Thu 29 Oct, 2009 06:25 pm
teenyboone wrote:

The plantation is exactly where you'd LIKE for me to be. I speak from MY experience as a Black in America, a native, the 5th generation from slavery.
What you know about the Black Experience, I could put in a thimble, so until you become Black, don't speak for me. I thank you for nothing, for you and people like you are why this country is where it is now.

No way do I want you on the plantation, you misunderstand my entire point. That is where the Jessie Jacksons and the race baiters want, they do not want to forget it and move on. And the Democrats want to use you, teeny, they will continue to tell you and fill your head with "life is unfair" mantra, so that you cannot move on. Ever since the Democrats have been using you, are the black communities any better off, ask yourself that. No, I don't believe so. Until you wake up to the fact that the way to put this behind you is to forget the groupee thinking and live as an individual, by the content of your character, not the color of your skin.

You are probably an avid fan of Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and mis-call yourself a Christian! Your leaders are the McCains, Palins and the "holier than thous"! Republican politicians who were "forced" out of the closet, but vote against Gay Rights! The only Black Leader I know, is a Man named Jesus.

Not what you would say avid fans, but yes I do collect information from Limbaugh and other conservative political observers. In case you care, Limbaugh has been one of the staunchest defenders of black conservatives, which your side of the aisle has savaged. People like Clarence Thomas, Michael Steele, Thomas Soule, J.C. Watts, and many others. He often has a guest host, an economics professor named Walter Williams, who seems like a great guy with common sense, and Ithink many of these people would tell you the same thing I am telling you. Teeny, when I heard Obama give his speech at the DNC many years ago that launched his presidential aspirations, I also listened to Michael Steele give a speech that same year at the RNC, and I said Steele is got substance but Obama has nothing but more of the same ole same ole, and its getting old. teeny, you can cry foul only so long and then you need to quit that childish stuff and just play the game. That is what conservative black people are doing. They have grown up and do not any longer want to be treated like some inferior group like your party treats you.

When Jesse Jackson starts paying my mortgage and Bill Cosby gets off his "high horse", they can start "leading" me around, okay? I've always "marched" to the beat of a different drummer. I hear my own music in my head and you have Blacks so screwed around you don't know who is who! Why? Go and look at the man in the mirror. You'd be great for Fox, Inc. You're just as "screwed" as the rest of your right winged brethren. You leave being Black, to me!

Please don't bother to reply, cause I won't!

Fine, I leave being black to you, but how about being teeny, an individual, and forget wearing black on your shoulder like you have a chip on your shoulder. You are correct in that I don't know what it is like to be black, but I do know what its like to be a human being that has had to struggle too for alot. Also, I spent a couple years in the Army and got to know alot of black guys, many were great, I liked their sense of humor, their abilities and so forth. The worst drill sargeant I had was a southern white guy that had a little napoleon complex, the best was a black guy, a great guy that knew how to get the best out of his men. Another observation, the attitude of a black person makes all the difference, if there is a chip on their shoulder, it is tough to break through the shell, but if not, everything is fine. I do not deny there are racists out there, but they are of all colors. Another observation, I know a few Jamaicans in California, and they are much more successful and get along better because they were not taught to have a chip on their shoulder. The same is true with Asians that immigrate to this country, they succeed because they were not taught they had a raw deal. I think that is what lies at the foundation of many of our problems of race, and it doesn't help to have politicians continue to reinforce that idea in people, certainly we don't need a president doing it.
cicerone imposter
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 06:35 pm
You are some stupid, ignorant, white guy. Nobody wears their race on their shoulder; it's who they are.

Has anybody ever told you not to be white?
0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 06:43 pm
Hi okie, like you I also knew a black guy in the military, he was a real nice fellow in fact he was so nice that if I closed my eyes when he was around I couldn't tell he was a black guy. He was just like a regular guy.
Diest TKO
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 07:12 pm
okie - Do you presume to be more informed than Teeny about the political and media influences that are targeting her? Would you the nice white guy like to educate her and tell her how it is? You seem to think you know something she doesn't know about her experience; you seem to think that she is being used and is too dumb to see it.

