He, (George Allen), regrets the remark to this day! Darn! Ruined his run for President too. It was the beginning of the crumbling/imploding of the Republicans nto themselves. Democrats sin, stumble, fall and many of the SAME offenses ALL politicians commit, because they are human. What gets me are the "holier", "christianer" "pius" ones, that 1) get caught cheating on their wives using high priced prostitutes, 2) the "in the closet" Gays with wives as a foil, luring men in bathrooms, 3) the hypocrites who prosecuted Clinton, while having kids out of wedlock, (Henry Hyde), 4) cheated on wife 1, while having an affair with a legislative aide, (Newt Gingrich), then MARRIED HER, then divorced her and is on wife 3 or 4! And last Mark Foley, that protector of kids, who was texting and emailing male pages, had sex with them, but the ultimate was Gov. Sanford who used taxpayer dollars to "fly" to his beloved in Argentina, while hiking!
So tell me, which one of them is a "conservative"? NONE! They served to SERVE themselves first and their constituents BE DAMNED! Not that some Democrats weren't tit for tat; see both governors of NY and John Edwards. Powerful men but can't keep their privates in their pants! Let's not forget Dick Cheney when he shot his friend in the face. The 2 women with them were NOT their wives!
The killer is the hypocritical way Repugs "justify" what they do! Too bad they aren't "liberal"!