Thu 29 Oct, 2009 08:01 am
Gala wrote:

Racist? You? Hardly. Merely ignorant. Isn't it C.I. that always claims there is no cure for stupid? That's why you get ignored, because there is no cure for you.

Ignorant? McGentrix, is that the best you can do? I'm not ignoring what teenyboone has said, it's compelling and truthful. What I find so exhausting about the racism issue isn't that it exists, it's that so many people out there refuse to acknowlege it exists.

Explain to me what is compelling and truthful about this:

As far as the 3 virtually "black" people you mentioned, as in the head of the republican party, Ms. Rice and Justice Thomas, they are 3 "certified" PAID "OREOS"! Black on the outside, WHITE on the inside. If you haven't lived as a Black person for the last 200 years, you don't have a "clue"! 3 known "SELLOUTS" of the African-American Community, while prominent in all things politics, irrelevant in the Black Community. They are in the spotlight, only to justify a "white" world, they would LOVE to immerse themselves in.

Thu 29 Oct, 2009 08:12 am
Explain to me what is compelling and truthful about this:

If you haven't lived as a Black person for the last 200 years, you don't have a "clue"! 3 known "SELLOUTS" of the African-American Community, while prominent in all things politics, irrelevant in the Black Community. They are in the spotlight, only to justify a "white" world, they would LOVE to immerse themselves in.

You want me to explain something she's already explained. If you haven't lived as a Black person for the last 200 years, you don't have a clue. I think that gets right to the point.

Have you lived and experienced life as a black man?
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 08:17 am
Gala wrote:

Explain to me what is compelling and truthful about this:

If you haven't lived as a Black person for the last 200 years, you don't have a "clue"! 3 known "SELLOUTS" of the African-American Community, while prominent in all things politics, irrelevant in the Black Community. They are in the spotlight, only to justify a "white" world, they would LOVE to immerse themselves in.

You want me to explain something she's already explained. If you haven't lived as a Black person for the last 200 years, you don't have a clue. I think that gets right to the point.

Have you lived and experienced life as a black man?

Have Steele, Rice and Thomas? I believe that would more to the point. I wasn't aware that wanting to better one self, to be successful and intelligent were "white" things.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 08:44 am
Thank you. I'm not even going to entertain McGentrix with an answer. I stand by my feelings on Steele, Rice and Thomas. They are MY feelings and are those of many other persons black and white. Thomas, for one, would LOVE to turn back both Civil Rights Acts, as though neither one remedied anything.

From my perspective, Obama, 47, is a direct recipient of the strides towards equality, promised all Americans under the Constitution, that we are ALL equal. You don't have to agree with him on any issue, but you have to respect his right to want fair and equitable treatment for ALL Americans.
It's a really hokie ideal, but it's one I can buy in to. I have a son who is a year younger than Obama and I always thought that from that generation, "change" would finally come.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 09:07 am
teenyboone wrote:

Your statement speaks for itself. First of all, my comments are meant to keep you aware of the fact that while you "pretend" to overlook the fact that Obama IS Black, the racial references to his being Islamic instead of American, with the continuous reference to his middle name, that if he isn't Islamic, he's certainly a "communist" and if he isn't a commie, he HAS to be a Socialist, right?

Teeny, I am going to try to reason with you. First of all, I do not pretend to overlook the fact that Obama is black, you miss the point altogether, what I am saying is that blackness should have nothing to do with whether the man is qualified for the office, nor should it have anything to do with his character or policital views. It should be based upon character and his personal beliefs.

As far as the 3 virtually "black" people you mentioned, as in the head of the republican party, Ms. Rice and Justice Thomas, they are 3 "certified" PAID "OREOS"! Black on the outside, WHITE on the inside. If you haven't lived as a Black person for the last 200 years, you don't have a "clue"! 3 known "SELLOUTS" of the African-American Community, while prominent in all things politics, irrelevant in the Black Community. They are in the spotlight, only to justify a "white" world, they would LOVE to immerse themselves in.

Wow, what a crock, teeny. This is where you are going wrong. Even Bill Cosby got into trouble for saying black kids should study. Are you of the philosophy that studying, working, staying married, being responsible, believing in individual rights, responsibilities, etc., that is too white? Listen teeny, you are not going to convince me that Jessie Jackson and his definition of blackness also includes being a Democrat, a socialist, a big government that says you can't do diddly without the government helping the blacks. Teeny, you seem to be confirming that blackness is somehow intertwined with politics, with being a liberal Democrat, so you accuse Thomas and other conservative black people of being "oreos." That is not only repugnant, it is just plain stupid, teeny.

What do I mean? They HATE the fact, they were unfortunately born into the Black race. They hate Blacks more than Whites hate Blacks. I don't mean ALL whites. They are in the minority. I'm talking whites, who parade as legislators, tv personalities and talk radio broadcasters because they feel an entitlement, artificially created in the 18th century, to justify slavery and to perpetuate a sense of superiority against ANYONE not like them. Remember the "macaca" reference to a hispanic-American that was native-born, but the Virginian making the reference, was too ignorant to realize just how diverse this country was/is. You tell me!

