have no great expectations that this will be the case. As I said earlier, you are far from the first troll to appear here, and you won't be the last; and the method for dealing with the problem is simply to ignore you, which is what will be happening from now on. Though I will keep an open mind and see if you have the stones to wade into a policy discussion later, rather than stick to useless sniping and faux-preening.

Fri 29 Oct, 2010 04:55 pm
I love your type who tend to believe their ideology and sources are 100% flawless. Nonetheless, I'll allow your head to swell and will personally enjoy making you fill with rage.

Oh, the irony....
Fri 29 Oct, 2010 05:04 pm
parados wrote:

I love your type who tend to believe their ideology and sources are 100% flawless. Nonetheless, I'll allow your head to swell and will personally enjoy making you fill with rage.

Oh, the irony....

It will be fun to link back here later on.

0 Replies
Fri 29 Oct, 2010 08:11 pm
It's ok, go ahead and make a decision based on your feeling of cowardice.

As I've stated before, you Left-Wing fanatics do nothing but label (as you've done to me) and then attempt to pose their rebuttal as an "intellectual counter argument."
Fri 29 Oct, 2010 09:15 pm
I think it is interesting to watch this graph as Tuesday approaches. As Obama's Strongly Approve vs Strongly Disapprove index goes, so could go the election on Tuesday. Right now, it is Minus 19, which is not far from its historial low of about Minus 23 I think.
Fri 29 Oct, 2010 09:23 pm
I think also that the stock market may be starting to move a little in response to election predictions of big Republican gains? The Dow chart below is for the past month. It will be interesting to see the market response on the day after th election. After all, we know that the market responds to future outlook and confidence. Right now, there is not sufficient confidence in who is in Washington running things, but that confidence could either get worse or improve, depending upon the election.

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