I agree Teeny ha a chip on her shoulder, but it's not her race. Maybe it's people telling her how to live and identify as if they knew better.

Thu 29 Oct, 2009 07:17 pm
dyslexia wrote:

Hi okie, like you I also knew a black guy in the military, he was a real nice fellow in fact he was so nice that if I closed my eyes when he was around I couldn't tell he was a black guy. He was just like a regular guy.

Some day, and I am really hoping here, someday you will add something of substance to these threads.

Thu 29 Oct, 2009 07:18 pm
@Diest TKO,
Diest TKO wrote:

okie - Do you presume to be more informed than Teeny about the political and media influences that are targeting her? Would you the nice white guy like to educate her and tell her how it is? You seem to think you know something she doesn't know about her experience; you seem to think that she is being used and is too dumb to see it.

I agree Teeny ha a chip on her shoulder, but it's not her race. Maybe it's people telling her how to live and identify as if they knew better.


So, ignore her posts and pretend that we shouldn't discuss it? You seem to be the wise one here, how should we discuss the topic without words?
Diest TKO
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 07:25 pm
People can talk McG, I didn't say they can't or shouldn't. I just find it laughable that okie thinks he explain better than they can the circumstances of their life. Okie claims Teeny is being used because of her blackness. Does he think he's more observant or more intellegent than her?

What does okie know that Teeny doesn't know about her life?

Thu 29 Oct, 2009 07:39 pm
@Diest TKO,
I do not know teeny personally, so I can't know the details of what she thinks, but from reading her posts, it is my theory that she has bought into the "woe is me" syndrome that so many blacks have been told to buy into by the race hustlers in this country. And those race hustlers definitely include and are predominated by liberal Democrats and socialist type Democrats.

I think this goes back a few decades when many or most blacks actually favored Republicans, with southern Democrats leading the charge to maintain segregation and their belief that black people were inferior. Fact is, it was Dwight Eisenhower that signed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 that really kick started modern civil rights in this country for blacks. Meanwhile as I said, the Democrats were not on board, with William Fullbright, Bill Clinton's mentor in Arkansas, being a good example of the Democrats in that era. I offer a youtube on this following this post. Then LBJ was an example of the Democratic Party that decided they were losing votes and decided to sell the black population on welfare programs, giveaway programs, to buy their votes, and so he brought us the Great Society. Interestingly, I think there is evidence LBJ was a racist himself. Unfortunately, LBJ's Great Society policies have probably done more to destroy black America than almost anything, and the inner cities are a testimonial to that destruction. And the same liberal policies to buy black votes for the Democrats continue to this day. Unfortunately, they vote almost 90% Democrat down the line. Conservatives try to make inroads in this, but once a belief becomes a tradition and the children are brought up and taught this from one generation to another, it is difficult to change.

I would also recommend, teeny to look at the Black Republicans website, and the history is also recounted there, I think similar to what I said, but probably better detail.


cicerone imposter
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 07:39 pm
@Diest TKO,
That she wears her color on her shoulders. Really smart observation from okie; the expert of nothing.
Walter Hinteler
Fri 30 Oct, 2009 03:41 am
@cicerone imposter,
'Obama is Average'
0 Replies
Fri 30 Oct, 2009 07:54 am
dyslexia wrote:

Hi okie, like you I also knew a black guy in the military, he was a real nice fellow in fact he was so nice that if I closed my eyes when he was around I couldn't tell he was a black guy. He was just like a regular guy.

Some day, and I am really hoping here, someday you will add something of substance to these threads.

Oh McGentrix, get over yourself. The substance to the comment is you and your merry band of shiny whities think white is the standard. Anyone who isn't white, well, they're lesser beings, but your willing to overlook it cause you have yourself some kickass Nobelsse Oblige.
Fri 30 Oct, 2009 08:15 am
Gala wrote:

Oh McGentrix, get over yourself. The substance to the comment is you and your merry band of shiny whities think white is the standard. Anyone who isn't white, well, they're lesser beings, but your willing to overlook it cause you have yourself some kickass Nobelsse Oblige.