Total and absolute nonsense. Where do you get that nonsense. I take you as a more intelligent person than that. Did your parents or friends poison you with that? You do not need to live forever with the mistaken idea that blackness and being proud of it includes the idea that government and the white man owes you a living, owes you a handout, and all the rest of the crap. Grow up, teeny. The race baiters like Jessie Jackson want to keep the black race on the plantation so that the white man can feed them and take care of them as long as their lousy political party can run the plantation. The surprise for the party this last election was that the using of Obama for their ends, it backfired on them and Obama rose up and beat their own, the high and mighty Hillary. I was glad to see her lose by the way.

ke you want to totally ignore the fact that "race" drives politics in every facet of American life. Do any of you remember the "skinheads" that paraded through Skokie, IL, to rile up the Jews living there? Else why is there such an anti everything in referece to the 1st Black President? Obama wants bi-partisanship in Washington. Instead, he gets negative everything from the ultra-conservative, far right wing of Republicans and so-called "Blue Dog" Democrats, whatever they are. Just let a Black person give their opinion on anything and like this group, you want to "ignore", deny and repudiate anyone for driving the "race" card, as you call it.

As long as I'm in this group, I won't let you forget it! As smart as they appear to be, Bill and Hillary Clinton are as "racists" as the right wing they deplore. Clinton balanced the budget, off the backs of poor whites and blacks, a group HE came from, changing welfare as WE know it and while some Blacks still drool over Bill and Hillary, they showed their TRUE colors, during the race for the presidency. They are LOST to progressives whites and Blacks like me, forever! So go on, call me whatever you like. You know I know what time it is, so ignore history. You're doomed to repeat it!

Teeny, you show some ability to reason, but if you will ever get yourself off the plantation and stop thinking that the government owes you something because of the sins you refuse to stop holding on to, then you might see the light. People like Justice Thomas and Michael Steele, and other conservative blacks are very proud of being black, but more than that - they are very proud of having character without regards to color, and they are convinced that they are good and worthy individuals as good as any other person in this country that can succeed based upon their own hard work and character, not because they think the government or the white people owe them something.

My advice to you, teeny, is to get over your color and concentrate on your own character. It sounds to me like you have succeeded, and hopefully you attribute it to your own character and hard work, not because somebody owed you something. This "oreo" accusation of fellow citizens is a total and absolute disgrace.
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 09:18 am
Code:My advice to you, teeny, is to get over your color
just ******* amazing.
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 09:22 am
teenyboone wrote:


Teeny, I would invite you to join the conservative ranks, an idealogy that focuses on the higher and more uplifting goals, that we the people through hard work, individual responsibility and liberty, we can do better than an over intrusive and monster government that wants to solve every problem for us. The big government party is the Democrats. That road leads us downhill, to a place we don't want to be.

That's the biggest boatload of propaganda, I've ever heard so far. It's in all of the history books, too. What in the world do you think slaves were doing? Resting on their laurels? Do you also "buy the lie" that Blacks don't want to get ahead? Ask yourself how, if blacks don't grow it and ship it, do drugs get into the Black Community? Just shows up? It's "planned genocide"; brought in by the CIA by air and their operatives and make sure it goes to the Black communities nationwide. How else could a plane LOADED with cocaine crash in Arkansas, no less, while Clinton was the President? A man named Hasenfus was the pilot and crash-landed into a private airfield run by the CIA which is your government! Before that, I could never figure how how drugs made it exclusively into the Black Community.

Wow, you believe in that stuff. Even as much as I think Clinton was very corrupt and a scoundrel, the idea that the CIA is shipping drugs into the black community, come on teeny, get serious, that is total and absolute nonsense. Drugs get into those areas because of the demand, its supply and demand, and the baser aspects of human nature causes many lowdown human beings to want to make a profit out of such lowly kinds of activities. As long as drugs can be sold anywhere, the drugs will get there, it does not take the CIA to do it. And much of the drug pushing in the inner city black areas is done by fellow blacks. Are they working for the CIA, and if so, why? The idea is silly, teeny.

Now, as far as Clinton being involved in drugs, nothing would surprise me, his own brother was apparently getting a good supply, perhaps he still does? But drugs are everywhere, everywhere there is a market. I have a relative working in law enforcement, and some of the hottest spots these days are in small farm community towns in Oklahoma where rent is cheap, it draws the undesireables and duds, and they are 99% white in these areas. Is that also a conspiracy by the CIA? Ha ha, what a laugh. No, it is those people doing it themselves because they are either too dumb or too lazy to figure out that getting a decent job and living a wholesome life is better.

Now you have white kids overdosing on chrystal meth, made at home by kids, whose parents are unsuspecting. Kids taking their parents pain killers, selling pain killers and as a Black wonder what is wrong with them? Kids having illegal alcohol parties, because they aren't taught the "art" of socialization at home. My background is European, where wine was served to us, as kids. Everybody had an aperitif glass at their right. I've never binged, never arrested, etc., because drinking was a part of the ritual of dining. No, I didn't come from the "ghetto" either. Didn't know what it was supposed to be until my father pointed out a housing project. So when you think I'm being racist, it shows how little YOU know, about Black life in America.

What you say proves nothing more than what we have already discussed. Bottom line, it is up to us, the individual, to be drawn to live on a higher plane and reject the baser instincts and self destructive habits and ways of life, regardless of the color of our skin. And Obama is no worse or no better because of his heritage, sorry to disappoint you. I would support him if he believed in conservative principles, but since he appears to be a socialist, even communist leaning idealogue, I am going to oppose the man very vigorously. I believe he is potentially the worst president we've ever had, as bad as Clinton, perhaps worse if he is able to take the country too far left.
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 09:49 am
dyslexia wrote:

Code:My advice to you, teeny, is to get over your color
just ******* amazing.

I know. It still makes me shake my head and say "Damn!!" ...even after reading it for months and years and knowing it its never going to change.
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 09:51 am
But none of that crap that teeny said makes you say 'damn'? I think your scale is tipping a little too much to one side.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 09:55 am
Teeny, you show some ability to reason, but if you will ever get yourself off the plantation and stop thinking that the government owes you something because of the sins you refuse to stop holding on to, then you might see the light.

Add this to okies "sins": Condescension, entitlement.

You've got a lot of nerve oky.
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 10:00 am
dont diss the okie, he will put you on ignore and then where will you be?
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 10:32 am
Bottom line, it is up to us, the individual, to be drawn to live on a higher plane and reject the baser instincts and self destructive habits and ways of life, regardless of the color of our skin.

Look! it's the Royal "us."
What higher plane would that be okie? Is it the higher plane from your pedastal?
cicerone imposter
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 11:00 am
These assholes want you to deny that you're black. That comes from a deep-seated bigotry of superiority that they can't see.
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 11:28 am
@cicerone imposter,
That comes from a deep-seated bigotry of superiority that they can't see.

What are they afraid of? is what I want to know.
cicerone imposter
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 11:30 am
They're afraid of what they've always been afraid of: equality.
Diest TKO
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 11:35 am
snood wrote:
dyslexia wrote:

Code:My advice to you, teeny, is to get over your color
just ******* amazing.

I know. It still makes me shake my head and say "Damn!!" ...even after reading it for months and years and knowing it its never going to change.

I think the best way I can describe this is type of thing (it's not the first time I've seen it) is that people like okie are ignorant to the relavance of their ethnicity to such a degree; are so used to the entitlement that they don't even recognize it. So when someone identifies as black they roll their eyes and think it's using race as leverage, but don't see how their race is used as leverage to their advantage in unspoken terms.

I do have to disagree with Teeny on the Michael Steele/Condeliza Rice point. I hate hate hate the slur of "oreo" or "banana." These people do not owe the black community anything. They aren't black people acting white. Such an accusation implies that their is a proper and correct way to be white or black. Utter nonsence. So unless she was being ironic, I have to chime in and call shenanigans.

While I'm chiming. I'll note that discussions on race in the USA are too often over simplified. It's whites versus blacks, or at best whites versus non-whites. Either way, race, must be addressed is it concerns white people. Immigration is a heavily race oriented topic for hispanics/latinos and in some communities ssians. However, the topic is only framed from how this is going to effect the status quo/whites. I think many white people still see themselves as being the most important and can't stand not being the center of a topic. Heaven forbid we talk about improving schools in traditionally black neighborhoods, we need to talk about how it's hard for white kids too. Once we've talked about it to their satisfaction, then we can be permitted to discuss options on improving the quality of life for others. I feel like people such as okie thin they are netitled to be the referee about how we discuss and how we identify with race.

Asians, hispanics/latinos, native americans, etc do not fall on a continuum between black and white.

0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 11:48 am
@cicerone imposter,
They're afraid of what they've always been afraid of: equality.

I think that's a big part of it, but there seems to be something more than that.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 11:51 am
dont diss the okie, he will put you on ignore and then where will you be?

Ha. I think he's got us all on ignore. I'll bet you 5 bucks he doesn't respond.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 11:59 am
Remember the "macaca" reference to a hispanic-American that was native-born, but the Virginian making the reference, was too ignorant to realize just how diverse this country was/is. You tell me!

I heard a story from a friend from Virginia, who said this guy (George Allen?) was so insulated, he was so being bred by an outdated group of good ol' virginia boys , he had no idea he said anything wrong. We can thank Youtube for exposing him.
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 12:12 pm
How pertinent this news is!

Remember the Crowley incident, and the 'beer summit' that was derided by the right-wing as a failed attempt to remedy the situation?

Talks, apparently, continue. Perhaps race relations in America will continue to improve over time, despite actions from various people to deny that from happening.

I sometimes think that people forget that the baseline state of humanity - at least if history is any judge - is to hate pretty much everyone who isn't just like your genetic and social group.


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