No, the substance of the comment was an effort to be sarcastic. I am so sorry you feel that you need to base my comments on some imaginary racism you see in my posts as it's not there. I don't apologize for being white, wasn't my choice, but I had and have the same opportunity in America as every other person no matter their color. People like Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama and many others prove this to be true. They have risen above their condition through personal effort, some good luck and a ton of doing for themselves.

So, take your silly comments and shove them up your ass. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. People have a choice to live their lives and you can either get busy living, or get busy dying while whining about it.
Fri 30 Oct, 2009 08:29 am
People like Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama and many others prove this to be true. They have risen above their condition through personal effort, some good luck and a ton of doing for themselves.

What condition would that be?
Fri 30 Oct, 2009 08:41 am
Gala wrote:

People like Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama and many others prove this to be true. They have risen above their condition through personal effort, some good luck and a ton of doing for themselves.

What condition would that be?

Figure it out. Show some initiative and examine each persons bio and see what condition it is. I'll give you a hint, it's not being black which is what your initial reaction was, you racist.
0 Replies
Fri 30 Oct, 2009 08:57 am
They have risen above their condition ...

A very demeaning word choice.
Fri 30 Oct, 2009 09:01 am
Why is that? Could it be because you want to read racism into everything anyone says?
0 Replies
Fri 30 Oct, 2009 09:02 am
Gala, what would YOU want me to do? Please see my post here: http://able2know.org/topic/71145-1455#post-3797844

I was really hoping that teenyboone would answer, but it appears that she won't. I understand why she may want to complain about things, but I would have expected that she would offer some solutions when asked.
Fri 30 Oct, 2009 09:41 am
maporsche, I saw your post and I don't think it's my place to step in. I can't speak for teeny about what she would want, but I do hope she responds to you. What I do relate to with teeny is how angry she is. I believe it's warranted. I don't agree with some of the things she's said but I am more interested in the trajectory and the depth of her anger. TKO said something about her having a chip on her shoulder...well, you know what? Anger has more to do with it.

It's not some frivolous unexamined anger either. She's speaking for people who otherwise might not speak. And she's going full force, because she can. Not too long ago she did not have that option if she wanted to stay alive, because white people always made sure to put her in her place. Can you imagine living like that?
Fri 30 Oct, 2009 10:08 am
McGentrix wrote:

People have a choice to live their lives and you can either get busy living, or get busy dying while whining about it.

McGentrix, your analogy is an interesting one, and I think a good one.

I mentioned another analogy a few posts back I think, and I kind of like it too. It has to do with playing basketball in pickup games. I used to do that alot when I was younger, either at the park or at a recreational program at a high school gym. Every day or game was a new scenario with a new set of players, and it was fun to participate in. Typically the game is played by calling your own fouls, and this of course depended upon using a sense of fairness in calling them. Some of the time, you ended up with a great bunch of guys, other times there always seemed to be one or two that insisted upon whining and calling anything a foul, especially if they were losing or missed their shots. If they missed the shot, they somehow had the mindset it could not have been their fault, it was because somebody fouled them, even if it was not so much as somebody barely touching them or even just waving their hand in their face. If you had two guys on opposing teams that wanted to make it an issue, then they would both begin to call all kinds of fouls to make up for the fouls called on them, and then this would degenerate into a name calling match and the rest of us would then have to talk to them and tell them to quit or they were off the teams, etc.

I think this is similar to life, some people are going to look for fouls because they just cannot endure the thought that it might be their own shots that are not falling, or they double dribbled or walked with the ball instead of somebody pushing them. I think some fouls do happen, but I think those have already been pretty much taken care of by all the laws that are in place. So I think everyone should just get on with the game. That is what we need to all tell the race hustlers in this country, to shape up, play the game, and quit whining. It does no good for a president and an administration to give credence to these types of people, it will only cause bigger problems the more that is done.
cicerone imposter
Fri 30 Oct, 2009 10:13 am
Gala, Good points! Some people never learn to fit in the shoes of people who have "lived it."

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